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Asthma help needed


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It starts with a head cold or sinus infection oozing into bronchitis. After 3 weeks of fighting a sinus infection and the stress of a major family problem I have bronchitis and it has triggered my asthma.


The only time I need albuteral is when I get bronchitis.

My Doctor put me on Singulair,which may become long term , albuterol and a antibiotic.

I nolonger feel like I'm breathing through a wet sock but across my back still feels tight and my lungs feel like thier on fire.


Anything to calm things down would help.

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Do you have a vibrator or massager? I use a long handled one since I don't have anyone who can work on my back for me. Run it all up and down your back and upper chest in front. Do you know how to do diaphragmatic breathing and coughing? If not, here is a you tube to explain it:

Once you are breathing correctly, you can use your diaphragm to cough effectively. You should not feel the cough in your throat. If you are coughing in your throat you are not clearing your lungs.


For your sinus, get a Neti pot and use saline to wash out your sinus. 1 tsp of salt per qt of warm water. It should be as salty as tears and at that strength it will not sting.

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I only need abuteral about once a year . When I get bronchitis it takes a long time for the asthma symptoms to go away.


Caffeine and coughing tips helped and I will get some extra vitamin D3. You can learn anything from youtube.


I work in a very dusty factory ( they just put in a new dust collecting system hopefuly that helps) and I'm deep cleaning the house with some friends.

I'm trying to do a major decluttering . Dh doesn't think his constant sinius problems and the rest of us getting sick so often can be from how dusty the house can get with all the clutter..

I'm going for dust and clutterfree house.

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  • 1 year later...

It starts with a head cold or sinus infection oozing into bronchitis. After 3 weeks of fighting a sinus infection and the stress of a major family problem I have bronchitis and it has triggered my asthma.


The only time I need albuteral is when I get bronchitis.

My Doctor put me on Singulair,which may become long term , albuterol and a antibiotic.

I nolonger feel like I'm breathing through a wet sock but across my back still feels tight and my lungs feel like thier on fire.


Anything to calm things down would help.




Here are some quick easy things you ca do. This is for an adult, not a child. Since you are on albuteral I'll assume you have seen a convential doctor and been diagnosed.


I would suggest you adress diet first as that's the easiest to fix but there are nutritional supplements and body work too. Dairy is known to INCREASE mucus production so removing dairy should help. Dark green leafy veggies and deep yellow and orange veggies are great antioxidant and anti-inflammatories. Cold water fish, garlic, onions and flaxseed are also excellent anti-inflammatories.. A glass of filtered water every two hours or so will help to keep your system cleansed and hydrated and is especially helpful to break up mucus. Avoid, processed, commercially dried or smoked foods and salad bars which are often sprayed with preservatives like tartrazine, sulfates, and msg!!


As for herbs, you might try Astragalus. 500mg to 1000mg a day should do it. It's a GREAT immune booster and will assist in strengthening the lungs and helping to prevent infections that trigger asthma. BUT don't use it if you have a fever.


B6 is usually found to be low in people with asthma so you might consider a supplement of 100 to 200mg daily.


Here is my favorite...Mullen tea. Suoper easy to do and IT WORKS. Simply pour 6 cupsof boiling water over 2 tsp of licorice root, 2 tsp marshmallow root, and 4 heaping tsp of dried mullen. Let steep for 10 minutes, sweeten to your liking (honey is best) and drink 3 - 4 times a day. This recipe has been used historically for asthma since before recorded time. It has an earthy taste that some don't care for but it can easily be mixed with green tea or lemon tea to mask the flavor and the vit C will help too.


There are about 10 different asthma reactions that are most common. Without more info from you I would start with the above. If you need more then we can get more involved with it. I noticed that caffine was recommended and it will help temporarily to open the broncial tubes but it may not be a good recourse for long term relief. Stress is a known trigger and the astragalus will help with that too. If I can be of more help just let me know!





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Also I'd recommend you see an allergist/asthma specialist. I got huge relief once I started following my allergists recommendations. One of the things he had me do was to cover my mattress and pillows with dust mite covers and wash my bedding in HOT water every week. It turns out a huge part of my asthma triggers came from the allergic response I was having to the dust mites. It sounds like your Dr has you doing most of the things mine recommended for a bronchitis episode (my asthma gets bad when I get respiratory viruses too) but one thing you might ask him about is Mucinex which thins and loosens the mucus. Also drink more fluids to help thin your mucus as well.

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Thank you for the info.

My asthma is mild and I can easily over look the symptoms and get into trouble fast.

Twice they have wanted to put me in the hospital for it. When the farmers start harvesting crops is when I have the most problems.

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