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I came home tonight and found that someone had left the door to one of my upright freezers open. Stuff was leaking out all over the floor and a lot of the food is defrosted. The stuff was still cold and maybe some of the stuff in the back of the freezer is still at least partially frozen, but is any of this salvageable?? All that food!!

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get out the canner!


seriously, I would get out the crock pot, fire up the bbq, turn on the oven and get the pots out and cook everything up. then re-freeze it.

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I'm probably too late by now, but...


As long as the frozen stuff still has *frozen crystals* in it, it can be re-frozen. If it's completely thawed but still cold, that's not enough.

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Thanks guys...BUT..The food is gone...Yes...I threw it in the trash and three chicks just came running in here and told me that they made coyote stew and hauled it to the fields. Oh Yay!


I'm lazy. My ovens are broken and I am so exhausted. I keep getting sicker and can get no one to make referral to inf. disease doc. My sister had Rhumatic Fever a few years ago and finally a CDC doc. diagnosed her. My ASO titer is 706, about what her's was. I went to my cardio, because I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest. He ordered echo and I had it done this morning, but he wouldn't refer me, wanted my nurse pract. to do it. The rhummy said she would refer me, but didn't and I can't even get past her voice mail. I went to my NP, this evening and waited with 5 chicks for over 2 hours. She did kidney ex-ray and at least there are no tumors. My kidneys hurt, but no infection. Still no referral....She is doing a 24 urine. Yummy! Gotta keep that in fridge!

I have fever, joint pain, headache, plurisy...Geeze! I am worn out! Oh well! Gotta keep going!


Went to out of the way orchard today. The elderly man that owns it, said he couldn't find anyone to pick his apples. I volunteered, with some of my chicks. The man took me out to the orchards and gave me an apple picking lesson. Then he said that he likes the pickers, to pick in the morning and peel them all in the afternoon...My heart took a big leap! PEEL...BUSHELS! I took a couple of friends with me and they teased me all afternoon, about being a sucker....At least it is cooler and this man will have some apples to sell. Better than staying home, when "You know who is off!" Trust me....Way better! Good thing, I just bought a new apple peeler! I think I better load up on Naproxen in the AM.


Thank you for your help, I did save some! I just wasn't sure how long some of it had been defrosted, since it had leaked all over the floor! You all are such good friends!


The keyes! I had um...He took a screwdriver...and broke in....Nothing but sandwiches for him, for a long time!


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