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I'ts time to introduce myself. My name is Sandi. I live near Branson Mo. My husband and I bought our home here for retirement which for him will be in 3 more years. In the mean time he works in Texas and comes home when possible. We talk alot on the phone. Our 3 girls are grown and have famlies of their own. They all live in other states. The rest of my family is all in Wi. Sooo...I have my church folks for family. My interests are gardening, knitting, walking, church activities and I enjoy reading.Times have changed since our youngest daughter moved to NY. It's called the emty nest syndrome. Good thing I have one dog and cat left. Great company. I love life and people. As I read through posts I pray for each of you. I must tell you that it was not easy finding words to share about myself. This is the 4th intro I've typed and I will not delete this one. Silly don't you think... I'm thankful to have found this special forum...

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awwwwwww...no I don't think it's silly...sometimes it's hard for me to write about myself unless I'm joking around...the nice this is, as time goes on, we all get to know each other better and better, and before ya know it enough time has passed and we can look back on the years of friendship we've shared, albeit in a different medium...the internet.


We're very honored that you're here at MrsS...we value you and all that you have to offer. I know that when I've least expected it, many times a *newbie* has touched my life in a very profound way.


I didn't bake today, so I don't have any goodies, but it's dinner time anyway...I made some fresh salsa with tomatoes and onions from my garden so how about we break out the chips and salsa!

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Noooooooooooooooooo I didn't suzy...I found a recipe and tweaked it like I always do...lol


It is the best canned salsa I ever made...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Welcome to our family, it is tough waiting for retirement to be a couple again, for 20 years my Dh drove truck and was only home on the weekends til he retired.

Sometimes it seems a long way off. Good to have you join us.

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Hi Sandi... welcome.. not to worry about what you type, we all need to do a re-intro too!


and that wanna be princess above me


ha! at least my crown looks more like a crown and not some merry-go-round dunce hat!


My hat king.gif

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