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Everything posted by Midnightmom

  1. Midnightmom

    Low Carb Diet

    MrsWe2 ............ That's why my low-carb presence on the NET is MRSJACKSPRAT!
  2. Midnightmom

    Low Carb Diet

    Sass............ Try adding some unsalted butter to your coffee, or perhaps some coconut oil. (cheaper than avocados!) I agree with you on the endo's and carbs. Sure, you can bolus enough insulin to cover your carbs, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut..............................all that ensures is that your BS will go down because the 'leftover' carbs are stored as fat!!!
  3. I have all 6 that have been sent so far. We have some pretty creative and skillful people on this board. They are all wonderful.
  4. Yay! FINALLY found butter on sale!!! Food Maxx has Land O' Lakes butter for $2.99/lb........................bought 6.
  5. Ornaments received from Trudy, Snowmom, and lumabean. Thank you ladies.
  6. I only wish I could find some on SALE! I was hoping the holiday sales would include butter. It's hard to believe that $3.99/lb is a SALE price!!! Perhaps Christmas sales (when people do more baking ) will have better prices.
  7. Sent. Keep the box for storage to prevent breaking when packed away after Christmas.
  8. That's because it is a JPG image/picture/graphic. I had to save to my comp, then upload it to TinyPic dot com and finally, post the link here.
  9. Ornaments are "evolving" as I create the prototype..........................................
  10. Sassenach................................... Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroiditis Knowledge Base: 17 videos--1 hour, 28 minutes by Dr. David J. Clark, DC A collection of critical, must-know information for Hashimoto's victims who STILL have low thyroid symptoms like: hair loss,depression, brain fog, sleep problems, constipation, fatigue. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0CE8C2C223D5CA95
  11. Solid White Albacore--88c/can at CVS until Sat 10/25. There is usually NO LIMIT on sale items AND they give out RAIN CHECKS! Time to shop and stock up!!!
  12. Trudy-- Just in boxes in my "storeroom" (bedroom).
  13. STILL using up the peanut butter. Biggest "problem" seems to be the layer of peanut oil that has gathered at the top of the jar.
  14. Your "relatives" from Across the Pond welcome you HOME!
  15. How could a home in Pennsylvania (brrrrrrrrrrrrrr ) NOT have a heating system??? Was it a summer cottage???
  16. Just to 'prove' that I read the Newsletter I would like to point out an error in the Nov. calendar! 4 U.S. General Election Day - first Tuesday of the month Election Day in the US is actually the first Tuesday AFTER the first MONDAY of the month.
  17. It's been a while since I've done this. Time to do it again. Count me in.
  18. Suncat..............your apple story reminded me of a little adventurewe had when our children were younger! Middle son had somehow managed to flush a TP holder down the bowl and into the "S" (?) pipe (trap?). It was the kind that was plastic and 'vented' for the air-fresher ball it contained: so water could go through it, but not solids - including TP. We tried the plunger; we tried the snake; we called a friend who owned a house and "knew about these things".....................we hoped. Did I mention that we lived in an apartment??? It's a good thing it was a two bathroom apt! We were all able to use the master bath while we figured out what to do about the other one. Anyway, our friend told us we would have to remove the toilet in order to reach the obstruction from the 'other' side. We couldn't afford to pay a plumber to do the work, so we decided to "do it ourselves." Let the circus begin!!! We got the new wax ring, etc, removed the toilet, and took it outside to the parking lot. WHY did we take it outside you ask? WHY didn't we put it in tub like you did? NO IDEA. So here we are out on the asphalt trying to remove the TP holder by reaching it from underneath the base. No success I was really wedged tightly in the trap. This is where it gets really good..................center ring attraction good! One of us (me & dh) had read somewhere (internet possibly?) that we should squirt lighter fluid (we used Kingsford) into the toilet and let the heat from the flame MELT the PLASTIC TP holder which we could then remove.............because ................presumably ............ it would no longer be wedged in. My husband, being a born 'pyromaniac' thought this was a wonderful idea. Are you "seeing" this? The whole family is outside, the porcelain throne is lying on its side on the asphalt in parking lot. I squirt the Kingsford down the throat of the device, my husband approaches with the sacred flame and tosses it into the bowl. Smoke and flames and ash from melted plastic start billowing out BOTH ends of the unfortunate device. When the flames extinguish we move in to see if the TP holder can now be removed. Alas. it doesn't matter.........................a crack develops and the whole trap falls off onto the pavement. We had to buy a new throne and install it ourselves..................cause we STILL couldn't AFFORD a plumber!!!
  19. Found this tip at a "life hacks" site and thought it could be quite useful if you don't have or don't want to use a chemical solution. You probably have these items anyway: 2 antacid tablets (any brand???) 1 c white vinegar Drop the tabs in the clogged sink, pour in vinegar, wait for the 'magic' to happen. No, I haven't tried it. But if you do, let us know how it worked.
  20. Found this tip at a "life hacks" site and thought it could be quite useful for helping to "preserve the harvest" of strawberries. I always found it a pain to remove the leaves and core out of a strawberry--even with one of those pincher tools that were made for the job. This looks so much easier. You should experiment with different widths of straws to find the best one.
  21. Search results: Melaleuca (Tee Tree Oil) 9. Athlete’s foot: Melaleuca works wonders! Apply neat (meaning undiluted) to affected areas twice a day. 10. Toe fungus: Melaleuca to the rescue again. Dab the affected toenail with a saturated q-tip morning and night. Lavender oil: An analgesic (pain reliever), antiseptic, and immune stimulant. It is thought to be good for skin care and to promote healing, especially in burns, bruises, scrapes, acne, rashes, and bug bites. Lavender has a calming effect, and is used for insomnia, stress, and depression. It has been reported effective as a decongestant through steam inhalation. Lavender oil may have use as an antifungal agent, and may be used for Athlete's foot or other related conditions.
  22. I was going to post the article, but it is better suited for "The Edge" than here. But, the knowledge that the information is out there is appropriate here. By Lizzie Bennett On September 17, 2014 URL to article: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/dealing-with-ebola-infected-corpses_092014
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