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Tickle Me Elmo


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Sue was interviewed for the assembly line job at the toy factory by the personal manager.

She was hired and told her job would be on the Tickle Me Elmo production line and to insure the Tickle Me Elmo dolls worked correctly.

She was instructed to give each doll two test tickles.


The next day the the production manager comes into the personal manager's office. "You have got to get that woman out of here" he yells. "The whole production line is completely backed up."


The production manager takes the personal manager out to the shop floor. The Tickle Me Elmo dolls are piled up about about 5' high by Sue and have fallen off the assembly line as far back as you could see.


They go over to see what the problem is and here is Sue with a lot of red cloth and marbles. She is carefully sewing 2 marbles into a small bag of red cloth.


After the personal manger stopped laughing, he put on his straightest face and went over to Sue. "Sue", he said, "I said 2 TEST TICKLES".

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e nun ci a tion

2. Mode of utterance or pronunciation, especially as regards fullness and distinctness or articulation; as, to speak with a clear or impressive enunciation.

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