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Tyndallization ?

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I am sorry to hear she has passed away. In looking at her profile I see her last post seems to be 2014.  Has it really been that long? She was the voice of reason for food safety.  Having taken a few extension office food safety classes I understood the need for being careful and paid attention to what she said.  Thankfully her voice will live on through her posts.  

Something we might all think about. As long as Mrs S is here and accessible to others, our own voices will live on through our posts.  It makes me even more aware of the need to be careful of my words.

Remember though, new info comes along from all over the world, more ways to do things come to light, and more accurate testing is possible compared to even ten years ago when Violet was with us. We need to be open to different ideas, be they antiquated or futuristic but we need to use good judgement in assessing those ideas.  Some things we learn on Mrs S we would perhaps not use now but we might need that info in the desperate times we prepare for. 

RIP Violet. 

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I don't remember her on here but then I came to this post much later than most of you. Just glad we have all that info on here to keep her knowledge with us will also keep her with us through that knowledge.

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