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Cloudy Wednesday, hump day


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GoodMorning2dogs2.gif everyone.


How about some breakfast today. BREAKFAST1.jpgfruit3.jpgWAFFLES1.jpghotchocolate2.jpg and or COFFEEBLUECUP.gif . I know I could sure use some. smile


Well, it is cloudy today and the temp is 39 degrees right now, with a high for today of 45 degrees and the wind chill is 30. Not to bad for the first full day of SPRING3.gifHAPPYSPRING2.jpg The snow is really going down fast too with the warmer weather this week. smile


I have a load of towels in the washer and dishes are ready to wash, so need to get going and get something done around here.


I hope you all have HAVEANICEDAY8.gifhaveniceday . thhugdfrommetouanimals-2.gif


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Wow, it's cold where you are. We're supposed to get over 80 degrees today. Plan to plant a few more things in the garden, and work on preparing some of the other beds by putting the compost in them.


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Morning everyone! It is 47 right now and is supposed to be in the 70's by this afternoon. We had rain yesterday! Woohoo! My garden is really going to take of now..... banana I am going to a training today for teaching English Learners...the training should be interesting, but being inside on a beautiful day will not be. Snowy, the food looks wonderful! I'm not going to eat tho because they're supposed to feed us breakfast and lunch at this training. Hope it's as good as yours looks! grin


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Good morning!


Just hopped online real quick to see what's on sale. My lazy day yesterday was just what I needed, I woke up today feeling much better.


Today I'm working on the kitchen again, it's a disaster LOL.



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Breakfast looks great. It is suppose to hit 70 here today. Just hope so, so I can open the house and air things out. Dealing with sick kiddos. They need the fresh air and so does the house.

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*darn* I missed breakfast! Its not supposed to even reach 60 today.. and my eyes are still watering and burning and my nose is still stuffy. Im almost positive my illness has been due mainly to allergies and then moved into my chest. Today has been a deciently busy day with doing some shopping and running around. I still have the childrens awanas meeting tonight.. 2 out of 3 will be going. Ive got to pack up stuff for DH's trip to WA .. and then maybe I get to rest?

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