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Everything posted by redhenfarm

  1. Thanks, Snowmom. Helpful article. Theyd - neat about the curtains.
  2. Blessed relief from the heat today! The foggy, coolness started coming in last night so the house was more comfortable. Yesterday was 97, right now it's 67 and I'm happy. DH and I went downtown and got a new pair of tennis shoes. Well, I call them tennis shoes but I don't play tennis. They feel so good I still have them on. I'm usually a kick-the-shoes-off-when-you-enter-the-house person. She recommended inserts with arch supports so I'm interested to see how this will feel when I'm on the treadmill. Kids are coming over for dinner tonight. Lois: I'm praying for your daughter. Please keep us posted. Mamafitz: Isn't it great seeing the jars of newly canned goods lining up? Snowmom: Hope your dog gets through this setback. Pansy: Hope some of our cooler weather blows your way.
  3. Yes, you are brave! Er, .....wiggly things!!
  4. Dee, You just answered a question I had - whether there were other grottos in the country. There is a beautiful one in Portland, Oregon. When my sister learned to drive she and a friend took me there and it was so amazing. The grounds are so serene but the wonder is where you take a little elevator to an upper section on a bluff where there is a garden with (I think) the stations of the cross. Jan
  5. I guess I should have said capsules, so cutting in half isn't an option. Might as well take straight cod liver oil
  6. Westbrook, I'd say you and I are already West - no further to go! Would I want to go East? No. Maybe see New England in the fall but I'd rather fly - or would I? I love where I live.
  7. redhenfarm

    Pill chill

    I am taking Omega 3 & E supplements (recommended by Dr. Mercola) and take 5 capsules after breakfast. I often find the last one or two seems to not go down all the way and I get this horrible fish taste. I'm drinking a lot of water with them. Anybody have this happen or have a solution? I don't think I want to split them up during the day because I'm too likely to forget. Maybe I need a supplement for that!
  8. Zero for me but that's changing
  9. Aha! I often read in bed before I go to sleep. When it's a little paperback that's okay. If I then have a hardback or larger book my hands get tired holding them. But most of the ones I read I want to keep so....no tear!
  10. We're a comfortable 66 right now so I need to get on my treadmill as soon as I get off here. I've got the fan going full blast in front of it. We'll be 87 today with 77% humidity and up to 95 tomorrw and on and on into next week. We went to a Hospice Banquet that is put on annually to help fund hospice. DH's boss paid for the dinner (salmon, oysters, hotdogs or hamburgers, salads, desserts, pop, coffee, etc.)for all of his staff who chose to go. There was an auction of goods donated by local stores and for the last few years various quilting groups/individuals do blocks and someone puts them into quilts and it turns out to be something like 8 quilts plus some smaller quilt pieces. Most of the ones that sold while we were there went for $250 or so. I got to meet some of DH's coworkers. Cat: Glad your AC is working just in time. It's a good thing those scarey illnesses were ruled out for your daughter. Momma: Hope the storms don't come your way. I've often thought I'd hate an outside job. When I worked at the job training program their was a landscaping training and a garden they worked on across from the building I worked in. When it was rainy or cold or terribly hot the kids would want to come into the clinic because they all knew from their entry ritual (immunizations/tests) we had a water cooler. Some of the staff were stingey about letting them in there. Buttercup: Have a fun stay inside day.
  11. Forgot to say - on the oldoregon url listed above if you click on movies made in Astoria - Kindergarten Cop was filmed in the school my oldest son went to kindergarten at and it was his old classroom (NOT his teacher ) The Goonies house is owned by one of the nurses I used to work with. She bought it a few years ago and had to do alot of work on it. I think she told me last winter she had no heat in the house except area electric heaters so it sounds like much work to be done. The house is near the school where Kindergarten Cop was made but I think a lot of people are fooled because there's a house nearby with a decoration on their outside chimney that says Goonie House. That's not the house - it's further up the hill. My friend puts up signs every now and then but people steal them for memorabilia.
  12. Oh, that's too bad about the Home Spirit url. I can get it when I click on it. It shows the old house the restaraunt is in. The restaraunt/bakery are on the main floor and the chef and his family live upstairs.
  13. I use a little bleach in the toilet, brush it around and wait 10 minutes then flush. Also they say pour a cup down the drain once a month and it will keep them clean - I haven't tried that one yet but plan to.
  14. Happy birthday, Diinmi! I'm here late in the day but if there's a piece of cake left I've got the best icecream to go with it - Skinny Cow Strawberry Cheesecake. :balloon
  15. I just started The Amethyst Heart by Penelope Stokes (I really enjoyed Blue Bottle Club by her) and Dragon Seed by Pearl Buck. I'm enjoying them both. Tried not to read Dragon Seed until I finished the Stokes book but just had to peek!
  16. Calendar of events: http://www.astoria-usa.com/events.shtml Scandinavian festival: http://www.astoriascanfest.com/ Northwest hummingbirds: Check out local events/pictures: http://www.oldoregon.com/ http://home.pacifier.com/~mpatters/archive/humm/humm.html A wonderful lavender farm: http://www.shootingstarlavender.com/ Our local co-op: http://www.thecommunitystore.org/index.php My favorite restaraunt for special times but darn! the owner/chef is returning to be an episcopal priest and closing the restaraunt: http://www.home-spirit.com/ corrected last 2 links Caveman
  17. My morning if flying away. I did get in a walk. We're forecast for 77 with 74% humidity. It's partly cloudy so that will keep the temperature down. Maybe they're wrong and some cool weather will blow in (heh). Today I'll clean inside the house. My "weeding arm" is still sore from last week. I need to get that straightened out so I can put stain on the shed and fence (not all in one day anymore). Snowmom: You get a little reprieve between grandkids. You must be enjoying having them this summer. Hope your perm turns out like you like it. Pansy: Praying for some rain for you. Mommyof5: Hope you start feeling better. Our chores never end whether we feel like it or not, eh?
  18. I am so relieved (and so much more are you!) that the fire danger is over.
  19. It's sunny this morning but we have the chance of rain coming through at times. When I went out to water the sun was fully out but things were damp like a rain had come through at some time. We have church this morning, afterwards we will pick up some fresh produce at the Sunday Market. I'm going to wash our bedding and put it out on the line to dry . Bobbi, our only cat (pet) now thinks it's mighty fine being the big cheese. We've rarely only had just one pet so time will tell if she gets to retain her "crown". DH picked up driftwood off the beach and put it here and there in the garden and she thinks it was put there just for her to scratch on. It's a good place for a cat to scratch. Have a good day everyone.
  20. Why do weekends go so fast?! We went to some garage sales/estate sale this morning. We haven't done this for a long time and found some great things. I got two oak chairs for the dining table and some louvered bi-fold doors to go in front of the furnace for a great price and they fit! If they hadn't fit I would have replaced one of the bedroom closet doors and if that didn't work I would have made one of those screens with them. Then lots of miscellaneous things like a wooden boat about 18" long that looks handmade, an icecream scoop I'll give to the kids, a wall-hanging with what I think is Debbie Mumm fabric (the lady makes a new one every year and must have just gotten tired of this)- it has a blue house, sunflowers, a bear, a beehive, basket of apples, chicken, etc. all multi-color with a red border. Now I'm at that point where I'm ready for a nap. DH is already started with his .
  21. Sounds like great fun! Anyone know what the postage on a postcard is?
  22. redhenfarm


    Yikes! You sound so calm! I'd have jumped over the top of the house and you could hear me from here to Kansas. I was just thinking I haven't seen a snake here (thank God they don't grow that big here!) for a long time. I could imagine them telling each generation "Stay away from that house. They've got two boys who love catching us and naming us and keeping us in a garbage can their Mom doesn't know about."
  23. Hmmmm. I have mixed feelings about this. It makes sense there should be coverage for people whose doctors advise to lose weight for health reasons. But why limit it to the elderly? I am also skeptical of anything that pushes us any more towards the trend of discriminating against the overweight person. I became "chubby" at 8 and have been at various degrees of average weight to fat. I have seen doctors who (especially years ago) cranked at you if you were 5 lbs. off the "chart". It will be interesting to see how this goes. When I worked for a psychologist a law passed that looked like insurances wouldn't be able to cut needed therapy for patients but by golly they found a way to get around that, too.
  24. It's 67 right now and I don't think we'll get much above 70, but that can be warm here. I did my watering early. My bush beans are about 8" high now. Do you think I'll have some by Christmas? There are some little green tomatoes formed. Don't know about the carrots - they don't seem to be growing much. I need to plant more radishes. DH will be home for lunch today. I've got some laundry going. Lois: I hope your garden won't have a set back with the rain. Buttercup: What are the tractor pulls (another city girl here)? We look forward to our local festivities, too. We've had our Scandinavian Festival, next is the 4-H Fair and then the Regatta which is mostly a parade - it used to be the salmon derby when fishing was better. Have a good day everyone.
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