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Everything posted by Littlesister

  1. Jeepers, got to take care of those fish. They are part of the family. Hope you get the back order in before they get really sick. Card company keeps messing up my charge card. Every time I go to use it, they decline it. It has a 0 bal. Tried again to rent a movie I wanted to watch. Nope, not happening. They again declined it. But this time when I talked to them someone did try to use it. A dermatologist out of Ohio. Glad that didn't go through. So now that account is closed, and they are issuing a new card. What in the world is going on. Maybe I should go back to renting from Red Box instead of through my prime card.
  2. Jeepers, I didn't think about blanks. I best do the same thing. I do still have some but not many of them. I have all the original CD's and 2 copies. Plus, on my computer as well. I just hope I am covered. I don't like all this streaming stuff either.
  3. My DH did the same thing, so I have 2 copies of those and others as DH made copies for both my car and his truck. And now I am down to just my car. So, I have backups for the backups.
  4. I saw that this morning. He will be very much missed. Loved his songs. I have some of his CDs. I love his songs. They are some of the best.
  5. Went to Food Lion to buy coffee creamer. It was on sale, and I am low on it. Decided to walk around some of the isles. Low on paper products. They had 4 Boston butts reduced to less than half price. I must have been crazy with everything I have going on. I bought 2 of them. Will be canning them either tomorrow or Thursday. That will give me enough pork to get me through for a year or a little longer. Haven't done much today in the line of going through things. Went to bank, Food Lion and then home. Going to watch a bit of TV in a few minutes. Want to finish watching that movie Manifest that I was bin watching the other night. Easy day today.
  6. Midnightmom, glad you are ok where you are. Still waiting to hear from SGD in Gilroy CA. She's working so hopefully I will hear from her tonight. Just hope she also is not in a flood zone.
  7. Wow, Mt. Rider, I can't even imagine that much snow around here. We have gotten snowed in before but around here 6" and people don't know how to drive in it around here. I have had to shovel snow in past off driveway and porches and that is not an easy job as I am not used to it not having snow around here a lot. I can't even imagine you having to get out there and shovel that much snow. Good exercise but a lot of hard work and very tiring.
  8. Jeepers, glad to see you posting again. You will get there; it just takes time. I am still working on a lot of things, and getting ready to empty out the China hutch so I can get it sold. After that I will buy the new farmhouse table, I want for the den but will move the couch and love seat back into what will be my den later after GS moves out. I refuse to buy a new couch, or anything till his Grubby, nasty little hands have moved out. He will not wash his hands and uses my bar stools for a napkin. Yeah, I need to clean the bar stool seats again for the 5th time. It is really getting old. Today I mopped floors, cleaned bathrooms and dusted. Then went through a few things and got that organized and put away. Cleaned kitchen. And I am done for the day. Stayed up really late last night binge watching tv. So early to bed for me tonight.
  9. That chin looks sore. But at least you will heal up from that soon. Though it will take a couple of weeks. Just got home from church a bit ago. Still can't get used to these new hours. But it is starting to grow on me. Half of the church is out with flu, covid, hospital or back home recovering from surgeries and such. They are talking about maybe going back to sitting in car for service for a month and telling everyone to wear a mask only if they want to. We have one out that has both covid and flu. She is really sick. Our church is a small congregation but with everyone out from illness or one sort or the other we are lucky right now to have at least 20 people in service. 3 are out recovering from knee replacement, others in hospital for one reason or the other and then the ones out with flu or covid. Just praying I don't come down with anything.
  10. Euphrasyne, We could just wrap you up in bubble wrap for protection. But glad you are doing ok. Your chin will heal easy enough, it's those broken bones you need to watch out for.
  11. Euphrasyne, Hope you are better now. You are having to many falls. But at least you fell up the stairs instead of down them. Hope your injuries heal fast. Looking at the office today to see where to start at. I have piled up a lot of things in there from bedroom that needed to be gone through and organized. I need to start sewing also but that is on hold for now. Found an outlet for baby blankets. Our church is doing the crisis pregnancy center. So, blankets I have already made I will take to the church. They are wanting diapers, and baby wipes also. Plus, we put money in a baby bottle for the church to pick up other needed things. I am going to be calling my GD later today about helping me get the dining room table sold on her site. Once that is out of the way I can get the rest of house painted. Or at least I hope to. Still a couple of things to finish up before I start the painting project. Miki, you really do stay busy. I need some of your energy right now. I'm slow but I am old. What can I say.
  12. The song was played by Barbara Mandrell and George Jones. It was called I was country when country wasn't cool.
  13. Happy Birthday Cat. Hope you had a great day.
  14. I had not heard of Cottagecore. Will be checking it out. Sounds very interesting.
  15. Jeepers, glad things are going well. You will get the internet figured out. Just takes time and in my case patience.
  16. Kappy, Happy Birthday. Glad you are doing better and praying that CS Mary does better as the weather warms up. You are doing really well with your garden and chickens. Lots of eggs. Been working on bedroom and closet and hanging pictures. Dusting, mopping floor and such. Getting tired now. So, taking a break. Been at it since 6am. Next thing I knew it is after 2pm. Long day. But then I am determined to get things finished. GS sent his final labs to the recruiter. So now the waiting game is on if weather for Coast Guard holds out. Hopefully it will warm up enough that they can get people together. Never thought that weather would hold up new recruits. Labs were bad enough.
  17. I almost forgot to post my miles. But not sure if this counts because my Fitbit counted in my stacking of wood. 33.9 miles.
  18. Jeepers, we will be thinking about you. You will be up and running soon. Just takes time to get things back together again.
  19. Mt. Rider, I hope you can get that ride in before snow. They keep saying snow here tonight, but I am still thinking Northern VA. But will believe it when I see it. Taking it easy with my neck today. But working in bedroom closet still but doing much lighter stuff. Trying to organize emergency things right now. I have baskets for all the flashlights and those battery holders for the batteries which I need to refill again with some I am low on. I also have some rechargeable batteries that I need to finish charging. I am looking around for a really good solar battery charger. I want to have all batteries charged and ready to go. I did finally find some size C & D rechargeable batteries but need to get those charged up as well. I keep both onetime use and the rechargeable ones on hand. I have those scattered everywhere. So, putting the rechargeable ones in a basket with the charger which is electric. But all I have right now. I do have a few AA & AAA that charge by way of USB. I have those covered. It is a lot of things like this I am trying to organize all in one place. So today is just gathering things into one place and putting them in baskets on shelves.
  20. Miki, are we tiring you out? I have times I tell myself I need to take a day and rest. Then later I am back at it again. I will take short breaks and sometimes a couple of hours then it's back to work. Got dinner done and GS's is in fridge for him when he gets home from work. Just heat and eat. He gets off at 2am so he will eat, shower and hit the car and go to bed. I think he has 2 doctor appointments tomorrow morning but don't know yet if he's off work or not. Pending weather, I will have him helping me with wood stacking again. Hopefully we can get it all done but it will be a late start and still a lot of wood to stack. I'm on the 3ed rack and it is halfway filled. So, it will take the 4th rack and enough to fill that also. I'm good for a couple of years. This wood is not seasoned yet.
  21. I thought I logged out, guess not. GS left for work a couple hours ago. So, all is now quiet around here right now. He will be working until 2am tomorrow. Long day for him. Got several boxes of things out of the way and done. Not many to go through now. So, working on the clothes situation now. Once everything is out of closet, I might go ahead and paint it while it is empty. that one is a tossup. I don't really feel like painting. Necie, I know how you feel about having a lazy day. I have those also. I just do-little things on those days just so I can say I did something even if it's wrong. Thinking of cooking pepper steak for dinner tonight. That moves another bag of peppers out of freezer. Slowly but surely those bags of peppers are going down. I have a huge ham in the bottom of freezer, I thought I had used those up. So now I need to figure out what I want to do with it. Maybe use it at Easter depending on what family is going to do. This family thing gets hard when everyone lives so far away from everyone. Which everyone could move in closer again. It was so much easier. But, one day.
  22. Started back going through things in my bedroom. Had to slow down a bit as my shoulder blade started hurting again. Lifting to many heavy boxes. I am not supposed to be lifting over 25Lbs due to my neck But I want my bedroom closet organized in a way it works for me. Alot of my supplies are in that closet but not organized where I can find things I need. So, working on a system and it seems to be taking forever. It's not easy moving stuff and going through it all, getting it all separated and making piles of what to keep and what goes out the door. I keep my extra batteries in there that I think I will move to a shelve in office. I can never find them when I need new batteries. Going through clothes is something I hate to do but working on it. If I only keep one set of clothes and a couple sets of clothes for church and a few extra shirts, I think I would be fine with that. But like Jeepers on t-shirts, I do mess them up bad cleaning house and doing a lot of stuff outside. So, I also keep a lot of extra t-shirts. But now have separated the bad from the good. I am going to cut up the old t-shirts for rags as they are 100% cotton. I even have an old pair of pants and one of my old uniform tops that I use when I am painting. I think they have every color on them this house has ever been painted with. Though I am no longer going to paint other than closets as I can't keep a straight line at ceiling and wall, and it hurts my neck to try it. I will get rid of those also. For closets I said white ceilings don't matter and painted the ceiling and walls the same color in the office. My bedroom I will just paint that closet white after everything is out of it. It will be bright and clean. It's a walk-in closet so that would work.
  23. I have chicken in fridge that I will cook for dinner tonight. Just going to be a chicken breast and a salad for me tonight. GS is working so he can fend for himself. Though I will fix an extra chicken breast for him. He's not much on veggies or salad. So, he can fix what he wants as long as I don't have a mess left in kitchen in the morning. He's not one for cleaning up behind himself. Was working on end of month stuff this morning and then started going though things for end of year stuff for taxes. Getting ready soon to clean up the front end of house and mop floors right after GS leaves for work. Will do floors as soon as he leaves so, he won't track up the wet floors when he comes in from car to get ready for work. I don't always catch him before he walks on a wet floor. Then I am starting back on my bedroom and getting that finished in hopes there won't be any more interruptions. After I get that done, then I start on the office. Going to go ahead and get my GD to help me list my dining room suit on her site she uses to sell things. Once that is sold, I will hire someone to paint the hall, foyer, living room and dining room. Then will sell the furniture in den as soon as I order my new furniture. The way this house is set up, I am turning my den into the dining room, but not a formal one. It is part of the kitchen with a bar between kitchen and den. All just one big room. I am going to get a farmhouse table and a buffet cabinet for that room. Then in the living room and dining room, I will get the den furniture and then put 2 swivel rockers and a small table for in between the 2 chairs in dining room. The living room and dining room are one big room. I am going to move my sewing machine table into the dining room where I will get more use out of it. Then I can redo the office/craft and sewing room to better fit my needs. I am not a formal person, and I really don't need 2 rooms I don't use any longer. So going to make better use of this house. It has been a long time coming, but once done it will work much better for me. Figure with the housing market like it is and even though interest rates are starting to come down, it is not down enough. So will make the best of where I am to suit me much better.
  24. Didn't do much today. Tomorrow I will dig in and get things going again. I cut down some boxes that I had emptied while the guy was working on dryer. So those are out of the way. He was telling me about his FIL passing away a few months ago and now his MIL is going through what I am. She is downsizing the house and having things done to it that needed to be done. Said her house right now is a total disaster. So now I don't feel so bad about mine. I wanted to go over to see how my next-door neighbor is doing but can't catch her home. She has been on the road for most of the time since her DH passed. I figured she is still taking care of things. Banks, and such. I know I had to do all of that. I heard today that stamps went up or is going up to 70 cents now. So now I will start paying my bills by phone. I have some I can do that with. Helps save postage. Then I can just use the stamps when I have to. Tomorrow, I hope to get the end of month stuff done and then start on the end of year stuff for taxes. Tax stuff is starting to come in the mail now. I hate that time of year. Found out where I can take my car to get it painted. He said they do a great job. He had his done there and he said it looked like it came straight off the showroom floor. So might take it there. And they have enterprise car rental across the street from them. I need to get the back of car done as whomever was kind enough to slam a grocery cart into the back of my car, really messed it up. Water got behind the paint and is bubbling. I didn't need that expense.
  25. Went to Church this morning and then later a neighbor that I found on the Nansemond shores app. Though he lives in Western Branch and not my neighborhood. Texted me and said he could replace my dryer vent. So, I let him come over and look at it. The outside part of the vent was an antique. Where it came in from outside wall to the inside of wall to hook up the hose part, He pulled it out and it was full of huge holes. I had a lot of lent that was in the wall instead of being blown out through the vent. So, all of that is now replaced. Another small job done. Little by little I am getting some things like that taken care of. The neighbor said he does things for people on the side. He is a homeowner inspector for when you sale your house. And termite inspector as well. I think now I will just sit back and relax with a heating pad on my neck. The Nansemond Shores app they were saying it was time to clean dryer vents. They remind you it needs to be done twice a year. So, I asked if anyone knew of someone that could replace mine. And he answered back and said he could do it. It reminded me I had not cleaned it out in 3 years. That could cause a fire if lent gets built up in there and I had noticed that my dryer wasn't drying the clothes like it should have been. So now I have great air flow, and all is good. Now back to just cleaning it out twice a year without worrying if the vent is going to fall off.
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