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Today is Tuesday...Good Morning!!!


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Good morning everyone! :wave:


I feel good today, how about you? It's cold and rainy and dreary and ugly but hey it'll get better soon. I was up before 6:00 this morning and so would have liked a beautiful sunny summer morning to get outside and work BUT instead I got laundry started, breakfast taken care of, the kitchen cleaned and I'm sitting down here to visit with all of you.


Since it's supposed to be dreary all week I'm going to the country club for lunch and bridge today.....I laugh as I write that because I sound so la de da. Nah, not me. This is just a group of ladies that go each week and have fun. With the economy the way it is the members are dropping out like flies so now for $25 a year I can be in this bridge group and I do so love bridge. Lunch is another $8 each time you go but you don't have to eat. Today though I'm going to just sit back and enjoy my country club day!!! :nail:


So, what's up with all of you today? Working hard or having fun....let us know.



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I have lots to do, but here I sit at the 'puter. <_<


Country Clubbing, HUH? Lucky you! Sounds like fun. :bouquet:



DS came home last night to pick up more stuff and have supper. I guess his first night in his "own home" wasn't comfortable because his new pillows weren't like HIS. :rolleyes: So I gave him his old feather pillow.


Unfortunately, as he was driving home he called me. Just after our house, he hit an animal for the first time in his car, and he thought it was the male cat that hangs around here. And he said that, while it was unavoidable - the cat ran right out in front of him - , it was pretty bad and the cat was obviously hurt badly. So DH, good man that he is, left the house in the dark to go see, and maybe put it out of its misery, if necessary.


It was, and he was already dead. :(


Darn it, he was a piggy, and pushy, and a runabout tomcat, but I feel so bad. Couldn't help it... the thought of his confusion and pain brings me to tears. He was always running around and would be gone for days, and I checked the road many times just in case. But I know what happened, and I know he didn't suffer long. :yar:



I'll be going to pick up the rest of our chicken flock later today. Our 4 Araucanas and 2 Black Australorps should be coming in. The others are a week old and doing well. But I can't wait for the Araucanas!


**Back to my regularly-scheduled laundry and dishes and housecleaning...** <_<





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Wow, country clubing Dee, glad you were able to do it. :):)


Sorry about the cat, Cat. But, it is good to know what happened to it. We have lost dogs and cats and never knew what happened to them.


Things were busy this morning, and this afternoon I had to go have my eyes rechecked. The bi and tri were just a bit to strong for me. So have to take my frames back in later on and have them send them in so should be back by the end of the week or Monday next week probably.


Took a fast trip to the county seat and court house to check some stuff out in zoning. If you read what I put in the other forum you will see why. DD buying land. We are dividing the land we have between just 2 of the kids.


Had lunch in town at Pizza Hut then went to Wal-Mart to kill some time before my appointment. Thought I would be late for the appointment as the checker was really a slllloooowwww one. :( Should have known not to go to that one. Had her one other time and knew she was slow. :(


Have to go to Fargo tomorrow, as am having allergy tests done over there.





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We went diving yesterday, the water is still very very cold. I donned my wet suit and mask and jumped in, only to have the breath rush out of me. LOL The river we swim in is looking real healthy. The temperature got up into the 90's again but the wind has picked up now lowering us back to the 80's. I think the news said we had high wind advisory for the day. It is not helping with the wild fires we have burning down near the border and up in the mountains.


Today I am recovering from a small amount of sunburn where I missed with the sunscreen. My muscles are sore from hiking to and from the water's edge and sitting on rocks for most of the day. The spring floods have washed much of the old growth reeds away and many of the trees on the water line. When the water warms up and we swim down stream, we will need to be alert to where they have settled. The last thing we need is to dive headlong into a tree in 20 foot of water.


Today was spent doing bookwork for the shop. Ran errands around noon, traffic was light and I made it back in record time. I've put everything up and we are getting ready to go home.


I hope your tests come out ok, Snowmom.


Cat, so sorry to hear about the kitty.


And, I hope you had a wonderful time at the Country Club Dee.

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