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Everything posted by CrabGrassAcres

  1. I was just running up here to ask "WHA HAPPENED?" Glad just a little glitch. Could have been worse.
  2. Too hot for spinach and lettuce now. How much is it costing you to put that much water on the garden? Plants that get stunted early will not produce, no matter how much water you use. I would suggest you go to native seeds search and find varieties suitable for your area. I know they carry tepary beans and different varieties of corn, tomatoes and peppers as well as different melons. Look for greens that were not developed in cool moist climates. Did you know you can eat tumbleweed when it is young? Some of the amaranths should do well for you. Instead of trying to adapt the garden for plants unsuitable to the climate, try growing plants that are adapted to the climate.
  3. Black eyed peas do well in heat and try tepary beans.
  4. Probably not a bad idea. I sometimes wish I could go back to work. We could sure use the additional funds. But between my health problems and daughter's need for constant supervision, that isn't going to happen.
  5. I would think the peppers and tomatoes would be doing something, but most of what you mentioned does better in cooler weather.
  6. Cool. I have a french press, but I've quit drinking coffee so it just sits.
  7. No problem. Don't like to complain, but thought you might need to know that some are having problems. Don't sweat it too much.
  8. Where does your water come from? I think I'd do a test garden with hydroponics and see if that makes a difference. If nothing is sprouting there has to be a reason. Also do a test on the seeds to see if they will sprout when not in the ground.
  9. I'm still having problems. I have to go in every few days and clear Mrs. S history or I get the data base error message page. I did discover I don't have to clear ALL the history. I click on "History" on the tool bar then search for Mrs S and I can clear only those pages. It messes too much stuff up to clear all the history every few days. (Though if I were truly paranoid about anybody looking at what I have been reading I suppose it would be good to clear history every day. LOL.)
  10. So glad you are catching up on your rest! Wish you didn't have those hills to contend with.
  11. I had two miscarriages then my husband left me. The Lord never sent another man into my life and I adopted a 4 yr old with Down Syndrome when I was 31. Maybe that kept some man from being interested in marrying me. If so, no big loss. Yes, I often think of what it would have been like if I had not lost my natural children. I probably would not have adopted. Whether I would have remarried I don't know. Whether my life has been better or worse, I certainly couldn't say. Only God knows those things.
  12. Excess phosphorus can cause muscle cramps and spasms as well as kidney stones.
  13. You and us both, Mt Rider! Severe drought here. We got a sprinkling from this weather system and a sprinkling from the previous one.
  14. I have ducks setting. One has been on a nest in a brush pile of mesquite thorn branches. I heard chicks peeping in there this morning but couldn't reach them. I need to grab the chicks and let the duck finish setting her own eggs. I don't want her abandoning her eggs to take care of chickens. Wish the stinking chickens wouldn't DO that! I have had them mess up a turkey hatch too and didn't discover it till the turkey eggs were cold.
  15. I'm bottle feeding but use a holder so I'm feeding all the 6 older ones at once. The two younger ones come outside the pen and I feed the two together so they don't have any bigger kids pushing them away from their bottles. They are so cute. I have the top half of a jumbo dog crate on the outside of the fence with a cut out of the fence so they can get into the crate but not jump on it. It is fastened to the fence at the end with the opening but I can lift it on the other end to let them out or put them back. The two youngest come scrambling thru it as soon as I lift it up. They know where to go to get fed! I also have 4 goslings in the kitchen. 7 goslings outside with their mom, but I stole these four and gave their mom a second setting of eggs to hatch for me.
  16. Thank you, Twilight, yes, they are quite uniform.
  17. Sure could use some help, but nobody near me to do it.
  18. 8 doelings needing fed 3 times a day and 8 does needing milked twice a day on top of an already full day.
  19. It's hard. I'm sorry you have so much to deal with.
  20. I just can the fruit in light syrup or water then add thickening when I make the pies. Easy enough to do it then.
  21. Thank you, Ann, for working so hard for us!
  22. I've been using dolomite, works but not very convenient as a powder that I have to mix with juice. Needing it more often these days too. (I am on a low phosphorus diet too.) Wondering if anybody has any experience with OTC binders that don't have aluminum. I really hate TUMS so don't particularly want to use those.
  23. Yes, BIG sigh of relief. I was about ready to chuck a computer out the window! Arby some are better than others My top producers give about 1 1/4 gal/day at peak. If one gives less than 1/2 gal/day at peak I don't keep her around. I have 2 does that are about to move next door. One did not hold to service and the other doesnt' produce enough to keep on.
  24. No sell yet. 7 of the 8 does have kidded and I have been really busy with all that. I got 6 doelings! Sent the 5 bucklings to live with my neighbor. 6 girls are enough to feed and work with, don't need a bunch of boys too.
  25. Thanks! More like panic than withdrawal!
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