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What herb are you?


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I'm Catnip......or so it says... "You are hypnotic and inspire strong feelings in others. People can't get enough of you. You often wish to be left in peace."


So, how accurate do you think that is?

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That fits you, as I know you Happy, but people get their fill of me quickly. I have few, but old, good friends of many years, and I do like to be left alone much of the time.

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I'm rosemary.

A wistful dreamer and loyal to a fault. My unfailing romanticism is inspiring and I'm good for dandruff .

I also like to be alone. When DH was gone this summer I was perfectly content to stay home and see no one and wondered how long it would take for me to turn into a hermit. I like and enjoy people- I just get "overloaded".




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I like and enjoy people- I just get "overloaded".

I'm the same way, Peaceful. Sometimes I've had just too much of "people" that I have to get away...It happened last summer when we were on vacation with DH's family. I also get under-loaded , if I've gone too long without some girly time with friends. But those times are far apart...I just forget to plan anything until I start getting a bit depressed, or obsessed. It happens less often now, because I'm married, working with people all the time, and I come here!
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Moly is garlic?? I can't find that's what it is *for sure*.


This is what I found:





by Micha F. Lindemans


A herb which can resist sorceries. It was given by Hermes to Odysseus when the latter was stranded on the Isle of Aea and half his men were turned into swine by Circe. Odysseus had to consume the herb to be able to face Circe and force her to undo her sorceries.


"Therewith the slayer of Argos gave me the plant that he had plucked from the ground, and he showed me the growth thereof. It was black at the root, but the flower was like to milk. Moly the gods call it, but it is hard for mortal men to dig; howbeit with the gods all things are possible." -- Odyssey, Book X.






Another place:


Based on Homer's description and flowers native to the Mediterranean region, scholars believe moly to be the herb Galanthus nivalis (common snowdrop)...






Or maybe "Allium Moly" also known as Golden Garlic??




Doesn't sound like it's exactly like the garlic we know, tho...

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This is what I found down in the herb forum:

In Greek legend, Odysseus used moly, a mild garlic, as a charm to keep the sorceress Circe from turning him into a pig.



Maybe it's not garlic. Anyway Kev will eat dried garlic. I sent him to the store to buy garlic powder, and he came back with a huge thing of garlic salt...what am I supposed to do with that??? Anyway, I love fresh garlic (pickled is pretty good too!)



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