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Introduction-Amishway Homesteaders


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We are the "Amishway Homesteaders" which is both the way we try to live and grow. One of the reasons we are homesteaders is we wanted to live a simpler less hectic lifestyle. We’ve taken on a debt-free lifestyle as well which means both the house & vehicles we own are paid for plus we have no credit cards. We both like the old ways of living and shy away from most modern conveniences. What we really did for the most part is we have gone back to the basics. We have converted half the house over to “pioneer” style living: non-electric appliances, kerosene lamps, etc. This has been a real challenge seeing that we still live in town and not on a farm like most homesteaders.



We're fortunate in that we are friends with the Amish in the area so we get to work with and learn from 'our friends'. There are a few drawbacks with living in town. We can't raise farm animals or have room for a large garden area but we do what we can to make our home a homestead. However we enjoy going to our Amish friends farms and helping them do chores. We like to barter whenever we can for everyday things that we can’t get here in town. Such as fresh cow milk, eggs and sometimes even meat. It is such a joy to be out in the fields with the crew whether we are picking rocks out of the fields or thrashing with the old horse-drawn machines. Lori gets to help the women in the kitchens with the baking, making of noodles and laundry soap making. We are also drivers for the Area so we get to spend a lot of time there making grocery trips, doctor visits and bringing work crews to job sites.


*Visit our webpage for more ideas*

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