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Tuesday's Tidbits


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Mornin' everyone :wave:


It's another hot day starting out here in Iowa. 80 degrees as I write with a high of 95 predicted and heat indes of 105.


Not too much going on around here this morning. Haven't seen any new calves so we still just have the 1. She is a cutie though and was hopping around last night as baby calves do. Fun to watch!


My 500 card group is meeting this morning for the first time since April. It'll be nice to see everyone again and catch up on their lives. Most of this group has been together a long time. We started when DD was 3 and she's now 31....GASP!!! :)


Hope you all have a good day and will let us know what you have planned.



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Morning,Dee and everyone else who follows!


I am in the office today so I will get nothing accomplished at home. Oh, well... There's always tomorrow, though I'm hoping to plant some more beans in the space that the peas used to take up. It isn't much space since I had a very poor turnout this year, but I don't want to leave it empty.


Hubby and I are planning another trip to Cornell University this week, so I am trying to map everything out so that I can visit the rest of the gardens.


Have a great day!

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Morning Dee, TMC & all who follow~


It's going to be a hot one here today, too but we are forecast for isolated storms today and rain tonight. Load of laundry going, dish washer has been emptied but needs to be filled kids are ready for their day. DD has done some "school" work (not in school but until September but that's what we call it) on the computer at Star's Fall.


The rest of the bushel of green beans was canned yesterday between DH and I. I have most of a bushel left that will go in the freezer ( minus the beans that will go into the canner to finish up a dozen from yesterday - 8 pints to do). Moving on to corn next with the hopes of doing one more bushel of beans in the canner (not comfortable with the way things are going and would rater have to many).


I need to get in the garden to finish pulling the broccoli and lettuce (and weeds) so I can puts peas in. There are some tomatoes that need to be picked and some plants that need staked. The garden and the canning are proving to be challenging with a new baby.


Dee~ the baby is adorable!

TMC~ have a good day at work!


Have a good one.:bighug2:

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Today I have to take mom to the cardiologist for an ultrasound of her heart. They wanted to do a stress test too but she can't do the treadmill and it would have been "chemically induced stress". She wasn't too keen on that and neither was I after I heard the doctor and the tech talking about how the new drug was safer than the old one and how such and such patient had coded but was ok now.


We are under a heat advisory today. The garden is done for now. Have to wait for cooler weather. Next year I plan to have a shade structure up to protect it and prolong the growing season. In a few weeks, it will be time to put in broccoli.


Have a great day everyone and try to stay cool!

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I soon will be done with the reunion things, well, our 50th class reunion will be over the Labor Day Weekend, so until them I am working on it. We are doing a booklet and I have all the information on my computer. So, it is up to me to keep up with all the mail coming in. We have at least one meeting a month most months and sometimes 2 meetings. But, things are coming together.


The sun is wanting to shine here, but, the clouds are not allowing it to do so, only once in a while. We had rain in the night and more on the way.


Minnie is so afraid of the thunder, we have to give her medication if we can in time, then she still wants to hide. This has been a rough summer with all the storms. The night before last she ended up in the basement under the bunk beds and didn't come out until almost noon yesterday. Poor thing. :(


No garden here, although this year, it is a good thing, with the reunion going on, not sure if I would have had the time to do anything.



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Good eve--I canned my big bag of free pears today. Lots of spiced pear butter! And I have a few oranges worth of zest dehydrating. I have pinto beans soaking for tomorrow. The expiration date is NOV, 11. I figure they will have to cook all day so I will start them at 6:30am. Anyone know if that is too close to the exp?


Sleep tight all!!!!!!

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