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Is eating out cheaper than cooking?

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Let's hear it for Women's Lib! Hip, hip.... aw, crap, screwed ourselves on that one.....


Thank you, very much, Mrs. Rosie Riveter!

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  • 2 years later...

This reminds me of that KFC commercial that was out a couple of years ago where the mom and two kids were going around the grocery store looking for all the ingredients to make a fried chicken dinner. *Of course*, it was so skewed because they added the ingredients up to be $25 and KFC had a chicken dinner cheaper than that so they left the store and went to the KFC instead.


But of course they never said anything about the fact that when buying 5 pounds of flour, a whole container of oil, and new bottles of all the seasonings they would get sooo many more meals out of that than what they were going to get at one trip to the KFC.


That commercial always made me so mad.

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Yup... that one came out when everyone was starting to realize that the economy was nose-diving. I haven't seen it lately here.


I just spotted this post back in the archives when searching for "beans", and thought it might help some of our lurkers/newbies who are just getting used to thinking about cooking.





And it's a reminder of ALL the treasures we have in the older posts... :wub:




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Eating out is more expensive than cooking at home if you work outside the home because you have no time to make much from scratch. You have to eat out too often. That's the rub.


Women's lib is the biggest scam going.


America's kids are unhealthy largely because their moms have no inclination to cook after being exhausted working in an office and squeezed for time in the evenings.


America's kids are enabled to get involved in immoral behaviors largely because no one is home when they get home from school. I once read that a very large number of unwed pregnancies occur in the bedrooms of parent's houses after school.


America's kids feel alienated from their parents because many of them can sense that materialism is more important to their parents than family is.


Moms who work outside the home are too tired to spend much time with their kids in the evening. This quality time stuff is a farce. Kids need quantity time too.


Women have lost sight of their true value in the home. It's tragic. It's a big reason America has gone downhill so quickly the past few decades.


A lot of women work because of financial stresses, but I believe most do because they want more "stuff" and they want to feel "important" in the eyes of the society around them.


In the fifties the average size house Americans lived in was around 800 sq. ft. Most moms were home. My husband's parents didn't lock their outside doors at night. Kids knew that if they did something wrong, a neighbor would intervene and tell their parents.


Our job as homemakers is extremely important. No one in the liberal media can prove otherwise.


And for those of us prepping for hard times, what better way to prepare than to learn and practice homemaking skills like sewing, knitting, canning, gardening, etc.

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What a stupid article! I can't believe that it is still available after all this time! I confess, we do have salmon a couple of times a month in this house. It comes from Trader Joe's and costs between $5.00-6.00 to feed the three of the four of us who eat it :blush: . I serve it with organic vegies or salad (straight from the yard) and white rice. We usually have it as a special meal, so often times, I'll make a dessert to go with it. So, that brings the total to about $8.00 to have a nice salmon meal for the three of us (the 4th usually gets a piece of leftover protein of some sort). But of course, I'm a mom. The author of the article clearly is not. He has no idea that during the 45-60 minutes it takes to whip up a batch of brownies, bake them along with the salmon, and boil some rice & vegies, I'm also on the phone taking care of business and personal calls and in between calls, I'm helping with homework, catching up on how the school day went, unloading the dishwasher, and setting the table. This is not wasted time, as the author clearly thinks cooking is. He also seems to not comprehend the fact that cooking is fun. It's so satisfying to create something and enjoy it with the people you love.


I'm glad I came across this article. I've been feeling a bit guilty lately because I've been feeding my family store bought bread for the past few weeks. I've just been too busy to bake yeast bread properly. I think I'll stop feeling guilty :D

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I think I'll stop feeling guilty :D





Each meal you cook for your family is helping in multiple ways. So what if you occasionally throw in a "Tuna Helper" main entree with your homemade sides... ;)


I hoped bringing up this post would encourage somebody who has been trying *so hard* and is getting tired. It IS worth it... it IS a help and a blessing for your family.







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