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Shea butter is the first thing that comes to mind. Also, if you're using commercial soap or anything that says 'beauty bar' to cleanse your skin, stop.


Get some hand made goatsmilk and oatmeal soap. Use Dreft or Ivory soap for babies in your laundry, and double rinse your clothes. If you need a heavier cleaning laundry soap, get All or Cheer clear or for sensitive skin. It should help immensely.


Oh, and don't wash your clothing with anyone else's.


There is something else you can use but I can't remember what it is right now. I'll look it up in my files and get it posted soon.


Good luck!

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A friend of mine had it really bad until she cut out dairy from her diet.


I put tea tree oil on mine when it flares. Mine gets worse with stress and if it starts in one area, if I don't stop it quick, I get it all over and get more stressed, yikes! Sweat makes it worse too. I stole my brother's hydrocortizone for when it get really bad and I don't feel like the tea tree is working fast enough.

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I tryed the dairy thing but if I don't get any dairy for a long time it gets worse.


Yikes! I know what you mean my does the same thing. Because I have it everywhere I really can get stressed.

I'll try the tea tree I have some so I'll put it to good use!

Thank you very much!

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We found a product on QVC called Surgeons Secret Skin care. It works. My neice has Exeza really bad. Her hair line looked as if someone burned her. She put some of this stuff on. In two weeks her forehead was clear. I have no material interest in this product. It also works on burns. You get two tubes for 20 something.

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I have what the dr. calls 'Winter Eczema' and I think it was cortizone 10 he recommended for me to use. Also, I have used a lot of Silicone Glove, by Avon and also Jergens Ultra Healing Lotion. The Silicone products were suggested the first time I had eczema, it was later on that the cortizone 10 was suggested.


I agree with Nana, be very careful of the soap you use. I can not use Tide at all, I really break out bad with it. I usually use Cheer Free, or All or I have found that Era works for me too. I always use Ivory in the shower and a mild one in the dishes.


I too have to use rubber gloves in the winter when I do dishes, and then it doesn't always do the trick.


I also use a lot of the lotions on my hands at night and wear cotton gloves to bed when it is really bad. Mine usually starts around the end of November and lasts until the end of March or into April.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hey i had exzema on around my wrists fingers and in the palms of my hands for years. i finally started making my own soap and after a year of only homemade soap it started clearing up, i use the soap on my head also or it gets bad. the stuff on my wrists and hands has been gone for about 4 years now, mildly on my head still.was also in my ear canal and causing constant infections. we went back to using natural stuff to clean with, and the homemade soaps and i also boosted my immune system with astragalus root, refused to take any more steroids (what the doc always prescribed for it in the first place) which actually compromises your immune system just making the problem werse as most of this disease is caused by compromised immune systems. this disease has also been connected with rumatoid artheritis with patients developing it at effected joints, rumatoid is also allowed to come in from a compromised immune system.the docs are basically giveing folks a cheap fix when they perscribe steroids as these will temporarily clear this condition up for a few weeks anyway. the best way to get rid of it is find out what irritates it and stop using it, dont take anything that compromises your immune system, and look for immune boosters to get your system back up so your body can heal itself.garlic, astragalus, elderberry, and red wine are some to get ya started. cutting out as many chemicals in your diet and cleaning agents as you can is another.hope this helps you some.

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I have Psoriasis so I know what your going through. It is very stressful and makes me feel bad about the way I look sometimes. I have tried so many creams and potions both OVC and presription. I hope you find something that helps you soon. Take care.

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