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I had to call the police last night...


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...on my dad. He was delusional. He was convinced that people were running gas lines under the house in order to explode it. He went out the front door. It was about 10:30. We simply could not get him to come back in. He left our yard. My husband followed him on foot and I called 911. It took two EMTs and 2 police officers to get him back in. He did go to sleep after that. He is still a bit out of it today.


We shall see what the coming weeks bring and what decisions will have to be made.

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Deanne, please do take him to the dr. if he is on medications, it could be that 2 of them are working against each other. I've had this happen with my MIL.


I'll be

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Is this the first time this has happened, or has it happened before? I agree with the others..take him to the doctor and see if something medical is causing his behavior. Also, how long has he lived with you? If he has just recently moved in, it could be something called "sundown syndrome". Most older people have this when they are in a new place and out of their routine. They get confused around dusk. It happens a lot in the hospital.



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Ohhhh...I am so sorry! That must have been really scary! I hope that he gets to feeling better really soon! I agree, he probably needs to have a Dr. look at him.

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another thought on the meds- some of them will make you think you are smelling something or make your sense of smell more sensitive. AND/OR if he's just recently moved in with ya'll, there are smells about all of our houses that WE don't notice (I've got 4 dogs in the house....) but are VERY noticable to someone just coming in- do you have natural gas? and is there maybe a tiny leak somewhere? do you have carbon monoxide and (what's that other thing? radon?) testers in the house?

I'd take him seriously and check it out before blaming his age/medication.

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