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AUGUST 1. 2006


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Well since I'm further west of ya'll I have a break in the heat. Low 80s today. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very nice. Baked 4 loaves of bread, and have some beans on the stove for baked beans to put in the fridge. Going to make some pantry stuff in a bit and then go take a nap.


Yesterday did the budget for the rest of the year. It's kind of depressing. It's going to take us until September to recover from having to spend extra on the kid exchange trip and to fix the car. I'm so tired of putting money into this car but we can't sell it cause we still owe Larry's parents money on it.


Dinner tonight is beef brisket and gravy, taters, bread and some veggies of some kind.



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today was a slow day at work. i started the sday with a migrane, but a couple of tylenol later, i was right as rain. yesterady i was sooo sick! i could hardly stand! pat gets paid today, and me on thursday. i am hoping to go to costco, but of course, i have a TON of bills to pay. i have started us on this new budget where we will get most things paid off within 5 years. well, we are going to pick one bill at a time to go big on, and the rest we will do 2 times the minimum (the wierdest thing just happened....) or 2 times the new intrest charges, whichever is more. so, at this rate in 5 years we will be able to think about buying land. and maybe a trailer to go on it.


anywaysm that really wierd thing just then....well, my computer just up and started talking to me. something called the windows narrator. i didnt know it exsisted, and her eit is talking to me! almost made me loose my entire train of typin.


ok, typing is hard enopugh....but most of the letters are rubbed off my keyboard. makes it challenging for us hunt and peck typists. lol


have a good day!!

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pat came home and just presented me with a music dvd i have been wanting!!



type o negative dvd for those who have even heard of them. hah hah

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