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Someday this will all be yours................


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.......... but will they (our children) want it???

I tried looking for the post where this topic was discussed so I could put this cartoon there, but alas, I could not find it.


I know my DD has expressed dismay at all of the "junk" I have and has said she would hate to be the one to have to clean up my place when the time came. With the way things are going now - economically & politically - she may well change her mind, but in the meantime, this is actually a pretty funny cartoon. However, I think my junk is way better than his junk!




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That is so funny. My son just went through something like that with me. Only difference is I had already gone through most of it and had it packed up. I asked him if he wanted any of it. He went pale and said no. The only thing of mine he showed an interest in is some of my tools. And my signed Bobby Knight poster. He really wants that poster. I'll probably give it to him soon as they are getting a bigger house. But that's it. 


This past summer I went through most of the house and pitched a boat load of stuff. I know I took over 100 trash bags to the dumpster, Most of it water damaged but I got it done. I was ruthless. I still have half of the garage left to do but I can't get to it yet. There will probably be another 20 bags full. Wasn't easy by myself but I got it done. Slowly. Thankfully the demo guys cleaned out my basement. That was a huge mess and probably a bio hazard. Even though I lost some good stuff along with the bad, I thank God they got rid of it all. It would have cost me a fortune to have had it hauled away. I'm VERY thankful it is all gone. Son lived in fear of that basement. LOL So did I. I still think about it. 


When my DIL's mother died she and her aunt had to go through all of her moms stuff. It was awful. She was in shock from her passing and trying to grieve. She is the one who found her. They had to rent a storage unit for a year just to be able to get the stuff moved out of the house and put someplace. DIL doesn't want any of it but she felt guilty about getting rid of it. After seeing what they went through, I don't want to put my son through it again. It really is a burden on the ones left behind. I realized something that I already knew. Our kids don't want our crap. And those garage sales in the summer never seem to happen. I told him to take all of my quilt stuff to Amish country and give it any Amish woman who wants it. Someone in Shipshewana will be a happy camper someday.



BTW, 1-800-GOTJUNK is fantastic and fast. But they are also very expensive. I removed all I could by myself to save money but I couldn't remove the appliances and furniture. Those took two dump trucks full. :sEm_blush:

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It is sad that some things we have our children do not want but that is how it is these days. They want all new stuff. I know one of my GD's wants my jewelry. GS wants the tools and toolbox, and the GD in Washington wants my canning supplies. Big issue there is I am on the east coast and she on the west coast. So, unless she decides to move back this way it won't happen. So that will be left up to DD on what to do with it. Those will be the things I keep but so much is about to get dumped. Whatever is left they can fight over it. My GD that is here might want my sewing machine and sewing supplies as she is the only one that doesn't have one. But at least DD won't have to go through that picture above that is just so funny. I need to send that to my DD. 

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I have two friends here in MS that are specified in my will to come get all my canning equipment, jars, food and basically anything they want.  My DD doesn't want any of that.  So, they will benefit greatly!  

Everything else can go!

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4 hours ago, Littlesister said:

GD in Washington wants my canning supplies. Big issue there is I am on the east coast and she on the west coast. So, unless she decides to move back this way it won't happen.  

I thought about that too. I'd love for someone here on this board to have my canning supplies but shipping would be prohibitive. At least I have only one child so there won't be any fighting over anything.  And all of my jewelry was stolen so...  About the only thing of value I might have, other than furniture, is my fabric stash (pretty big :sEm_blush:) and my canning supplies. 

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I have certain things that are going to each grandchild.  DD said she doesn't want anything. That's her choice but I am sure there will be a few things she will take. I have pictures of what goes to who and it is all documented in my Trust. There might be some things I change over the course of a couple of years but for now it stands as is. DH and I both had a trust for a long time and now with him gone I had to go see a trust lawyer to have everything set up that works for me. So, everything is pretty much in order other than if I get down to where I can't do anything for myself. I will be working on that in a few months. Just need to check out my options. 

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Not sure about being proactive, I just know what needs to be done. DH taught me a lot of things I never would have thought about. He was very good at stuff like that. Always seemed to know the right answers when things popped up. I am just trying to follow that. 

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