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Ok, truth time....

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They say that you should take your pressure canner to the extention office at the beginning of each season so they can check the seal. My canner is going on two years old and I've never done it and don't really have plans to do it as long as everything continues working.


Has/Does anyone actually done this?

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Only when it is correct as to pressure, can you know the quirks of your individual canner.


All canners have their unique sounds, methods of heating/cooling, hissing/jiggling; as unique as the person using the canner.


Their may come a time when we cannot have ours checked. Know what sounds NORMAL to your machine.

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Yes, but I work there, LOL !

You can't go by sound to know if a gauge is correct or not. If you want to use a dial gauge canner and not get it checked, you can convert it over and use it as a weighted gauge canner. Just buy the three piece weight set from Presto, assuming you have a Presto, since they are the ones with a dial, and use the weight for your altitude.

Same goes for the old All American canners, but you will need to get a new stem for the All America canners to change it over.

I just did this for my friend.

You still leave on the dial, but go by the "jiggles" on the weights.


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The need to have it checked was why I chose the weight-type over the gauge-type. As long as the weight doesn't get *lost* I'll be ok!






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