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Beautiful Sunny Wednesday


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Good morning Mrs. S. :wave:


The suns out and it makes me feel so much better when it shines. Gosh that dreary overcast weather can get the best of me!


I stayed home yesterday like I'd hoped. I wasn't even outside the door. Today is a little different as I have to go for a haircut. Since I'm out I'll get groceries and stop at the libary for coffee.


This morning I have beef cubes browning to make stew for dinner. I'll take some pumpkin bread out of the freezer and quarter and orange and dinner is served. Supper? No idea!


What's up with everyone today? How's your weather? Hope things are going well! :grouphug:

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Good morning~:bouquet:


Our 26 hours of snow finally stop a short time ago but it is gray, cold and the wind is blowing some. So today is our stay home day. DH is using the snow blower to did himself out as we speak (he had to did it out of the garage and fiddle with it to get it to finally start, the things he should have done in October<_< but I didn't have to do it so not my problem this morning).


We did some school work this morning but DD wasn't interested in doing much so she did one and a half pages and is sitting and "reading" Harold and the Purple Crayon while DS watches DH work.


Not sure what is for dinner tonight as DH has lodge so it has to be on the table by 5:30. Maybe something in the crockpot?


That's it here today. Have a great day!

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Hi there. :wave: Wow, is it just that I've now got a decent Internet connection or is it that the board glitches of this fall are all fixed???? It's so nice to bounce around and the pages load right up. Whew!


We're sunny and "only" got down to about -5 degrees last nite. Two nites ago, we got to -23. THAT was nasty. But we certainly haven't had an excess of snow like so many of you have had. It's been a mild winter except for occasional frigid night temps.


My day will be playing with the Internet connection cuz I have to send it back to my DEAR neice tomorrow....she needs it at college if S. Carolina ever digs out of their ice/snow and classes resume. She got back from spring break JUST before the storm hit and has been cooped up in her apartment since. 'Course my brother says he should have sent her down there with one of his idle snowplows....and she could have made some money.


Other than that, I will likely be plowing forward myself, on a seeminly never-ending project of clearing/organizing/inventory of my whole tiny house. It's slow. It's still at the Gets Worse Before It Gets Better stage. But....I know the progress I've made.


Have a nice day and y'all with snow - stay safe!


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It's supposed to hit 66 degrees today! Woohoo!!!! Bright and sunny!!!! I'm doing laundrey right now and going to work this eve. 2nd day of 11 straight. Have leftover New England Boiled Dinner for the next couple of days.


Hope you all have a great day!!!!!! And stay warm!!!!!!

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Well, I'm not getting as much done as I wanted to this week. :( Between the weather and my back/leg (sciatic thangy), just not much getting done.


DD came down yesterday (in the middle of this last system we had go through), to help me with 'goat duties'. On the agenda was: draw blood for CAE and pregnancy testing, weigh, BoSe, worm, vaccinate, copper bollus and trim hooves. Weeeelllll...we got blood drawn for testing (BIG YEAH!) and got them weighed. It was snowing (and piling up) and the gate to the pen in the barn wasn't working correctly, so we had to bring them out of the goat pasture and into the barn the other way.....well, I sent her in the house to get my BOOTS! AAARRRGGHHH!


So, I was gonna Bose, worm and vaccinate today (trimming hooves is gonna have to wait til the back is a bit better--the 5 jr goats weighed in right around 100, sr does weighed 160, and my going on 2 yr old buck is almost 200 lb :faint3: ). Well, I put them dang BOOTS on and went out to water and do the morning feeding and YUP--socks scrunched down around my toes!! :motz_6: Combine this with the thought of having to get 10 goats in and out of the pasture and through the snow and into the barn without DD here to help, and well, stuff didn't get done. :busted:


DH had the bright idea that I needed some of those thinsulate, neoprene, muck boot thangies and reminded me that I have a gift certificate to a local sporting goods store that I took in exchange for a gun that I won in a raffle this last summer....and VOILA, I now have a new pair of snazzy LaCrosse boots that my socks don't bunch around my toes. :cloud9: Still getting used to wearing them and DH has to pull them off for me--til the back gets better :buttercup: , but maybe I'll get a couple of the goats done tomarrow. :thumbs: I think I'll start with Pilgrim--my 200# buck. He might be a big doofus, but he's a lot better mannered than them witchy does!! :24:


Hope everyone has a wonderful day. :)




:hug3: and :kissy:

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