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Relaxing Wednesday!


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Hi all,


It is another lazy day ... working on the Christmas decorations, this version is looking good, but a lot of work.


I have weeded 2 gardens this week, I want to tidy up all the front gardens, then I will think about the side gardens. The strawberry plants still have flowers and fruit, which is pretty good as the season has finished locally.


My DD just made mini meringues topped with strawberries for dessert, I think she should cook more often



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Yeah, Sue, I can see how that can be frustrating.


Well today's high is supposed to be 41. We woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground.


I feel much better today. Took it easy yesterday, and got to bed on time. So today I need to clean the kitchen and do some much needed extra cooking.


DD won her volleyball game. She made DH's day when, for parents night, she was announced as Aimee H..., daughter of Keisha and Larry B..., and then brought us both roses. Then after he crashed out at home I told her that she made his day and her face just lit up. I love seeing the love between them grow. It was rough in the beginning, as anyone who has combined families knows, and to see what is between them now is just a blessing.


I've always told myself that I would let her discover for herself what kind of man her father is, and as she's getting older she's figuring that out. She is foregoing her summer visit to stay here to do a math and science program that the local community college offers. She's excited about her holiday visit with him...because they are going to where they used to live and she has a lot of friends there from when she tried to live with him.


And THAT is much deeper than I planned on getting at 6:05 in the morning!



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Good Morning All!


Today is just one of those Wednesdays. We take every Wednesday off of our homeschooling schedule otherwise I would never get any errands ran. So I got the checks written for those bills first thing. Then I get to grocery shop and run out of town to pick up some school books from a gal off of freecycle (thanks westie!) Now if only I can get some canning jars off of there Ill be all sorts of happy.

Ok people I have to run. Its time for the bank to open

Have a good one!

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Got up this a.m. and it was a little chilly, but not bad, and only a light breeze...so, we went FISHING!!! YEAH! Seems like it's been forever since we went. Fish were biting slow-only caught 18 bluegill, but they were pretty nice.


So, those are cleaned and in the fridge and now I need to get the dishes done and the kitchen straightened up. DS1 and his GF came over last night for dinner-we had porkchops with mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes and cheesy beans and I didn't get it straightened up last night. Tonight is DD's night in charge of dinner, so I need to get it done. She's making Orange Teriyaki Beef with Noodles.


DS and GF have started making bead necklaces-they are sooooo COOL! They brought some of their necklaces and beads to show me-they had a whole big laundry basket full.

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