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Thankful Thursday


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I'm still grumpy. I overslept, so I'm not my usual bright and chipper today (wait...am I EVER bright and chipper?). Well at least I'm not walking around saying %$^&& and $%**(^$. did I ever mention I'm NOT a morning person?


We didn't get to pick up the van yesterday, the guy says it's still in the shop and MIGHT be ready by the end of the week. GRRRR. We are continuing to look elsewhere because we just can't continue to be without a car.


I didn't get much done yesterday. I must have really hurt my back going through those boxes. They weren't heavy, so I'm not sure why my back hurts so bad, but there it is. I hope to get more done today.


One of the things I did do was to go to the consignment store that's closing. I took everything out of there that I thought would sell, all of it kids' clothes. Spent $40, should see at least double that in profit. I felt bad because the lady wanted to put a whole lot more her own stuff on consignment, but I really don't think much of it would sell. I did, however, ask her if she knew anyone getting rid of canning supplies, and she said she was. So she's going to give me a call when she gets it all together.


Well I just got up to let the dogs out and found a little surprise...we had a bear in the yard last night! And I missed it! My neighbor is out with her dogs and said "Didn't you hear it? Someone even shot a gun up in the air to scare it." I slept throughthe whole thing...and so did the dogs, LOL. Time for some work on that issue! So I'll be cleaning up trash today LOL. You know, I really look forward to bear season, because i might get to see one, and I missed it! Well, hopefully it will be back. Also time to have DH build a trash enclosure LOL.


The one other thing I MUST do today is mop the kitchen floor. It's nasty!


OK, off into the wild blue yonder...or at least into the back yard to pick up trash!



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I got soooo much done yesteday and yet still have soooo much to do....siggghhhh!


I too am thankful, thankful that my part time job is behind me and that I'm being able to dive in and take care of some of these neglected household duties.


We spent an hour in the class room last night...we made a dent. Oh dear!! but we'll do it again tonight and every night until our school year starts (day after labor day).


Mo7, I think that's neat that you're doing the consignment, I had great success selling stuff like at a place called VegSource...but my dh hated me doing it, all the running back and forth to the post office etc. But I DID make some money and have thought I'd like to do that again some day.


SueC I hope you got some good rest last night and having a great day!


Mommafitz, who knows, maybe you really will get a raise! surely they have recognized your value. I pray if they haven't that their eyes will be opened and they will!



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Have I mentioned....that cleaning up after the bears really is an unpleasant experience when pregnant? First, there's the trash smell...nice and ripe since today is trash day. Then there's the bear stuff smell...nice and ripe cause they've been eating nice and ripe trash. OK done venting on that one!


Stephanie, Yeah I am enjoying it...well, I would be if I could get my butt in hear LOL. I shouldn't say that, I have gone though all of MY stuff to sell, just don't have it washed yet. And the bonus is, since DH works at the post office, I just have to give him the stuff to mail LOL.



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Wow, everyone sounds busy this morning. Mo7, ooh, I my sympathies! When I was preggers with my DD, almost everything made me hurl, I'd hate to have to clean up all that trash. (garbage is my most unfavorite thing about summer!)


Last night I ended up talking to a fair board member, and turns out that his daughter was the gal that I let in the Raven concert when she swore her ticket was still at her seat with her kids. She thanked me last night for believing her and later I found out the connection, and they asked if I was going to go backstage after the show to meet Kenny Loggins. I said no and he told me to come with themafter and he'd get me in. I even bought one of his CDs so I could get it autographed for a friend. But when we got down there, we found out he wouldn't do ANY autographs. . So I'll get a really good view!


Hope everyone has a great day, I'm going to go try to get something done in my house!

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Thursday.. I'm thankful I'm still here. Sorry have been so absent lately but I'm trying to get caught up everywhere today. That's a big job. My house is cleaner & more organized though. hehehe.. Not completely organized, but more so than it was.

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