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Everything posted by Midnightmom

  1. More Pashi pics...................... Her 'pashmina' is showing........ .......so is her 'tude! Hiding from the vacuum!
  2. UPDATE to the update....................... I "couldn't handle" having a dog whose name did NOT start with a "P" so I renamed her Pashmina! It has the same basic meaning..................but starts with that all-important "P." Here are some progression pics of her 'growing up:' First pic-8 wks: 11 wks: 16(?) wks:
  3. Sounds like a wonderful birthday present you have provided there Cat! I 'specially loved the part about the bacon. It was very wise of you to NOT LET Darlene anywhere near the frying bacon with her plastic fork!!! Hope you had a wonderful day Dar.
  4. I moved the pictures of Deena around in photobucket and 'broke' the links, so I am reposting them here:
  5. Thank you everyone. Here, have a piece of b-day cake with my compliments.
  6. Good idea. Must have gotten it from this thread ........................22½ Uses for Emergency Mylar Space Blankets 14. Birds hate mylar, the changing reflections and constant movement keeps them off the fruit bushes and away from the veggies.
  7. Just keeping with the current theme.......................I have this pic framed and hanging in my BR!
  8. I'd think that the child would be so distracted that they would forget WHY they are sitting there! Is this really supposed to make potty-training easier???
  9. This topic needs pics!!! Always happy to accommodate!
  10. I am by no means an expert gardener......I'm probably not even a gardener................BUT, have you considered filling a "rain barrel" with water from your garden hose and letting it sit for a day or two to dissipate whatever happens to be in the water? Would work fairly well for your garden, but not too well for your "lawn." (too labor intensive for that)
  11. There are two articles of relevance to this topic: AND: You know what, as long as I am on the subject, I think I will add a YouTube vid:
  12. I thought this best belonged here because the young man in the story was honoring his dad by what he did.
  13. I put some up last year. Cooked it first, then defatted it (ate it [hot of course] didn't toss it), cut it into strips, strained the herbs from the broth, and jarred it up. It was nummy, nummy, nummy to the tummy, tummy, tummy!
  14. Just dropping by for a of leftover WHAT! YOU DON'T HAVE ANY??? Serves me right. Hope you had a wonderful day!
  15. You mean to tell us you turned the radio on without starting the car?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  16. Hello everyone. Thank you for your participation and input on my puppy poll thread. I would like you to meet................................ SASHA!!!.... ........ Her dam is Lab/Husky and her sire is Rottweiler/Great Pyrenees.
  17. This is a pic of my new but still NAMELESS puppy. I have listed possible names in the poll. Please vote for the name you think I should choose. FYI...it has been my tradition to have only female dogs and give them a name which starts with a "P," but............................
  18. I'm telling you.............the duck is down there!!!
  19. In order to use a corded phone you have to have a "live wire." This means that you have to be paying the local phone company for service that you probably are not using unless your cell phone is a secondary means of communication. Lots of people today have cell phone service as their primary/only phone line. Keep this in mind when wanting to use a land line for communications.
  20. Annarchy............I am referring to the numerical address that is the same no matter who (whose server) is hosting the forums.
  21. Sounds like it's time to post (or email for more privacy) the IP address for MrsS.
  22. Received as an email............................................................ . =============================================== You may choose to forward this as an email, or not. I just thought it an important topic/subject for study unit in history. Other resources: http://www.auschwitz.dk/sendler.htm http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/13/world/europe/13sendler.html?_r=0 http://www.pbs.org/program/irena-sendler/ https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/irenasendler.html#top http://www.irenasendler.org/
  23. I came across this video on YouTube that contains the actual music/battle charge that was played by Santa Anna's bands (14 of them!) on the morning of the final seige of the Alamo. Thought it might be a good addition to a unit on Texas. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSOwWDEtkh0 degüello (noun) 1 [+de arma] shaft 2 a degüello: entrar a degüello en una ciudad; to put the people of a city to the sword deguellar (verb) Def: Cortar la garganta o el cuello a una persona o animal; To cut the throat or the neck to a person or animal Diccionario de la lengua española: http://lema.rae.es/drae/?val=deguello
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