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Everything posted by Cricket

  1. Thank you for the recommendation! I just ordered a used copy in "good" condition from Amazon for $34.23 and $9.12 S&H plus tax. Other copies are $138 and up, plus shipping. I got lucky, and just happened to look at the right time, but $45 for a used book does make me wince.
  2. Hi Jeepers and Annarchy! It's nice to be back and see familiar folks. I made six quarts of ham and bean, and it looks like all six sealed!
  3. Today I am pressure canning navy bean and ham soup, thanks to the leftover ham from New Year's Day. I haven't canned for a while, and this got me to reminiscing about Mrs. S. So here I am! I can't believe I remembered my login.
  4. Turtlemama, I hear your pain, and I appreciate that you are lashing out in defense of your child, for fear that he and others like him will be painted with the same brush as a mass murderer. This is a safe place for you, and no one here thinks that way. If anything, it makes me and many others here make a point of covering you and your boy in prayer. I don't think that acknowledging that the killer was reported to have Asperger's Syndrome and exploring how that condition was one of many factors that led to this horrific tragedy makes anyone here cruel or ignorant. Nothing will change the fact that people with mental and/or developmental disorders are not immune from violent behavior, and have limitations that may make it more difficult for them to behave appropriately for those that develop mental illness on top of a developmental disorder. This is the fact sheet on Asperger's from the NIH web ste: http://www.ninds.nih...il_asperger.htm Snippet, emphasis added: Asperger syndrome (AS) is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), one of a distinct group of complex neurodevelopment disorders characterized by social impairment, communication difficulties, and restrictive, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior. Other ASDs include autistic disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (usually referred to as PDD-NOS). ASDs are considered neurodevelopmental disorders and are present from infancy or early childhood. Although early diagnosis using standardized screening by age 2 is the goal, many with ASD are not detected until later because of limited social demands and support from parents and caregivers in early life. The severity of communication and behavioral deficits, and the degree of disability, is variable in those affected by ASD. Some individuals with ASD are severely disabled and require very substantial support for basic activities of daily living. Asperger syndrome is considered by many to be the mildest form of ASD and is synonymous with the most highly functioning individuals with ASD. Two core features of autism are: a) social and communication deficits and fixated interests and repetitive behaviors. The social communication deficits in highly functioning persons with Asperger syndrome include lack of the normal back and forth conversation; lack of typical eye contact, body language, and facial expression; and trouble maintaining relationships. Fixated interests and repetitive behaviors include repetitive use of objects or phrases, stereotyped movements, and excessive attachment to routines, objects, or interests. Persons with ASD may also respond to sensory aspects of their environment with unusual indifference or excessive interest. The prevalence of AS is not well established. It is often not recognized before age 5 or 6 because language development is normal. Although ASD varies significantly in character and severity, it occurs in all ethnic and socioeconomic groups and affects every age group. Experts estimate that as many as 1 in 88 children age 8 will have an autism spectrum disorder1 No studies have yet been conducted to determine the incidence of Asperger syndrome in adult populations, but studies of children with the disorder suggest that their problems with socialization and communication continue into adulthood. Some of these children develop additional psychiatric symptoms and disorders in adolescence and adulthood. Males are four times more likely than girls to have ASD. Studies of children with Asperger syndrome suggest that their problems with socialization and communication continue into adulthood. Some of these children develop additional psychiatric symptoms and disorders in adolescence and adulthood.
  5. Any references to Aspergers/Autism I heard on the news regarding this shooter is that early information suggested he was autistic AND had a personality disorder/mental illness. Those on the spectrum are not immune form mental illness, and it makes sense to me that concomitant disorders would make treatment even more challenging. Having aspergeres/autism does not mean that they are all destined to be violently psychotic, but it does not make them exempt from it, either. Edited for spelling.
  6. Exactly!!!!! We need good, decent mental hospitals. There truly are those who need to be sheltered and cared for, not drugged up and forced to cope with an environment that they simply are not equipped to handle all in the name of "inclusion" and "mainstreaming". Especially since the society we live in now is even more frightening than it was in the 70's. A person with mental illness subjected to daily onslaught of violence on television, movies, and video games in a culture that no longer teaches self control or moral boundarie is a recipe for disaster, because that person cannot protect themselves from the effects of those myriad influences IMHO. The mentally ill deserve the dignity of a safe, sheltered environment. As a society, we have abrogated our responsibility to care for the most fragile persons.
  7. Neato Frito! Now to download my selections and top off the charge on my Kindle before the storm hits. Thank you.
  8. ereaderiq.com is a good source for the daily "freebies" on Amazon. I've let my mouse finger get ahead of my eyes a couple times, too. I was able to go through the Amazon site and cancel the order right away. There was an "ordered by mistake" option. I think I went to Manage Your Kindle to locate the book and cancel the order.
  9. We haven't turned our central heat on yet, but we are using our gas fireplace in the evenings before bed. I hung bedsheets on the line early yesterday morning, and it was still below freezing. I had to wipe the lines down to get the thick frost off before I started hanging. Yowie, did my fingers get cold! We had to go out yesterday, so that is why I was out so early. Not only did I save the electricity cost, but I LOVE the smell of sun-dried linens. I slept like a baby nestled in those fragrant sheets under a cozy comforter.
  10. Perfect! Thank you Cee Gee and Canned Nerd! I should have thought to go to that dehydrating web site. I really enjoy it.
  11. I love those screens, Andrea! I am dehydrating lemons today. Found five nice ones in the fridge I had left over from making zucchini marmalade a while back and I won't let perfectly good lemons go bad. Anyone use dehydrated lemons? Suggestions?
  12. Six trays of basil. We had a freeze warning issued yesterday, so pulled out what was left to save. It has been going all night on the very lowest temp, and will probably need several more hours.
  13. Loaded the dehydrator last night with two pounds each of frozen corn, peas, and mixed vegetables. I was chuckling as I recalled that PEAS ARE ROUND!
  14. Overnight dried three trays of bell peppers, two trays of okra, and one tray of Roma tomatoes. Now to go food-saver it. This is pretty much the end of our garden this season. I might get a few more tomatoes, but not enough at one time to can, so I'll keep dehydrating small batches.
  15. Two more pounds of frozen sweet white corn and two pounds of frozen baby lima beans went in before bed last night. I am pretty much drying all my veggies for 12 hours. I want them totally dry! After each batch is cool, I am putting them in zip top bags but not closing them all the way, then putting that bag into a Foodsaver bag and sucking them down to rock-hard little packets. Label and store! The link Stephanie provided to http://dehydrate2store.com/videos/?id=45 has really inspired me and helped refine my techniques. Thank you, Stephanie!!
  16. Two pound frozen peas and two pounds frozen corn in the dehydrator since this morning.
  17. I have a tray of sliced Roma tomatoes, two trays of sliced okra, and a tray of diced peppers in the dehydrator right now. Harvested from the garden an hour before! I am taking a quick iced tea break and will be back in in the kitchen dicing more peppers in a few minutes. I have two more trays I can fill.
  18. I'm with you on that one, Gunplumber. Note that the new formulation of Crisco, without "trans fats" is less shelf stable than the Crisco we know and love. When the new version came out, I raided the Walmart shelves and scooped up several cans of the original formulation in both the original and butter flavor. I consider that somewhat of a coup.
  19. Cricket


    My understanding is that the "safe" polio vaccine is still routinely given to children in the United States for that very reason as part of the standard array of childhood vaccinations. http://www.vaccineinformation.org/polio/qandavax.asp You should keep a detailed list of all your child's vaccinations, type, date, etc.
  20. Prickle, my recollection is the recommendation that with the Nesco, you have at least four trays in it while running, even if some are empty, to ensure adequate room for air circulation.
  21. I will definitely be drying some zucchini this summer! Thanks, Ladies!
  22. Does summer squash need to be blanched before dehydrating?
  23. I used to save the heavy duty waxed paper bags that came in cereal boxes. Just turn them inside out, wash with dish soapy water, rinse well and let try in the drainer. I never had a problem with cereal taste carry-over.
  24. QUOTE (Jingles @ Apr 4 2009, 08:19 PM) I have now found my happy place. That is so cute. I'm sure it's mentioned elsewhere on this board, but http://www.hillbillyhousewife.com/ has some great penny pinching recipes and menus.
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