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I am officially a canner!


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I did it! I bought a canner on Saturday and tried the whole grape juice recipe and it worked! Woohoo! I canned 6 quart jars for 45 minutes and all the jars pinged. Now mine didn't come out as dark as I thought they would...looks like white grape juice. The jars came out with a white film on them...we have very hard water. I remember seeing something about using vinegar..do I just put it in the boiling water or use it wipe the jars off after they come out? Also what ratio? Also, I noticed some of the sugar didn't dissolve on the bottom..should I have shaken it up first or can I shake it up now? I can't do a taste test for a couple more hours...but, if it tastes good I'm doing more. It was a lot easier than I thought. I've wanted to try canning for years but have been too chicken...afraid I was going to poison my family. But, I've been reading all of your canning posts and really wanted to try...so hopefully my first attempt will taste good.


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It is fun, isn't it ? I have been canning for 32 years now, still love the sound of the "ping".

The sugar will dissolve as the jars sit. Lte them sit for a couple days before you shake the jars.

You add a couple Tbsp. of white vinegar to the water in the canner to keep off the white film.

I am sure your grape juice will be wonderful !

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how much vinegar? a glub! you know.. you tip the bottle up and hear glub.. thater doit! I add it to the water bath canner or pressure canner's water. Darlene wipes the jars down with vinegar after the fact. Either way... about a 'glub'.


makes note... add "glub" to the mesurement list.

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We did an official taste test today. Had to water it down because it was a little too sweet. I used 1/2 cup sugar in the recipe, but I think the grapes were so sweet I probably could have just used 1/4 cup. Dh is funny...he insisted we all taste small drinks at first just in case...didn't want me to poison any of us.... he just doesn't know that this is just the beginning......


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