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Everything posted by Midnightmom

  1. Here's the DENTAL FLOSS method. It varies slightly from the ER method in that you start near the ring.................... [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g72LxZVu_eg[/media]
  2. Here is a vid of an actual removal.......................(I skipped over the fire station part...... and.... the music is very annoying) [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU5A9Q_268k&feature=youtu.be&t=2m15s[/media] Uploaded on Feb 15, 2012 Swollen finger in the morning, jewlery store mid afternoon, fire station for almost 2 hours around noon, the ER afternoon. Anyone with a stainless steel ring needs to watch this. The local fire department used over 7 ring cutters and they still could not get it off.
  3. I just found a vid that reveals an amazing trick that ER personnel use for removing a ring from a swollen finger! [media] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxoAbK5Pc6w[/media] Not having an oxygen mask to get the band from, I wonder if thin elastic banding (like used in sewing) would work?
  4. From Survival Life Newsletter (January 6th, 2014; ISSUE #134) How To Treat Blisters And Itches Naturally When you find yourself in the middle of nowhere for days, trying to stay alive, there are a lot of things you and your loved ones need to protect yourselves from. You might first think of keeping safe from large and dangerous animals, having enough to eat and to drink, not to freeze to death if it’s really cold… But experiencing the wild also means dealing with sunburns, coming in contact with toxic plants or being bitten by insects. This can happen while camping, too. So be prepared for anything, in any situation, that’s what I always say. The best part is that all of these problems can be treated naturally and I`ll show you exactly what to do to ease the pain from itches and nasty blisters. Here some of the natural remedies you can use: #1: Remedies for blisters Blisters can have multiple causes. For example, sunburn causes painful blisters – tender spots that fill up with fluid and burst very easily as a result of skin damage. Blisters can also come from insect bites that you scratch too much or from shoes rubbing up against your skin (but you can prevent this by buying comfortable, good quality shoes. Remember that you might have to walk for miles in search for a shelter or safe place). Here are some natural, cheap home remedies you can use to relieve the pain and itch from blisters: Wash the area with a mild soap and tap it gently with a soft clean towel, to keep the area sanitized (or use the alcohol you’ve packed in your bug-out bag). For soothing and quicker healing use aloe. Squeeze the gel directly on the blister; works for itches and bites, too. Make sure you pack in your bag-out bag a natural aloe vera gel or cream bought from your drugstore or health food store. Vinegar, sprayed directly on the blister, is great to cool the skin and feel some ease. Baking soda mixed with water sprayed on the spot has the same effect (and it’s best to leave the baking soda mix on the blister overnight) Warning: Don’t scratch or pop the blister – there` s a high risk of infection! My advice is to cover the area to keep yourself from scratching it. #2: Remedies for itches Itching is something you should definitely be prepared for as it may be caused by numerous plants, flea bites and even unfit clothing (made of wool or acrylic), and it’s really dangerous. Spots, blisters, rashes, and red skin may accompany itchy skin. Also, due to constant scratching, your skin can get dry or it can crack. Constant itching can also cause anxiety. And you surely don’t need the extra stress while already having a lot of physical pressure and nervousness to deal with in a survival or emergency situation. In most cases you can contact an itchy rash (that can last for 1-3 weeks!) from poison ivy, oak, and sumac. Touching their toxic leaves (roots, stems, flowers and berries, too) can give you contact dermatitis. This reaction is caused by contact with the irritant urushiol, resin found in poison ivy plants. Now here`s what you can do to ease down that fiery itching: Apply moist compresses on the itchy area. If the rash is on your hand, arm, leg, or foot, soak the area in cold water and leave it there for a few minutes (make sure the water is not TOO cold, however). Avoid excessive heat and humidity – sweating can aggravate your itchiness. Wear comfortable clothes. Wear the softest ones you have, and make sure they`re either large or tight enough not to rub on your skin. Keep the itchy area covered, so you don`t feel tempted to scratch it. Other tips, do’s and don’ts Stay out of the sun, wear sun protection cream, caps and sunglasses. Dress appropriately, preferably in smooth breathable fabrics like cotton (wear long sleeved-shirts, long pants and socks). Try and keep your skin covered with clothing at most times, this offers protection against insects (and also keeps you from scratching it. Don’t touch plants you can’t identify. Keep both eyes open for plants or insects that fight back. Cold compresses on the skin are always beneficial, even pouring cool running water on the affected areas for a quick relief. Pack antiseptic soap and oral nonprescription antihistamines that contain diphenhydramine or chlorphenamine maleate (to reduce swelling) in your bug-out bag. Take immediate care of your skin, especially if the itching and pain get worse. Watch for signs of infection (red skin or streaks, fever, weakness) There are a lot of “home” remedies, but you only need to remember the essential ones or to make a list with DIY treatments and instructions. Better yet, print the list and put that in your bug-out bag, as well. It might save your life. http://www.survivallife.com/2014/01/06/how-to-treat-blisters-and-itches-naturally/
  5. NIX on the low-fat!!! You're gonna need it to keep your brain functioning.
  6. What! No sample menus????? SHAME on you.
  7. goatherder ChelleAlaska I "baked" a cake for each of you.
  8. YouTube is a wonderful world with amazing things waiting to be discovered! Things like "Fiddler on the Roof".................................in JAPANESE!!! Fiddler on the Roof (To Life:Japanese)
  9. I am using the huge Vlasic pickle jars for 'canisters.' (you DO have to eat the pickles first.................or get 'empties' from your neighbors )
  10. "Tests" like these USED to be fun........................but not so much any more. With Obama moving to make "mental status" a condition for removing Second Amendment RIGHTS combined with NSA spying, I'm afraid the Fifth Amendment protection of NOT testifying against yourself would become null and void, and these 'fun' quizzes would "be used against you in a court of law." Sorry for the buzz-kill .......................not trying to be a party-pooper .....................just protecting myself FROM my own government!!!
  11. Those six sisters (say that 3 times fast!) have a "dangerous" site!!! *warning................*warning..........................*warning Will Robertson!!! You will need to do this.... .... for 6 weeks after visiting there!!!
  12. RebelD-- One of my nieces posted this on my FB page........................I post it here because it credits an author at the end. I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep. I could see that you were crying, You found it hard to sleep. I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear, "It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here." I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea,... You were thinking of the many times, your hands reached down to me. I was with you at the shops today, Your arms were getting sore. I longed to take your parcels, I wish I could do more. I was with you at my grave today, You tend it with such care. I want to re-assure you, that I'm not lying there. I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key. I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said " it's me." You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair. I tried so hard to let you know, that I was standing there. It's possible for me, to be so near you everyday. To say to you with certainty, "I never went away." You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew... In the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you. The day is over... I smile and watch you yawning and say "good-night, God bless, I'll see you in the morning." And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide, I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand, side by side. I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see. Be patient, live your journey out...then come home to be with me. Author ~ Sammie Klaehn
  13. When I came out this morning to get her her breakfast she was "gone." Rest in Peace Pasadeena. I will (DO) surely miss you!!!
  14. Cat Litter Uses in a Prepper WorldTess Pennington January 12th, 2014 Storing kitty litter is not for just the feline lovers. In fact, cat litter has some very practical uses in the prepper world and its uses may go beyond what we expect. The main ingredient that makes cat litter absorb so well is bentonite clay and is made of aged volcanic ash which gives it a very unique ability to produce an electrical charge when hydrated. Upon contact with fluid its electrical components change, giving it the ability to absorb toxins. According to Wikipedia, bentonite can also be used as a desiccant due to its adsorption properties. Bentonite desiccants have been successfully used to protect pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and diagnostic products from moisture degradation and extend shelf life. In fact, in the most common package environments, bentonite desiccants offer a higher adsorption capacity than silica gel desiccants. Bentonite complies with the FDA for contact with food and drugs. When purchasing cat litter to be used for preparedness matters, ensure that you choose the non-clumping, unscented clay litter where the active ingredient is bentonite to help you acheive the best results. See full article at http://www.thedailysheeple.com/cat-litter-uses-in-a-prepper-world_012014
  15. PEANUT ALLERGIES.....................................caused by serums!
  16. Who knew the Duck Dynasty guys, gals, and kidlets could sing so well! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lEFKE2m6FI (George Strait accompanies/sings on the album.)
  17. I just bought 6 larges jars of sugar-free strawberry jam. I would like to blend it into more of a smooth jelly consistency and re-jar it into smaller containers. Is it possible???
  18. What do/did you do with yours? Mine did the same thing. I believe I tossed them.
  19. Last year when I tried to dry cranberries, they shriveled up into hard little shrivels. Did yours stay moist like the ones you can buy in the store? I've been buying reduced sugar ones at Walmart.
  20. The USAF Band Holiday Flash Mob at the National Air and Space Museum 2013
  21. ............that today was Pearl Harbor Day.
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