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Everything posted by ozzzyyy

  1. Why we love Dr. Seuss (in a few words) By Maria Puente, Craig Wilson and Mary Cadden, USA TODAY A man of few words, but, oh, what a sense of fun and imagination he could pack into those few. And make them rhyme, too! On the 100th anniversary of Ted “Seuss” Geisel’s birth, here are some words he would never have used in his books but we always will remember him for anyway. ......... (The entire article can be seen here) http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=st...rds&e=3
  2. ((((((((Becca Anne))))))))) You are loved much! You do what it takes to take the very best care of *YOU* Also Be sure to ask your dr. for free samples. When we had no insurance, we were given many meds free. It was a lifesaver *literally* when my teen son needed anti-depressants. Awhile back, I had a post down in streams for depression. I'll see if I can bring it back up. It had really thoughtful information. love ya!
  3. Welcome to Mrs. Survival, Perky! We are so blessed to have you join our home on the web. Maybe you can tell us a bit about yourself? I know that others will want to join in on welcoming you here and there is sure to be a bounty of cyber treats before too long. Glad you are here!
  4. Hi Perky! Welcome to Mrs. Survival! Here's my rubarb recipe. This recipe is famous every June at our annual ladies garden party/perennial swap....every crumb is devoured! Rhubarb Crunch 2 cups flour 1 1/2 cups oats 1 cup butter 2 cups brown sugar 2 teaspoon cinnamon Mix dry ingredients. Add melted butter. Blend in well. Pack 1/2 crunch mixture on bottom of a 9x13 pan. * Pour in rhubarb sauce. Add remaining crunch mixture on top. Bake about 40 minutes to an hour at 350’ *Rhubarb Sauce 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1 cup water cook until thick and pour over 4 cups of cut up rhubarb
  5. ozzzyyy


    Happy Valentines Day, Caveman! You sure have made this *home* filled with love. Thank you!
  6. (((((((Goosie)))))))) Time is precious and I'm elated to hear that you have more time with your father! Blessings!
  7. I'll be there a half hour later...hopefully some of you will still be there
  8. Good Morning Theyd! My DD is heading up your way to attend Center Lake Bible Camp for a winterfest weekend with her youth group. Sounds like you have enough snow for loads of fun.
  9. Hi all, Last night we got about 7-8 inches of more snow and still falling! My house is going to very soon look like an igloo. I cannot remember getting this much snow since I was a child! Our winters have been relatively mild...always cold but certainly no record high snowfalls. The snowmobilers absolutely love it this year. I had plans to go to town today and do some errands and grocery shopping but I think I'll wait till the snow plows come out first. We now have a SuperWalmart, just opened a few weeks ago and it is certainly giving our sole grocery store some much needed competition. I love not having to drive an hour to visit Walmart and do some $ saving shopping. Other than that, I think this is a fine winter weekend to snuggle in and read some good books. Sure beats shoveling Happy Friday everyone!
  10. Mama June, it's so nice to have you here with us!! ((((((((Welcome))))))
  11. Atropine, I really did not know anything on sea buckthorn so I googled a search and found these links: http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/crops/fruit/blk01s00.html Here's another link explaining the many herbal uses of sea buckthorn: http://floraleads.com/seabuckthorn/ Pretty plant/berries and extremely useful! Hope this helps.
  12. Great to see you again, Lowie!! Your neighbors are blessed to have your families help. I cannot imagine what damage 6 inches of water can do. Good thing you are on a hill. We have had major snowfall this year and bitter below 0 temps. The only car trouble I've had was the heater quit working in my van. Normally we could get by... but when the ice starts forming on the inside of your windsheild while driving...well, it can be quite hazardous. Hubby took it into the shop and got it fixed. No more of that. Just trying to stay warm, lose weight, get motivated to exercise and dream of warm sunny days in the garden.... I'm better at some of those things than others Happy Thursday everyone!
  13. OH Lowie, Thank You, Thank You for sharing your gardening adventures with us!! How I have missed you! Here in Michigan we have been dumped with a load of snow and frigid below 0 temps...it seems like Spring is sooooooo far away.
  14. ozzzyyy

    Hi everyone

    Welcome to Mrs. Survival, Kiaja!! Such a pretty name! I'm sure you are going to love it here!! Looking forward to getting to know you. Our Cat is really special. I'm also married with 2 children, my DD almost a bonifide teenager and my DS grown and outta the nest. I was a SAHM for 16 years but in recent years have re-entered the workforce. I am presently the general manager at our town's cinema and therefore love to watch movies and eat popcorn. I also enjoy spending time with family and friends, camping, gardening, playing on the computer and spoiling our pets. thats my life in a nutshell. Simple but good
  15. ozzzyyy


    (((((Motherearth)))))) I'm am so glad you are all right! Thanks for letting us know. Take care of yourself now.
  16. Happy Candlemas Day! Just for the record, the sun is not shining today in Northern Michigan I sure hope Winter is on it's way out! My candle is lit.
  17. Very Interesting! Thanks for sharing this with us. I'd rather have feb. 2nd called candlemas day rather than "groundhog day", sounds so much nicer. I really enjoy the history. Happy Candlemas Day every one and may it be a cloudy dreary day for candles everywhere! This Michigan sub zero winter has got to go soon!!
  18. Welcome to our home on the web,Peacefulhome and Mommyof5! May you both be blessed spending time here and blessing us as well with your friendship. Word of warning, watch out for those flying pies. Now would be a great time to duck~~~
  19. So far our garden has Atropine's lovely dandelions growing here and there to add a golden/cream hue to the garden setting: http://www.plantphotography.com/DandelionSeedhead1204.htm Peacefulhome's variety of colors of geraniums: http://www.plantphotography.com/geranium2109.htm Lois's heavenly scented lilac's: http://www.plantphotography.com/NadineJoory/LilacNJ113.htm And my bright pink coneflowers/echinacia: http://www.plantphotography.com/PeterCorr/EchinaceaPC108.htm My, what a beautiful garden we have started! Who's next??
  20. MONDAY Thomas, the Bachelor! Just six months ago he was a lonely, fat guy singing the blues ... now Thomas has lost 78 pounds and is ready to date! Singles from across the country have submitted their impassioned pleas to go out with him, and you get to choose the lucky woman he takes on a romantic weekend with him. Also, now that she's feeling good about herself, Judith is looking for love. Dr. Phil helps her get back in the dating scene, and has advice for how you can do the same. Get involved in the Ultimate Weight Loss Challenge! http://www.drphil.com/weightloss/weightlos...oss%20Challenge *If you have not already....Maybe you would consider joining our very own Mrs. Survival Weight Loss Challenge going on now?? If interested, please register ASAP in the Sunporch to gain access to our private forum where you'll get support and caring guidance from the whole team. Hope to see ya there!
  21. Beatiful party for a tryly beatiful person. HAPPY birthday, dear CAT!
  22. Di, Thank you for the update! Please let Twila know that we care about her and are wishing her the best. Such a sweetie for taking care of Grandma!
  23. On this frigid snowy day in Michigan I can only dream of my perennial garden. I found this really cool site that has a photo gallery for plants. My all time favorite flower and herb is the echinacia aka pink coneflower. I have several varieties of this in my garden. I love the bright colors and the spiky heads. Also it is useful in dry arrangements and as a medicinal herb. It is my favorite flower! http://www.plantphotography.com/E.htm What is yours? Please visit the link above and add your favorite flower? I think this is a great way to spend a cold winters day, dreaming of warm sunny days in the garden. Lets create a cyber Mrs. Survival garden with all our favorites.
  24. Happy Happy Happy Birthday, dear HappyGirl! May you be blessed today and always!
  25. (((((((Debbielee)))))))) The word confinement for Christian topics is not how I see the forum, "Streams In The Desert" best described. We are blessed to have such a place to discuss our faith indepth with one another. Just as we do in church or in a fellowship group. I know many non-Christians and they know fully well that I am a Christian. I do not provoke my friends in Christian discussion because we have differing veiws. Why would I desire to alienate our good relationship because they do not believe the same as I do? Yet whenever there is a crisis in any of my friends lives, I am free to be me and share that I will be praying for them. They accept me as I am, as I do them. I need their caring support as well as all my friends who have differing strengths and giftings. Such as it is here. Throughout the more than 5 years I have been here at Mrs. Survival, I have met some really fascinatining people and fondly refer to this community as beloved friends. I accept and love them where they are at and likewise, I am accepted and loved. I am a better person for knowing each and everyone of you. I was here back at that dividing and hurtful time. I do not like to live in the past. I feel that over the years, we have made the neccesary policies and provisions to ward off upcoming dissension. I have learned the freedom of grace that allows each and every one of us to be themselves without offence. All members are upheld in highest respect. Thats what I love most about Mrs. Survival.
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