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Is it too much to ask?


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I want one hour of work f rom everyone today. ONE HOUR. The house needs picked up, snow shoveled and dishes done. It should take the 9 of us an hour. I am exhausted. The hour is now almost two as children wander around pining to be outside in the snow.


Is it really too much to ask?




who wonders what Camilla would say.


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I'm with you!! I'm so totally pooped just being the "ramrod" and keeping down the confusion. I keep telling them that if we'd stay focused....well, they are children after all... but still. Well, we just have to keep trying and training!!

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Note from Camilla


Camilla sez...


Oh, Honey Chile. You do be in a picklely jam, now don’t ya be. Da view from here is lookin’ like ye should have left the house wirk for another day. Thet there sonw it be agoin to melt in right shortly order, but tem there dishes, they a be goin’ to jest be a waitin’ for ye another dey.


I knowed you done tole them one hour, so it do be two hour, it be done nuf, get yous self out thet there door and go play.


Thet be my way a thinkin.




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Camilla is right SDBookMom BUT it's hard to see that in the moment!


Get them outside, let them run off some of that energy and then bring them in and say, "now it's time!" and stick to it. Sometimes we need to pick our battles and it's hard to beat playing in the snow, especially this time of year when it's almost over.


The house will wait, the snow won't. Go out and enjoy it with them, they'll remember that someday and be glad you took the time.


I, obviously, am a grandmother and see things in a much more relaxed way than I did as the mother. bighug



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it must be one of those days our three did not mind at all wanted to do what they wanted to do and thought that was that they have missed placed a library movie we just got today i have no idea where to look we have looked everywhere we thought they would put it so i guess they will look for it tom and i hope they find it

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Ugh Zzelle, that's an awful feeling. It's happened to me before too. Except I was the one who misplaced it. I found it in the car. It had slipped off the side of the front seat when I turned a corner. It was on the floor under the front seat.

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