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Everything posted by redhenfarm

  1. We're in hot mode again. It was so hard to sleep last night and we've got at least a couple more days of it. The good thing is this will give the garden a boost. I'm doing laundry today Sheets and pillowcases are out on the line. Other than that it's going to be a take it easy and stay as cool as possible day. Snowmom: Hope that back gets better soon. It can sure make everything hurt. Lois: That was a neat description of how to get the back in line again. Cat: Thinking of you and DD. Momma: You sound so busy. Breathe! Buttercup: Hope that dishwasher gets fixed. Frustrating to have things break down time and again. I went without for a lot of years but I feel like it just gets things cleaner.
  2. I have to say life gets easier when the kids grow up and the laundry lessens. We had our church service and a picnic afterwards out at a lake this morning. It's 82 here right now but there's a breeze making it bearable. It was so much fun having potluck plus hamburgers or hotdogs and then be able to just sit and visit with folks.
  3. We have several places where people sell bark dust, gravel, rock and composted soil. That's where we got ours. If it was just a smaller amount you needed like for houseplants then you can often get potting soil in the bag. The soil we got was mixed with sand and compost (clay soil here). They just use one of those rigs to scoop it right into your pickup. If you don't have a pickup or can't borrow one, they usually deliver it for a fee.
  4. I believe school starts here Sept. 7. Becca Anne - time to play? Good for you.
  5. I am so glad for Fran. I can just imagine how amazed you were to hear her!
  6. Not propane but we use natural gas which is prorated at $70/month. I guess with heating it also depends on how much heat escapes - windows, etc. Jan
  7. Yes, if you had access to a bike that might work for you. Or swimming? At the pool I used to go to they had a therapy pool with water about chest high. This was separate from the lap pool and many people with mobility problems were able to walk there because of the buoyancy of the water.
  8. It's almost evening here now but it's still Friday. We had some light rain this morning, too. I left early to go to a couple of garage sales. Only thing I got was a couple of golf humor books for DH. I discovered the second place I went to (an estate sale but it was early the first day and there sure wasn't much) is where a lady at church lived. A father and daughter from the church were there shopping and told me that. Unfortunately the man who passed on didn't leave things the way he told his (second) wife it would be and she was forced out of the house. Another thing is that house had a magnificent view of the bay but someone bought a tiny little house nextdoor to it (we always called it the captain's house because it had a round porthole kind of window in the front door and a lot of nautical things around)-anyone the person who bought it built around it a multi-story, enormous house so the house I was at lost half the view they had plus the way the new house was angled they could look right into their bedroom window. I wouldn't think it was legal to invade privacy like that. I mean, if they HAD to have the big house don't put windows there. Oh, well. I talked to Mom today and next week I'm going to look around the community for retirement places. The week went mighty fast for me. I missed a day walking outside to look at what was happening in the yard so today when I went out I found some new things in bloom. One was a flower I bought at the market, planted with some geraniums in a pot and then the deer ate it all up. I forgot what the flower looked like and almost bought another like it so it was a treat to see it's grown back and I already have it. It's something in the morningglory family but it's not invasive. White with a bit of yellow in the center and blue rim. Also one of my nasturciums I transplanted into a hanging basket is blooming so it must be happy there. I went to grab my camera and remembered our son borrowed it for a week .
  9. Good morning. I'm waiting for the Advil to kick in to do my exercise this morning. My left big toe joint started aching yesterday and sure enough we have some rain today. It doesn't happen all the time with rain or I'd have it a lot . Funny it's just on the left side. I got a lot of filing done yesterday and hope to finish up today. Then I have some boxes to go through of what I think are give aways. This weekend is Finn Fest across the river in Washington in a small town. It is held only every two years but the time we went it was so much fun. Lots of homemade Scandinavian treats and the most wonderful, very reasonably priced crafts. Buttercup: Hope all goes well for your neighbor and there is a simple solution for her. Snowmom: Glad Prince's blood count was better.
  10. There are three I really love by Skinny Cow: Chocolate Peanutbutter Cup icecream sandwiches Mint icecream sandwiches & in the half gallon Strawberry Cheesecake. Mmmmmm. Just need to measure right - that's why I like the single serves.
  11. Nana, I'm so sorry you and your family are going through this and this has happened to your son. I will be praying. Have you ever been in contact with NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill)? They have classes for families of the mentally ill called Family to Family that were extremely helpful to us in learning about/trying to understand my bil's schizophrenia. It's helpful seeing other families going through similar things. There are also support groups but the Family to Family was particularly helpful to us.
  12. DH left at 6 this morning to go out of town for training. I'm not sure when he will be home - depends on the training schedule. I've been on the treadmill, showered and now I'm trying to order my day. Like Snowmom said there are millions of things one could do. I had my thyroid med filled yesterday and had a message my doctor wanted me to come in. I'm sure it is for labs so I called the nurse this morning to ask if I could wait until October because I have no health insurance until then.
  13. Has anyone read The Deliberate Home by Susan Miller Cavitch? I saw it advertised in The Herb Companion (magazine) and I'm curious.
  14. Five treadmill miles. I consider that a happy start
  15. Thanks, Hill. I also used their wallpaper in Lupines.
  16. Good morning Buttercup, Mommafitz and Snowmom and anyone everyone else: I woke up with a headache - think it's allergy stuff. It's gone with no lingering stuff so that's good. Today I'm making a run to the store to pick up a prescription and the farm/garden store for potting soil. Also I am checking the website and may visit a retirement home to see if it's a possibility for Mom. I'm not sure if she will want to move here - she has almost always lived in the area she is in now. I am just surprised my sister hasn't contacted me about moving several hours away from where Mom is to discuss how things will go/who will touch bases on a regular basis with her. Her daughters work/have children and currently do not see Mom for long expanses of time so that won't work. Sorry - rambling. Our temperatures have been very comfortable. Right now it's 60. DH was really busy at work yesterday and didn't get home until 7:45. Friday was like that, too. Buttercup: Glad you have a peaceful day lined up. Hope you had everything you need for chili. Mommafitz: There sure is a lot going on for your kids. That's a great transition into public school for your son. Snowmom: Do I ever agree about decluttering. I also have a huge pile of stuff to be filed sitting right beside me. But I have to get serious because I hate having people over and having to make a mad dash because of the clutter. The two extra bedrooms, family room and little den are the "hot spots".
  17. Pansy, that sounds like the perfect morning. I'm enjoying the cooler weather, too. I've been to the grocery store, doing laundry and housecleaning.
  18. Here is the website for The Grotto in Portland: http://www.thegrotto.org/
  19. We're in full blueberry season here now. I get mine from Sunday Market (farmer's market) but would like to eventually grow my own. I see two Sweet 100s (tomatoes) turning yellow!! Soon.
  20. Joan, I think someone on this board mentioned Dr. Mercola. His website is: http://mercola.com/
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