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The First Day of Spring


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Good morning everyone,


Today is the first day of spring, let's give a cheer!!! :cheer:


Yesterday we had snow, this morning there's very little left and the sun is shining brightly. Wonderful!!!


Last night DS called asking if I'd fix he and the kids supper. Mom as the flu. They spent the evening and we had a good time BUT I'd been in the middle of transplanting my tiny plants and the mess is still there. It just has to be finished so my kitchen can get back to normal.....so, that's what I'm up to today.


When you look out your window what's the first thing you see that says spring to you? Mine is the pasture is a lake. How about it, what do you see that makes you think SPRING????


Gotta run, you all have a great day! :grouphug:

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Good morning Dee and everyone to follow!


Happy first day of spring (and happy 67th birthday to my dad!)


It's gloomy here and we are forcast to receive the snow that Dee had yesterday. But your comment about the sun shining and the snow basically gone is a HUGE relief.


I'm going to make a blueberry pie for my dad's birthday celebration tomorrow. Catch up on laundry and a few other things. I need to figure out how to cut back the blackberries so they can start growing.


Things that make me think spring. The bulbs coming up and the flooded fields. This year I would have to add the early sighting of robins and a cardinal and the massive amount of sandhill cranes we've been seeing in the fields and flocking north.


Have a wonderful day!

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The warm weather and beeeeeyyyyyoooooootiful sunshine this morning practically SCREAMED spring!!!!


When DH got home from work this morning, we went to the (outdoor) flea market. We saw lots of people in shorts, t shirts, and flip flops. We may hit 70 degrees

today! I have on jeans and a long sleeve tshirt and I'm comfortable. B)


My electric skillet died this week. :0327: I found a brand new one in the box for $15 this morning. Good deal! :woohoo:


I have a few windows open and I've hung some shirts outside on the clothesline. :clothesline: The wind is a bit nippy. Tomorrow is to bring rain and cooler temps. <_<


We are grilling hamburgers and hot dogs for supper tonight and tomorrow I'm gonna bake cornish hens and fixins for dinner. :feedme:


I'm on vacation until Wednesday. :girlneener: I've got spring cleaning on my mind. :dusting:


Ya'll enjoy your day!!!!!




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The chicks cheeping and the tulips blooming say Spring to me.


Bringing home more boxes of books from the storage unit. We will get the darn thing emptied - eventually.

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It's been snowing all day here. Boo hiss! It was in the 60's almost all week. Hoping that this snow will get out of here and we'll have a nice spring break this coming week.


I'm curling up with my make-a-mix cookbooks and doing some planning.

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When I opened the door to take the pups out this morning, the first thing I saw was an old guy in a speedo sitting in front of his trailer! It probably says Spring to someone but to me it says "time to go somewhere else!"


Had a great time at the Goodbye Americanos party down in Algodones, Mex. today! Did some shopping and saw some entertainment. Got some antibiotics we needed. Then went to Walmart for my once every two months shopping trip. It was a big day. Back to work tomorrow for a couple of days then 3 days off again! Yay!


Hope you all have had a great first day of Spring!

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We had a great time but it was a bit colder then the rest of the week?

But still got to go out and work up some of the beds for the early crops ( like peas, lettuce, spinach).

Then we always find someplace to go to celebrate the day? Some years a nature walk or zoo or something. This year we went to a nature center to hear a program on good bugs / bad bugs for you backyard garden, Very good program. Then we went on a outdoor picnic in the park and had a very nice drive back home (45 minute drive). Also went to Tina's Greenhouse and planted some seeds for our use - like some flowers, onions, tomatoes, more flowers, more lettuce. These we start there and then when there are up and doing good we bring them home to our greenhouse (unheated).




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