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9 freezer pot pies

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I had left over broth and didn't know what to do with it.  I couldn't toss it!  I added canned chicken and canned chicken broth and thickened it.  I peeled and boiled some potatoes and carrots.  Then added frozen peas and corn.  I also added onion and seasonings and ended up with 9 individual pot pies in the freezer for later eating.


My freezers were too full to hold them w/o spilling the sloppy mess, so I froze them on the deck railing.  It was 4 degrees, and it didn't take a long time to get them frozen and packed up to the freezer.  


Please post what you do in the kitchen for prepping.  We could all use more ideas.



pot pies 2.jpg



pot pies 3.jpg

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Dee, that worked out great. It usually doesn't stay below freezing long enough for me to do that unless I leave out all night and get into freezer in early morning. 


Right now, I am canning water. Bottled water is rising and it comes in plastic bottles, So I can my own. 

Will be canning the turkey on Monday.

But so far, this past week I have canned beef, chicken, vegetable beef soup, vegetable soup with no meat, tomato soup, chicken soup, pasta sauce without meat.

I have dehydrated corn, butter beans and mixed veggies so far. Might make beef jerky in a couple of weeks as well as fruit rollups for GS. I think I have another bag of both frozen strawberries and blueberries in freezer. Will be dehydrating that as well. 

I much be crazy as I have had both the canners and the dehydrator going all this past week. Don't ask me what the house looks like. I really need to clean house. but felt with everything going on in the world, getting everything out of freezer and canned or dehydrated was more important. Then I can start doing what you guys are doing and making up and freezing premade meals. I really love that idea. I do freeze my leftovers when I have more than enough for a meal or 2. But just taking a day and doing what you guys are doing for a fast meal is great. 

those pies look really good.

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Dee, I have been wanting to get those freezers emptied for over a year. But with the construction and my GS moving in over a year ago, things got out of hand to say the least. Both fridge freezers and the huge chest freezer have been overflowing. GS wants ice cream, and I haven't had the room in freezer for that. I have passed up good sales on meat because I didn't have freezer room nor able can do to construction. So, a lot of this is catch up. I really don't have the energy for all this, but it has to be done and I am just pushing myself to getting it done and out of way. I am on my 4th batch of water now. 14 jars at a time. I just hope they all seal. I will be putting all that under GS's bed as his bed is high up. It won't be used for a long while so that is the best storage area. I am not canning in quarts much anymore because it is just me and GS will not touch a veggie. So, I am canning the meats, soups and veggies in pints and half pints. though most of the veggies have been dehydrated and are in mylar bags in buckets. I dedicated my smallest bedroom for my pantry as I don't have a pantry and not much in kitchen cabinet space. I have already filled that room up. 4 8ft. shelving units and the closet that DH had put in shelving for me several years ago. Will be canning succotash and sautéed okra next week along with the last turkey on Monday. I had 4 in freezer and GS bought one home from work before Thanksgiving and I got all those canned already. This one I held out in case it was needed for Thanksgiving, but DD found one and got it for Thanksgiving. 

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I have a sourdough sponge going on in the kitchen right now, and today I'm doing something that I hope will end up as a vinegar (as opposed to aromatic compost like my recent ginger bug).  I also have trays of fodder going on for the critters, although they're not technically in the kitchen.  One is three days old, one two days old, one is from yesterday, and I'm going to start another today.  They need to grow about seven to eight days to be useful.  (Actually I think one is four days old, and I skipped a day, not that it will matter in the long run.)


If I gather the oompf to walk back to town this afternoon, I plan to pick up onions for the dehydrator and garlic for a black-garlic project, although the priority is paying a bill.

Edited by Ambergris
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