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Everything posted by Littlesister

  1. Just got back from our shopping trip, but really wasn't shopping for anything. Just walking around the stores and getting surprised by how much just clothes and such has gone up. Then went to lunch and then to Ross and looked around there. We only got things we really needed. I got the baby a summer outfit and me a pair of much needed tennis shoes and the baby outfit and a new can opener as mine was on its last leg. When we got back to her house, she gave me the canning jars that she found for me when she went out with her other neighbor. 10 jars for $5.00. No chips or anything. And yes, jeepers two of those were Kerr jars and one was an Atlas. The rest were ball jars. All quarts. We are planning a trip next week to Newport News, the secondhand stores and Ollies. Maybe a couple of other places and then lunch. It will be my turn to pay for lunch. We are taken turns on lunch each week. She just lost her DH a couple of months ago and is struggling. I know where she is coming from. So, she just needs to get motivated and get her mind off of things right now. So, this hopefully is helping her, and she is enjoying it. I know it is helping me to get out of the house and get moving again.
  2. Jeepers, I feel the same way. Seeing all my cousins, aunts, uncles, parents, grandparents, DH and lots of friends that have gone on before me. You put so much in such a whimsical way. It made my day today. Waiting for my neighbor to call me to go out. Her son needs her car again and she is supposed to take it to him, and he bring her back. But she hasn't left yet to take it to him. His car broke down again. So now I don't know when we are leaving. Just waiting on her call. But might just go ahead and start working on office while waiting. I have done a small amount of work, going through things that are going to Goodwill, or have put in the proper place. Yes, trying to organize sucks. It's not always easy when you are having to go from room to room to get things in the proper room and then in the proper place. I have a box that I am putting everything in that I am not sure about. Do I keep it or pitch it situation. I have old papers that I am gathering up for wood stove next winter. I will be working on a spot in garage to keep all that type of stuff just for the stove. Beats trying to shred it and it does make good fire starter. Though I will shred a lot of it as that also can be put in a huge plastic bag for fire starter as well. Just saw neighbor outside. Guess it will be a while before we leave. Her son is at the house. He's weed eating the yard and her daughter is cutting the grass. Don't think she saw that coming. She just called. She's leaving them there to their own defenses and we are now getting ready to leave. Later
  3. euphrasyne, can you teach my grandson that dumping food in trash because you really didn't want that so dump it and get something else like door dash. I have all but given up on his wasteful habits. His grandfather used to tell him if you fix it or order it you eat it. Times like that I really miss him. GS remembers those days and when DH spoke, he did as he was told. He ate it all. But now that he is grown. he doesn't care what I say. I'm only the grandmother, when I say that it doesn't count.
  4. Becca Anne and jeepers, I was taking 5000 +3 over the counter for a couple of years and the levels never went back to normal. So, I called and made him call in the prescription one. This happened many years ago and another doctor I had put me on 50,000 by prescription and that worked. So will see what happens. I don't know what mil. he called in but will find out soon enough. Shoulder has calmed down a bit from the injection, just a bit sore if I move it a certain way. My knee is better in some ways but at times I still feel it a bit. But not as bad. So, hoping this will work. Just hope I won't need another injection in the shoulder and that these 12 weeks of injections will keep me off the operating table. I don't have time for knee replacements. This is supposed to help keep the bones from rubbing on each other which has not happened yet. But if this doesn't work then it will happen somewhere down the line. Seems a few of us are trying to declutter and get things in order. We will all get there at some point. We used to have a used bookstore here and it closed down as well as a Christian bookstore. Haven't found another one. But when my neighbor and I went to the Carrollton furniture store they have a lot of used books for cheap. I want to go back as soon as I am able and go through them. The Goodwill near me also has books now that they are selling. Might go look through those as well. I want to find some old history books as well as DIY type books.
  5. Went to Orthopedic this morning. Just as I thought also was osteo arthritis in both knee and shoulder. He injected both so a bit sore today but mostly in the shoulder right now. I will be doing therapy at home and then after he gets the authorization from insurance I will be doing 12 weeks of injections. It's called Euflexxa. It lubricates and cushions the knee and reduces inflammation and pain. It's not bone on bone but close. I have osteopenia which I already knew about. And I called my primary care when I got home and demanded that he call in RX for my low Vit. D levels that over the counter was not working and it has been very low for almost 2 years. So, I guess he decided to do it this time. And of course, like a lot of meds, It's on back order. So, waiting till they can get it in. GD and GGB came over to visit after I got back home. The baby was like forget you mommy; I want my GM. Nope not spoiled at all. She is determined to walk but can't figure out what to do with those feet. But the legs are locked in. Going to try to get a few things done in a bit. Still going through things and trying to get them organized where I want them to go. Mt. Rider sounds like you are also going though things and getting them organized. I need to get my things together for in case I have to make that run. Grab and go bags to be updated. I have some books I want to get together to grab also just in case.
  6. Things are about to slow down for a bit. Doctor tomorrow morning, then GD coming over after to visit. Then on Thursday I am going shopping with my next-door neighbor and have lunch. Will start back on the organizing on Friday and then DD and SIL will be here for the weekend. GS goes to Mepps on Friday. Praying he will past that test this time. It's hard to get the things I need to do and clean up behind him also. He has stuff in the fridge that I might be throwing out as he will take a bite of something and then back in the fridge. I dumped a lot of his food out last week and now will be dumping more food tomorrow as Thursday is trash day. At least it's food he bought. He's so wasteful. My recycle bin is overflowing with old boxes I tore down. They pick that up every other week. Jeepers, I think the woodpeckers love your house. Hope you don't have that issue in Indy.
  7. I agree about the woodpeckers. They are very destructive. Pups and their baths. They either like them or they don't but will get used to it. Becca Anne, you are doing really good getting everything together for the garden. Lots of fruit trees and such. Wish I had the room for a couple of fruit trees. Not so sure I would want to plant them in the front yard but is the only place I have to do it. I have emptied several more boxes from my bedroom closet. Those boxes have been in my closet for 2 years. I forgot what was in them. Found my old kindle. I have that charging up now. As I go through them, I am making piles of what goes where. Figured out a way to sort my first aid and have a much better place for it all now. It will all be together in one place in some cubbies I put in hallway. Just need to find the curtains I made for them.
  8. Mt. Rider, glad you found the charger. Those things are life savers. Jeepers, you are doing great with the canning. What I do to stack the food is to put them back in the boxes the jars came in and then I stack the boxes one on top of the other one. But never more than one box on top of another one. If I don't do it that way, I won't have any shelf space. Never had an issue doing that. I have stacked some jars one on top of another with nothing or just using a piece of cardboard but still never had an issue. I didn't get anything done today. Was having muscle spasms in my upper arm all day. Wasn't pretty. I think I over did it yesterday. So, resting the arm and shoulder today. Tomorrow is another day. So will see how it goes on what I get done. Will be seeing the orthopedic doctor on Wednesday.
  9. All the flowers are pretty. I need to get some for my flower beds if I can finish getting them cleaned out. Got the towels done and kitchen floor mopped, then worked on the bedroom. Got a few more things organized and ready to put away. Then worked in the living room. Got what furniture is in there placed where I wanted it and moved all of GS's boxes and his clothes out as well. He has stuff everywhere. Just need to get GS and GSIL over here to move the couch and love seat to the living room and the couch table and dining room table to the den. Once that is done by using the old furniture for a while will tell me if disposing of having a dining room, living room and a den will work out. I think it will. And I will actually use the Living room and dining room. The den and kitchen are all one long room and the dining room and living room are all one long room. Themartinchick, hope your DH starts feeling better soon.
  10. Jeepers, I hope you were able to find a way to get your Jeep into shop for the air conditioner. Becca Anne, I planted the Basil about 4 years ago. I really need to cut back the rosemary also. It is taken over part of the flower bed and over into the yard. The basil really needs to be cut back also. There is another herb on the other side of the basil that I don't know what it is but it is spreading all over the place. I had a marker for what it was, and I guess it is buried underneath everything. It's not mint but smells a little like it. I am thinking it might be oregano. That one might get pulled up and put in a pot as it is spreading everywhere. Need to get it under control. Woke up early to rain this morning and took me a while to get up. My knee wasn't having it this morning. I see the orthopedic on Wednesday, so will find out what is going on. As for my shoulder, I already know what it is. Just need to get rid of the bursitis. With the rain today, not sure when I can get back outside to work, so working on my bedroom again. Trying to figure out how to organize a lot of stuff. Meds, batteries, solar chargers and everything else you can think of was in that closet. I really did just shove things in there before the remodel and construction started. Even found a huge pack of TP in the very back of closet. So today, will mop kitchen floor since I didn't get that part done yesterday, wash a load of towels, and work on the bedroom. What I really wanted to do is get back to church, but I am limited with knee. That is a long drive, and the doctor said no driving and stay off that leg. I don't drive far as it hurts that knee being the right one. And I still have work around here to do. I'm very slow at getting it done but it's going to get done.
  11. It's been cool here also but not as cold as you are getting Mt. Rider. Got rain last night and the night before. Been cloudy here all day but no rain today. My daughter has Raynaud disease. Not good. Washed clothes, deep cleaned the kitchen and then stacked some wood. It's getting closer to being finished. waiting for GS to finish digging the holes to drop the cinder blocks down to level the wood racks. I might end up finishing that up myself as it could be about 2 weeks before he can finish it up. He just does a better job and really doesn't want me to be working on it. But it has to get done. I'm tired of looking at that tarp that is covering the huge pile of wood laying all over the ground behind the shed. GS is at work so won't see him till around midnight. He will warm up his supper and then head to bed. Doesn't always stay up to late after he gets home these days. He's doesn't look as tired as he was the past few days. I think he has had a bit more help stocking the past couple of days. I want to see that 70* weather we had for a few days.
  12. Mt. Rider, glad your ride went well even if you were freezing. Hope you got warmed up after you got home. Washed clothes and given kitchen a deep cleaning. Looking like rain today. It rained last night, and the flower beds are too wet to work in today. Though it is nice. Maybe later if it doesn't start raining, I will stack wood. That was a LOT of wood. The tree guy gave me 3 cords instead of two. But that's a good thing. Only had to pay for two.
  13. Miki, praying that they get your DH straightened out soon. Almost have the Living room emptied other than the empty plastic storage bins that need to go into the attic. I have the furniture that will stay in there sat in place. But not sure yet when I can get the couch and loveseat back into the living room as GS is my help and he will not have a day off next week nor this weekend. His day off he will be at mepp's for coast guard. Praying he will pass his test this time around and that the physical for the kidney stone goes will. Though there shouldn't be an issue with the kidney stone he had last year. There haven't been any more issues from that. Need to make a new list of things to do for tomorrow. Don't know yet what the weather will be but thinking warm then work on wood pile. If cold again tomorrow, will be going up into the attic to put things away.
  14. I am running in slow motion this morning. Working in the house today as it is cold outside. Though might warm up a bit later. If it does, I will stack more wood. Still need to finish getting the highchair put together and finish getting the empty plastic tubs into the attic and out of the living room. Then go through what little bit is left in there and get all of that out and then I can move that living room suit back into the living room and move the dining room table into the den. This was the plan but with new furniture but put the new furniture on hold due to the economy right now. Just don't want to spend the money till I see how things are going to go. Just buying the things for garden beds and the longer screws and hinges for the front door. The ones that are on there now are worn out. I was told that during construction when one of the guys was at that door seeing that it had dropped on the hinge side and told me what was wrong. It was nice of him to tell me, but it wasn't in the list of construction things so he couldn't. add it on. But I have someone that can do it for me anyway. Just haven't gotten around to doing it. I think now is the time to get the new hinges and get that done.
  15. for Israel. Mt. Rider hope all goes well with the riding tomorrow. Jeepers, hope you can get a ride back home and back to the garage when they fix your car. Mother, using some of that wood for the raised beds is what I am planning. GS has a pile of smaller pieces of wood stacked for me plus I saved all the branches that GS cut off the fence. That is also in that pile. As soon as we get the rest of the firewood stacked, I will be pulling out the raised beds to put in. GS has been looking at my plans. Just hope we can get it all done before they call him into boot camp. Otherwise, my DGSIL will be helping when he can. He's on duty with Coast Guard all this week so can't even go home this week. But it will get done one way or the other. Still working on flower beds also. Need to cut back the rosemary as it is taken over the flower bed on other side of porch. The basil has grown into a bush and getting bigger. Need to cut that back as well. And on the other side of the basil, there is another herb growing and taken over and needs to be pulled up as I can't remember what it is. No smell to it yet. I'm thinking oregano. but not sure. Need to pull out my book to identify it. Going to be dehydrating a few herbs and giving away a lot of it as well.
  16. Jeepers, glad you were able to have that heart monitor over with. Now for waiting for results and I hope all goes well. You could call and ask how long it will take and if they have someone that can take you back home and then pick you back up. Some places do have that option. Last time I needed a ride home, I was with my DH and a man from the fire department down the street from me was there and offered to take us home. That was really nice of him to do that. He was heading to the station and would have been passing my neighborhood, so it wasn't out of his way. My SIL took us to pick it up later that evening as he was off by then. GS was off today, and we worked on wood pile all day. Got a lot done. But still a long way to go. He still has to put the last two log holders in place using the cinder blocks and then we can hopefully have that all finished. We got what wood was left in house by the wood stove out of house and stacked all the wood from last year on the small wood holder. And got what was still left on porch on there as well. So, all the older wood is in one place to be used first. Put a good dent in the new wood. But there is still a lot more and GS thinks I might have to buy at least 2 more wood holders. But I am holding off to see for sure as I still have 2 and 1/2 wood holders left to fill up. Getting my plans together for the raised beds. I have a list of what I need and checked to see what I already have for them. So hopefully will start on those as soon as the wood pile is done. I think I have less than a cord left to stack. Getting things together for the front flower bed. I found 2 cinder blocks so only need 2 more. Decided to use the wood from the old, raised bed boxes as they were falling apart. for the front flower bed. Just lay the flat boards across the cinder blocks and That will be set up for the pots. That will save some money by reusing those wood raised bed boards. I'm all for recycling stuff. And they are weatherproof.
  17. I stopped doing garage sales a long time ago. People would come and steal it, so I gave up. And when my DD had a yard sale you should have seen the fights over old pillows. Have to say it was funny but stupid. Many people around here said they quit having yard sales because of the theft. Hope that has gotten better by now. Usually, I will give things to people that need it or donate it. But thinking about one for pictures I have stacked up and can't use and some knickknacks that I want to sell. Won't be till the fall though. Or I might take items to pawn shop. That will depend on what price they quote me for them. My shoulder and knee are a bit sore today but will do a bit of work outside after the sun goes around to side of house and off the front of house. Going to be a hot one today. Very sunny and 80*. Though I still haven't had to turn on the air conditioner yet. Every year I hold out as long as I can. DH and I used to have a contest with both the electric and gas to see how low we could get the bill every spring and fall till we had to turn on one or the other. The lowest we ever got was $10 on the gas and $17 on the electric. With all the increases over the years it will never be that low again. But fun trying. So far, the house on days like today have been fairly cool and sometimes a bit cold but doable. Started working on clearing out the boxes in living room and getting things in their place. Then going to start moving furniture around to the different rooms I am changing up. Need to start washing windows and blinds soon also. But waiting till this messy pollen has stopped. It is slowing down a bit but still a lot of green on everything. My car turned green because of it a few weeks ago. I still need to finish cleaning it up but need to go buy more topsoil before I finish cleaning it out. I didn't have enough to finish filling the holes in yard where tree roots under the ground have rotted out.
  18. Glad you didn't get the really bad weather Jeepers. You don't need tornados running through the neighborhood. I am beat tonight. I knew my shoulder and knee would act up after doing all the yard work. But I will just have to muddle through it. It has to be done. Did some work in house this afternoon after working on the flower beds. I think I have chewed off more than I can handle, but it will get done at some point. Then maybe I can sit back and enjoy it all. It tried to rain here a little while ago but was just a few drops and stopped. So, if we don't get any rain tonight, will work in yard again tomorrow if I'm able to move.
  19. That is true about the kidneys and protein. You can only take in so much of it with kidney issues. Miki, glad Bo is doing great. Sounds like she's going to fit in really well. Got 2 of the flower beds cleaned out and then took the 3 bags of topsoil I had to fill in some holes in the yard. Was hoping to get a third one done but knee and shoulder said not today. But tomorrow is another day. Since my yard guy didn't step up to the plate, I have to get it done. But once done he will not be cutting my yard next year. I need someone that is willing to do the whole yard not just someone wanting to cut grass and nothing else.
  20. I also have memories of my DD growing up. She was cheer leader in high school and was in the senior pageant. They did the roaring 20's theme. Yeah, try finding that type of clothing in the 80's. Had to make the dress. She still has that dress to this day. Found the beads and things they wore and even the type of hat they wore back then at yard sales. But it was all fun. I have film of all that as well as other things she did. Necie, congratulations for your daughter. You have been busy with getting everything fixed up. Sitting here drinking coffee and trying to decide if I want to try cleaning out flower beds or work in the house again. I really do need a break from working in the house. My yard man came by to cut the grass right as GS and I were leaving to head to Lowe's. I talked with him about the mulch and told since he didn't get the mulch, we were heading out to buy it. He said he didn't get it because I hadn't cleaned out the flower beds. And I reminded him that I was not physically able to do it and needed him to clean them out and put down mulch. What it really is he doesn't want to do it. So here I am. GS can't help today because he has both a doctor's appt. and working. So, no help today. But at least he got another wood stacker set up and ready for me to take what is left of the wood from this past winter and stack it on the small wood holder. I still need to finish stacking the new wood. Might do some of that today also. I can get up to 4-wheel barrels full done before I have to call it quits and take a break. GS will fuss at me when he sees what I did. But it has to be done and he only works on it on his days off. He leaves here at 2:00 to head to work and doesn't get home till midnight. They have been working him a lot lately. And he looks really tired. But at least he was off so I could get the sale on the mulch. Can't believe I got 25 bags on that second round. Might go back today for some more and then some other things I need while there. GS can get it out of the car for me tomorrow if I decide to get more. I can get someone to load it in the car for me. Will need a good car cleaning when this is over. I really miss the truck. But it is what it is. In a couple of weeks GS and I will be moving furniture around in the living room, dining room and Den. Not going to buy furniture right now due to economy. But can get the rooms set up like I want with the old furniture. SIL is bringing me a sewing table that he made, and I need to make room for it in dining room since that is going to be my sewing, craft and reading room. Just not fully set up till I get the China hutch sold. But that might be on hold for a while. Jeepers, I can a lot of veggies, soups and stews but being a diabetic, I have to eat a lot of protein. So that is why I can so much meat now. Back in the day I didn't can as much meat. I make chicken salad and other things as well. Sometimes I will use the canned beef for my veg. beef soup. It's one of the ways I keep it rotated.
  21. Jeepers, it sounds like you need an adjustment on your medication for the B/p. I had decided to can meat first to rebuild my meat supply due to the shortages and the prices going up all the time. Only buying what I can get on sale. I am up to 24 pts. of hamburger now plus the I think it was 12 pints of meat balls. I have about 50 or more pts of chicken and maybe 60 or a little more of beef. Pork only about 27 jars and would like to build that up if I can find the Boston butts on sale at a good price. Will be spending most of the summer canning veggies and building that back up when the produce comes in. Hopefully in about a month or so. Worked on bedroom most of the day. Sorted through clothes and shoes. Had a lot of shoes I can't wear any longer due to my bone spur and plantar fasciitis. All heading out to Goodwill or will just wait till I get the paper in the mail for Salvation Army. I can put that on front porch, and they pick up on a certain day. GS worked on the wood pile today and got another rack set up. Then he played with the neighbor's dog a bit and then we went to Lowe's to get mulch. Took 2 trips but we managed to get 25 bags. At $2.00 a bag, I couldn't pass that up. Just need to work on the flower beds. which won't be easy with my knee right now, but I need to get it done. Talked with my yard man today as he finally came and cut the grass. It was totally out of control. I really need to find someone new to take care of the yard that will do it all. I asked him why he didn't get the mulch for flower beds, and he said because I didn't get them cleaned out. I reminded him again that I was not physically able at this time to do it and that is why I wanted him to take over the job of doing the whole yard. Nope all he wants to do is weed eat and cut the grass. Nothing more. So here I am trying to get it done and still looking for a full-on yard man.
  22. Working on switching out summer and winter clothes this morning. Need to go through all the summer clothes now to see what fits and what doesn't. Getting ready to open all the windows in the house to air it out. But waiting for the sun to go around the side of house before opening the front windows. Trying to see how long I can go before turning on the air conditioner. Went through more paperwork and will be paying bills later today. Hoping my knee will hold out so I can go for at least a short walk this evening.
  23. I know how that spell check is. I hate it also. And why do they add and s on the end of words that you don't need an s added to. Spell check is good for that also.
  24. MidnightMom, I think we were typing at the same time. All that is so funny but so true. And I am getting really mad at Alexa. I would be watching TV and tell Alexa to put a movie on and no answer. So, I would say Alexa wake up 2 or 3 times before I get a response. It's nighttime but I get good morning, how is your day. She needs to get off her cell phone and look at a clock.
  25. Mt. Rider, it's getting closer for you and your DH to head to Maui. Hope you can find someone to care for the pup. I remember those days well. Going on vacation back in the day and had to board or get someone to take care of 2 cats and 2 dog. It's definitely not cheap. I have canes, wheelchair, bedside commode, and a lot of other things from my DH's dilemma. I also have a pull up bar with a seat on wheels to move a person around. Cleaned up kitchen from all the canning yesterday. Working on boxes again. Need to get the plastic containers I have emptied into the attic for the time being. They are in the way, and I need to empty the living room to move the furniture from den back to the living room. Then move the dining room table into the den. Holding off on buying anymore furniture due to the economy. Possible collapse of the dollar. But at least I will have the rooms set up in the areas I need them to be. Just stuck with the China hutch still in the dining room as it is too tall for the den. without covering up my pictures. But I can work around that. GS is off tomorrow, so will have him either working on the wood pile or helping me with moving things into attic or both depending on what time he gets up tomorrow. He has been really tired as he has been stocking mainly by himself for the whole store all week. Not much in the line of help and one that either calls in, or when he does come in, he stays in bathroom or disappears outside, and GS has to put his stock up. They are assigned isles to do. GS has his 2 which are the can goods and boxed cereals and such but ends up doing at least 4 isles a night. The one guy is getting ready to get fired. Seems people only want a paycheck but not do the work.
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