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Herbs in Canning

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I was putting in my usual round of potted mints last weekend ('cause the Manlings love to play with them when they walk past the pots), and it occurred to me that there had to be something I could actually "DO" with the plants before they froze to death this winter. I thought that maybe this year I might even overwinter them instead of just letting them die.


So here's my current questions:


What can you do with mint plants in canning?


Are there any particular veggies or fruits that mint goes especially well with?


Would you recommend any special recipe in general that I could use them with?


(And a generic question:) Can I add herbs to canning recipes that I'm already using--do I need any special quantity or can it just be to taste?


I have pretty much every variety that I have found--from spearmint and peppermint to chocolate mint and pineapple mint to something called Mountain Mint (this was a new one for me) and a cute little Corsican mint plant. (Told ya--the Manlings are Mint-Crazy.)


I know there's dozens of Mint Jelly recipes, but I'm not sure they'd like that--although I am going to try the Chocolate Mint.



Thanks everybody!



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You could also dry them, and use them in your cooking all winter. :)



What is the best way to dry herbs such as Oregano and Thyme? Do you pick yours green and let them dry or wait until fall when they go to seed?

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You cannot safely add any fresh herbs in a canning recipe unless called for. The reason behind it is called "water activity". The moisture in fresh herbs provides water for bacterial growth. They are the same as adding extra vegetables to a recipe.

However, if you dry them, it removes that "water activity" factor and allow a person to season with the herbs without causing a safety issue.


What is water activity ?


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