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Do they taste good?


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I'm planning on canning peaches and pears tonight, but I have some questions!! Are the low-sugar recipes in BBB using white grape juice and unsweetend apple juice good? I'm probably going to be making pies and cobblers (and eating them straight from the jar!! haha), so will these be as good as the syrup recipes? Also, can I slice them instead of halve them, and is there anything that I should do differently from the original recipe if I do slices? I think that's all I have right now, but I'm sure I'll have more soon!! hahaha!! TIA!!

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There will be a slight (although not bad) taste difference between peaches/pears being canned with fruit juices vs some degree of sugar water. That's MY personal opinion...others may feel differently though, and there's no reason you can't, if you wanna!

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I agree with Darlene... different, but not necessarily bad. Try one batch and find out. Each one of us would have our own opinion about the taste. wink



Personally, I wouldn't spend the extra money... sugar and water is enough cost for me. But then, if you are drinking the juice and want it with fewer calories, then maybe you'll want it that way.



Something I noticed in my canning... I prefer a heavy or medium simple syrup with my peaches and pears. Usually I just make the sugar to water ratio in between the two. One year I tried a light simple syrup, and NOTHING I did would make them taste *better*! I tried adding sugar in cobblers, etc., but once I'd canned them, I couldn't improve them. So I'll always use my heavier syrup.



Yes, by all means, slice them if you want. You'll get more peaches or pears in each jar. Same processing times. wink








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Thanks Darlene and Cat!! I think this year I'm gonna do a variety. I'd definately like to use less sugar, but I don't want them to taste crappy, either!! How long do you think they should sit before we can crack 'em open and give 'em a try (like before the end of peach season? hahaha)?? Anyway- thanks for the responses!!

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Adding my .02 on the sugar debate.....


I canned peaches one year in straight water, no sugar or sweetener. They were terrible! No taste whatsoever. So, last year when I canned, I used about 1/2 cup sugar for a canner load of peaches (7 quarts). It's not much sugar, but what a difference! They taste like you pulled them off the tree 2 minutes ago!


A little sugar can go a long way.


And, you can eat them pretty uch immediately!


Have fun!


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Well, I ate them right after they were processed and I still have some that are almost 2 years old that still taste awesome. That's one of the benefits of home canning.

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Daisies, one important thing to remember, as diabetics, if we use juice as a sweetner, to count the high ammount of carbs they contain! I thought I found Heaven in a canning book a few years ago when I was given a "no sugar" canning book. All the recipies used either friut juice, concentrated juice or honey! Sugar, sugar & more sugar. Sorry but glucose is glucose. When canning fruit, I just make a simple syrup with Splenda. Been doing it that way for 3 or 4 years now.

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Thanks ladies!! I kind-of procrastinated and didn't get to the store until really late last night (but I was feeling pretty crappy, so I don't feel too bad about it!!). I got almost 11 lbs. of peaches for 97 cents/lb. I got about 3 1/2 lbs of white grapes to try out that grape juice (I can't remember how much they were, but they were pretty cheap, too!)!! And-- I got ORGANIC Bartlett pears for 99 cents/lb!!!!! That is an unheard of price around here for organic fruit!!! I wiped them out- almost 11 lbs. of those, too!! And today DH is making his super-yummy sphagetti sauce, and we're canning a bunch of it, too!! I'm so excited!!! Our shelves are gonna look so pretty (and I'm gonna be BUSY for the next couple of days!! Hahaha!!!) I'll let y'all know when I get stuff done!!

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I use the medium syrup in my peaches. And I'm diabetic. They just taste fresher that way to me, and then just eat less of a portion size of them if you have to watch your sugar that closely. Good luck on all that canning!



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