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Middle of the Week Wednesday


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Yesterday I got all of our boxes of clothes gone through. Have a pile to go on ebay, a pile to donate, and had a huge pile for the neighbor boy. Well I have one more box, but that's baby girl stuff, so it can wait until we know what we're having. Pulled out all ofthe winter stuff and it's waiting to be washed. Now I have a HUGE pile of laundry. Guess we know what I'll be doing today LOL. On Friday, when the kids are hre to help, I'll put away most of the summer stuff, as it's getting chilly here already.


Going up to the closing consignment store today, neighbor said there are some baby clothes there that should fit Roan. Plus she's selling her shelving and wanted to talk to me about taking her stuff on consignment. If it's stuff she had at the store, I don't think most of it would sell on ebay, but I'll take a look for her.


DH is hopefully going to look at the van we want today. They were supposed to call us when it got out of the shop but we haven't heard from them yet. He's working a split so he'll call when he's done with the first shift and then go look at it if it's ready, then drive himself (first time in a month!!) back to work. I hope it is, I'm tired of not having a car!


My big chore today is working in the office. My desk is a disaster area. I also need to get some coupons clipped and filed away, and there should be a huge pile in the mail today. I buy coupons cause I never buy just one of something. The checkers at the store hate me. "Did you really buy 10 of these?"


Dinner tonight is leftover pork chops in eggs, biscuits, leftover gravy from last night, and potatoes. Nice and easy.



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Morning everyone.


Last night it started sprinkling before the concert started. It stopped, then started raining really hard. My boss gave us ushers ponchos, I felt like a life sized yellow Peep! Too bad it only goes to my knees though! My jeans were soaked from the knees down.


At the merchandise booth, one of the guys in Roy's band was there, selling Roy's CD's (and some Hee-Haw videos) and some of his own. There were also Cds by two of the other band members. I was talking to the one and got his autograph and he said the other two would be out after the show to sell their stuff and give autographs, but not Roy. But if I wanted something signed, he would have it sent back stage after the show, but not to tell everyone!


So I got the other two guys autographs and my event staff vest got sent back. So I got Roy Clark's autograph now. The new autographs are on one of the front panels of my vest. The back is reserved (for now!) for the motor cross guys (pretty much just the dirt bike riders that do the cool tricks off the big jump-my favorite is when they flip!).


I got to stand in the stage even. One of the guys who does the sound, who I also met last year, took me back stage to see if my vest and my cousin's shirt were signed yet. He and another roadie were telling me how last week that very stage was the same one that was in Arizona when they worked an Alice Cooper show! I got to stand on the same stage that Alice did (I love Alice!), and no, I did not kiss the stage (My aunt asked me if I did

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Good afternoon/evening all!


Let's see, what have I accomplished today...not a whole lot.


I took the day off because of a doctor's appointment and thankfully, because DH had to work a collision last night with a DOA so he was late coming in. I always hate mornings after he has had a rough night. And this one, the DOA was only in her early 20's so it made it even worse.


So, after he got home I left for the doctor, knowing what he was the doc was gonna tell me before I got there. I have been commuting a long way to work each day (4 hours a day) and due to the stress of the drive combines with the stress of the job, my BP has gone way up and my Carpel Tunnel Syndrome has been acting up. So doc put me on meds, told me to do 20 minutes of aerobics daily and to quit my job. So, now I get to start pinching the pennies even more and seeing what can be cut back or cut out. I did go to a few places in the next town over and fill out a few apps and made a few networking calls to see what I could find. BUt DH said I should just find a few things around here close to home. My grandfather wants me to start cleaning his house but still need some other ideas. Any thoughts from you ladies would be great.


But now it is off to cook supper; we are having steak fingers, mac & cheese, baked beans, and some sort of bread.


Hope everyone is having a great one!



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