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Mama shocked my pants off!!


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While talking to Mama the other day she blew my mind!!! She said, "I have something I want to seriously talk to you about. When your Pop gets home from this job he said we are going to talk about it and I want you to be thinking about it."


She had been on the internet looking around at land, because she was bored. She has come the the conclusion that she would like to sell their place and move (along with us and my step-brother) to maybe TN or ARK. She found places that had 30 acres or more for sale. She said she wanted to find a place that we could each have atleast a 5 acre parcel to live on with a little more to hunt. She would like to set it up that we each have our 5 acres then she and Pop would have the difference with the understanding that when they die their portion would belong to all the kids equally. If the others wanted to sell their portion they must give us first option.


This is a HUGE something. My Mom doesn't do anything on a whim and she doesn't get wild ideas. She is very serious. She has been looking around and sending me places to look at. She said even if we all put double wides on the place it would be fine with her. She just wanted a "retreat" type place where we could hunt and live in peace and quiet.



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Wow....this idea seems to be getting more popular. Families are banding together to try to ride out this tsunami of crisis.... Like turning back the years to a different era. My family might even think of this too.



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What a great thing for your family. We gave our son 25 acres across the road from us. He and his wife built a new home and all is good. We love it and they do too. Now, if we could just talk DD into returning to the farm there's another 25 acres for her. So far, San Francisco is the life for her, not back on the farm in Iowa. When she marries and has children she may feel differently......I'm waiting! :)


I hope it all comes together for you ANewMe. It's great having family so close....especially the grandchildren. ;)

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I hope we can make it happen!! I'm fixing to really take a tight grip on our finances and put back every penny possible. Of course, we have to win Pop over on the idea and he is working out of town for a while. I have an email FULL of places that she copied and pasted to me today and I just sent her a email full as well. We are leaning towards TN...we will see. If anything we will have fun dreaming!

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