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Everything posted by out_of_the_ordinary

  1. Thank you, Jeepers!! The Lanacane is helping some with the itching. I ordered tea tree oil, vitamin e oil and aloe gel. I hoping one of those will help.
  2. Miki, I'm sorry Buddy had a seizure! It's incredibly tough to see. Our dog was an epileptic. This site has the best info that I've come across: http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-angels.com/site_map.htm There's a wealth of information there. We did a lot of the things they recommended and saw some improvement. I hope Buddy doesn't have any more!! One thing you might want to do is keep a "seizure journal" write down the date, what he did, what he ate that day, the weather, ect. We were able to identify some of my dog's triggers that way. We used Rescue Remedy anytime he seemed upset and after a seizure (he had the worst post-ictal; Rescue Remedy helped to stop the endless pacing). Some people use it before a seizure, too. There's info on that site on what to do before/during/after a seizure. I hope this helps!
  3. I have a bad rash that is so itchy I feel like I could scratch my own skin off! At first I thought it was just very dry skin. Baby oil, Bag Balm, A&D diaper rash ointment, Vaseline, Udder Cream, hydrocortisone cream, haven't given me much relief. The only thing new in my diet is a gluten-free muffin I've been making at home, so I think I'm reacting to one of the ingredients in that (not a gluten reaction though). I didn't realize that may be it until yesterday, though. Yesterday morning, it was only on my legs. Now it's on my arms and stomach. I'm taking Benedryl. DH is going to go to the store when he gets off of work to get Lanacane (sp). If that doesn't help, I'm going to try tea tree oil.
  4. A few things I haven't seen here yet: Honey. It's good to add to hot tea to help soothe a sore throat. Anyone else use a Vaporizer? We have one and I make sure we have the solution stuff for it. We have a small humidifier, but I like the warmth of the Vaporizer. That and Vicks VapoRub seem to help me the most when I'm all stuffed up. I can't have regular decongestants (hypothyroid), so I use Marshmellow Root capsules. Although it works much better for DH than me. I recently found that although I can't have DayQuil, there are NyQuil capsules that are safe for me (no decongestants in them). Lots of extra tissues. Extra tissues with lotion in them. We were both sick with bad colds a few weeks ago. In one weekend, we went through over 5 boxes of tissues. Vaseline (to apply to your nose after using so many tissues!) Go fish, I use sweet oil for ear aches. It helps! Since I think there's a few other celiacs or people on gluten-free diets here, I want to add that I recently re-checked and all Vicks products are gluten-free.
  5. Beef tips (a roast cut up into chunks, simmered with dehydrated onion and parsley for a few hours-- until the beef is very tender) Rice Broccoli for DH
  6. DH has a cold, so it's chicken soup. I had some already made, just had to get the containers out of the freezer, thaw, and make rice to add to it. I'm also making chicken stock today and tomorrow.
  7. Leftovers! It's nice not having to cook for a day or 2 after Thanksgiving.
  8. Dehydrating another batch of onions. WOW! What a out of the ordinary thing to do! (man I have been waiting for a time to do that! LOL) Most would just chuck them out - so good to remind us all THERE is still a lot left after you peel some vegetables! Just read a book and they took the tomato skins left over from canning and dryed them, crushed into powder and used that on develed eggs instead of paprika! also adds it to salads and soups.Never waste what you can use! I started making chicken stock yesterday. Even DH says it looks like stuff that should be garbage. In it I have: a whole chicken carcass (made a roasted chicken for dinner the day before), chicken skin, those ends of onions and onion skin peels (they give it a very nice color), carrots from the garden that were too short/deformed to peel safely, and old celery stalks and leaves (when celery gets "old", I put throw that in a bag in the freezer, too, for stock). I also put in parsley. The stock doesn't look appetizing, but the house smells so good!! After I'm done and the pan has cooled, I put it in the fridge overnight and scape off the fat in the morning. I scoop out the big stuff (like bones) and put everything else through a strainer. After it's strained, it looks pretty good.
  9. Onions. There was another sale: 3lb. bag of yellow cooking onions for 99 cents. I bought a couple bags. I just can't pass those up! I save the ends and (clean-looking) peels in a freezer bag for when I make chicken stock.
  10. I made chicken stock for soup on Thursday and made the soup on Friday. We've eaten that the past 2 days. The made really good stock, so the soup is going quick! I'll have to make another batch soon to have some for the freezer.
  11. Parsley. It's the last of it from this year's garden.
  12. The last of the oregano from our garden finished drying yesterday. Now there's trays of banana chips going.
  13. DH does the same thing. He even figured out the number of canning jars of banana chips we end up with based on how many dehydrator trays full we have. I switched from storing them in canning jars (I'd try to put a jar or 2 back for later) to putting them in a big, gallon sized baggie to confuse him a little. Today, we're dehydrating onions. The dehydrator is out on the porch for a few hours. That finishes the ones from our garden.
  14. Tomato slices are in the dehydrator right now. If the humidity is not super high, I'd like to get parsley and onions done this week.
  15. When do you pick your lima beans? And, what do you do with yours? We just did a few plants in pots. They are producing bean pods. I'd like to dry them. I'm thinking I should pick them so the plants continue to produce.
  16. Blueberries. They're in the freezer now, single layer, in glass pie dishes. Once they're fully froze, I'll put them in freezer bags. I'm hoping the freeze blackberries today, too.
  17. Yes! I wonder how much was the census worker writing down what they thought they heard and how much of it was people giving bad information to the census worker. I've seen ages changed (it wasn't uncommon for people to lie about their ages to get a job).
  18. Several quart bags of strawberries (cut-up). The kitchen smells good. The strawberries will be used in smoothies after blueberries are in season/cheaper.
  19. Thanks! I saw Kennebac (I think) at Agway today. I'll have to pick that up, then.
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