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Sleepy Saturday


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I have a feeling it is going to be a sleepy one for me. The dogs have barked all night and I'm up now. I think our resident bear was running around all night in the yard, or we had visitors of the human kind. I'll take the bear, thank you.


There was also a helicopter flew over our house a little after 12 last night, and again at 1:40. The first time it was so low it rattled our windows. Scared me too death..I thought it was going to come down right on top of us. The second time I heard it coming I went out on the porch and although it wasn't as low that time, I could still plainly see all the lights. I'm thinking there is an escaped convict they're looking for, hence the dogs going crazy all night. I was packing my rifle most of the night.


Another therory of mine, since the helicopter episode happens every so often, is someone is dumping chemicals in these mountains. Don't laugh. There is a lot of unexplained sickness around here. We have very high rates of cancer, MS, etc. I know of 7 people in this very small area that has been dignosed with MS. I really don't think MS is so common that so many people in one area would have it. I don't know if it really is MS, or if what they have mimics MS and it's being misdignosed.


I'm not a fearful person, scared of my own shadow. But I do have a suspicious nature and my kids laugh at some of my "conspiracy theories". But I'd rather be a nut and be wrong most of the time, as to look at the world with rose colored glasses and get caught with my pants down.


Going to do some cleaning today, fix a meatloaf and green beans for dinner, and I know there was something else but my brain isn't fully functioning yet. I canned 7 more quarts of beans yesterday and strung up 2 lines of shucky beans. The corn is coming on strong now. We've been eating it and it'll soon be time to put it up.


Hope everyone has a wonderful day!



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Kaye, just keep on being suspicous. There are many things unexplained that are not good. Around here, late night low flying heli's mean the drug runners are busy bringing BC Bud from Canada. We have several million acres of Mount Baker wilderness across the highway from us. Oh boy, there are a lot of "suspicous" things going on out there. That's a situation, if a person actually 'knew', that it would be prudent to move. It sounds to me like you are wise to be prepared as you are, and NEVER let your guard down. Unfortunately, the majority of the world is not as nice as MrsS. people. The baddies are out there. Take extra care in your day today...Skagitgal.

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Goatherder...We too have a chihuahua, actually 2. We almost lost her this week. She is a TC and only weighs 2.5 lbs., is light buff colored and long haired. She's 18 months old and started seizing Monday night. By Tueday, she was in the pet hospital, having continuous seizures. By Tuesday afternoon, the vet wanted us to come tell her goodbye and then put her to sleep. Luckily our family therapist was here. I went with the two girls, because we knew the bi-polar boys couldn't handle this. When we got to vets, Hailey was sleeping peacefully and sedation had stopped the seizures. The vet said we could give her until the next morning. The next morning, she was only seizing the front paws, so we said she needed more time. We went on-line at midnight and found another drug, potassium bromide, that can be added to phenbarbitol, in dogs. At 1 am, I called the hospital and asked if it could be used. The vet didn't know and didn't have any. She said it was also only oral drug and Hailey was under sedation. Well, the next morning I went to talk another vet. I had the kids therapist with me and she was so helpful. My boys are so severe, that she comes to us and does what we do, for 8 hours a week. The vet said she would absolutely add the second drug and another as well. She said she had seen dogs, seize continuously for longer than Hailey and be fine. She said the PB, may take several days to get, since it is compounded, but she called it in for us. The pharmacy was 30 miles away, then Hailey was another 30. I gathered these chicks, got the presc., ran it to the next town, and we brought Hailey home. She was blind, couldn't even hold her head up, couldn't support herself at all. Her tongue stcuk out, but this little angel ate like a piglet and definitely knew all of us. This was Thursday evening. Friday, we took her to vet #2. She wanted to keep her a few hours and observe her.

We called at 3:30 and the vet was so happy. Hailey could see and had started holding her head up. She sent her home to recover. By Saturday, she had a few seconds twice of just some shaking and by Saturday evening this little thing, started running! She has been a sissy baby all of her life, but not now! She doesn't want us out of her site, so she is now climbing stairs and getting off of sofas, so we have a pen padded with fleece. We have to make certain she doesn't bumb her head, since she has a wide fontenel. I shudder to think how close this wonderful dog came to being euthanized. We just couldn't handle this now! I had to explain over and over to my chicks, that we brought Hailey home to give her the chance to get better, but if she didn't we couldn't leave her like she was, to suffer. I wanted my children to learn, from their tiny pet, that you give those you love a chance. It starts with this tiny pup, that will sit in the palm of your hand, someday it may be an infant, that does the same. I wanted them to see through this puppy, as broke as I am now, that I won't give up on them either...Although there are days.......


I also thought long and hard about this. My husband probably wouldn't have taken pup to vet and probably would have had her put to sleep. I realized, that this was a man that actually walked out of the hospital during my c-section with #10. It was very high risk and almost 4 hours long. When the baby was born, premie, and sent to NICU, the nurse asked my spouse to go with her. He went HOME! My baby was in NICU and my belly was still wide open. He didn't even go down the hallway and tell the grown children the baby was born. He went home, to another city! My children and I would be treated no differently than he would have treated this pup. I am changing my power of attorney and living will. My children's therapist, who has seen it all, has agreed to be on my forms jointly, with my almost 20 year old daughter. Whewww!!!! Now I can sleep well. I don't want to be euthanized! If I end up with Lupus, who knows where I'll be! Funny how something like a puppy, can just wake you up! Anyway, sorry for the dog story, if you don't like dogs.

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We actually have two chihuahuas at my house. The one that sleeps with me belongs to my oldest DS who is stationed in Okinawa. The other one belongs to my great-niece who lives with me. I also have three other dogs. Does that qualify me as a dog person?


As for your husband...he should be ashamed! Good for you for making the decisions you did.

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Well I did get to sleep in. I was up a bit, too, although mine wasn't of the rifle toting variety, thankfully. We don't have much of that stuff around here. We do live near I25, which is a major drug route, but we don't have many problems with it here off the beaten path.


The consignment store in town is closing, so I've decided to start a consignment business. I've given it some thought in the past, but hesitated for a number of reasons, but I think now is a good time to do it. I'm going to do mainly clothes.


Today it's supposed to be almost 90 again. Not sure what dinner is going to be.



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Mommyofseven- have you thought about a shop where people can either sell their stuff to you for $$ or get credit to buy other stuff? There are a number of shops here that do that with baby stuff and they are quite successful. You might be able to start with finding great buys at yard sales. This is something my DD and I have discussed in relation to moving to a small town.

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Well I would be a ways away from opening a shop. Yes, it would be a good idea, supplemented with ebay, but there is just not enough biz here for it to work. I would have to be doing pretty well on ebay, and have a good following, to make sure that I could have the money to cover the rent the first few months.


My town has a population of 650, and we are way off the highway, so we don't get any outside traffic at all. You have to want to come to Aguilar, to come to Aguilar, LOL. A big part of why the other consignment store failed is because, despite my attempts to help her get on ebay, she never would do that, and there's just not enough money to be spent here to keep something like that in business. Well, that, and the junk she took in...she had like 125 coffee mugs the last time I was there. Anyway, having a shop might work in one of the two towns near us, but that brings up other difficulties, having to either close the shop or hire help to go pick up the kids from school and such.


I am thinking about having a "garage sale" of sorts a few times a year to bring in local customers. Something like that would help build a local following and then maybe open a store when the kids are older and I can be away from home more.


Yes, we will be doing yard sales and such. Also hitting thrift stores up in Pueblo, about an hour drive from here. They have awesome sales on clothes and some great name brands. So that will help fill out lots and things like that. I love getting good deals, and I'm good at it, so this should work really well!


Thanks for your ideas and input, I really appreciate it! Gives me more to think about it. I'm a long term plan kind of girl, so I love those kinds of ideas!


I'm really excited about it.



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