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Everything posted by CrabGrassAcres

  1. Pumpkin seeds are a traditional way to get rid of parasites but will only take care of intestinal parasites and will not cure hookworm or any other parasite that has migrated outside the intestine. DE is not effective internally. Be sure to give a good mineral supplement to help them resist parasites.
  2. LOL, Amber. I do wish they'd eat those pesky squirrels too.
  3. I think being able to do the stretchy net weaving would be good to know. Lots of things to use it for besides hammocks, but a hammock is a good thing to have too.
  4. I ordered one. I'll let you know if I catch anything. I saw a huge shed skin in the barn recently.
  5. If you do hardware cloth make sure the coon can't latch a claw under it and rip it away from the wood you fastened it to. Do not use staples or nails. Use 2x4s with long deck screws over the edge of the hardware cloth and into a secure backing of wood. I did have a coon tear a hole in 1/2 inch hardware cloth once, but usually it is enough to deter them.
  6. I hate coons. Thankfully the Pyrs keep them away from the flock.
  7. Make sure you aren't sensitive to permethrin before spraying it all over your clothes.
  8. You can repackage many dry items in the seal-a-meal bags. Just do it immediately after opening the can. Put what you will use pretty quickly into a small glass jar. You can also repackage into canning jars with the appropriate attachment for the vacuum sealer.
  9. Yes, but what about when the whooey hits the fan, the recycle center is closed and so is the building supply, but you have a ton of cans? Frankly I wouldn't bother otherwise.
  10. http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-Shingles-and-Siding-Out-of-Aluminum-Cans-Bee/
  11. I dug down and the ground is damp for the top 4 inches now. Below that is dust, but still, an improvement and we might get a little more. I hear thunder! Hope for more rain! Creek is dry and the lakes/tanks are all nearly dry still. Lots of room for the water.
  12. About an inch. Nice and comfortable and really enjoying it. No chance of flooding unless we get a ton more rain.
  13. Growing up, are they? Be glad they are able to. Of course you worry, that is what mother's do. HUGS hon.
  14. I never knew that tying a knot in a cord weakens it so much at that point. Seems you can only count on any cord holding half its rated weight since ie isn't going to hold anything at all unless you tie a knot in it some where. Loss of strength is not cumulative. That is, if one knot decreases strength by half, two knots doesn't make it 1/4 as strong. Just means that each spot where there is a knot or bend the cord now has a weak spot.
  15. http://www.animatedknots.com/klemheist/index.php?LogoImage=LogoGrog.jpg&Website=www.animatedknots.com
  16. When I needed to grab a gosling this spring from a protective mama I just grabbed mama by the neck and tossed her over the fence. LOL That's the only time they get real upset, is if you mess with a gosling or a nest. Geese act like they have a few thoughts in their heads. Wise birds.
  17. Geese are friendlier, IMHO. I have some that don't mind being picked up and hugged. The geese talk to me and they have a lot more sense than the silly ducks.
  18. Glad you're getting eggs! My pen is in the back yard and all the big ducks hang out around it. Geese too. They can see the pond. Had an auntie in for a few weeks that was getting bred too often and needed a break. Put her out yesterday and she spent the rest of the day trying to get back in! Ducks is silly! I have 3 more ducklings just hatched.
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