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Prayer For Healing


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I usually don't think to ask for prayer for myself, but I really need it right now. I have Psoriasis. It is an Autoimmune skin disease, and I am miserable. It gets even worse in the Winter. It itches so bad I have to take sleeping medicine or I would never get to sleep. I joined a gym with a new friend I made at church. We have been doing water aroebics. The pool is bothering my skin. This disease just seems to run my life, and I am very tired of dealing with it. I prayed for healing for a couple of years and nothing happened. I even quit going to church because I watched other be healed and wondered why not me. I thought maybe the Lord was trying to teach me something, but as I have told him I am hurting and tired and I could serve him so much more if this disease were not a part of my life. I am back in church now. I know there are some great prayer warriors here and I am asking you to please pray for me everyday until I get better. Thank you so much in advance.

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It is hard to understand when the Lord doesn't answer the cries of our heart when we pray to Him. The enemy just loves to step in and continue in his infamous role of "accuser"...he loves to plant seeds of doubt, hopelessness and pain.


Don't, for one minute, fall prey to his devious schemes...he wants to destroy you and will use your most vulnerable area to accomplish this feat.


I understand how it feels to have perceived unanswered desperate prayers. I understand the hurt and disillusionment of wondering why adversities continue on.


All I can offer from personal experience is that He IS faithful, He DOES hear your cries for help, He DOES love you, He DOES hurt because you hurt, and His ways and timing are not necessarily my ways and timing.


Heavenly Father,


I lift Lilly up before Your Holy Throne this morning. There is nothing in her life that You are not aware of...You know her pain, You know her frustration, You know her heart better than she.


May Your tender mercies flow over her today, Lord. May Your Spirit strengthen and empower her and when the enemy comes to plant seeds of doubt and discouragement, replace them with peace and hope and trust and Your love. Let her cling to You and above all, reveal Your faithfulness, compassion and love.


Give her doctors Your Holy wisdom...let them find the solution to her affliction. We trust You with her journey thus far and may You use these things for eternal purposes, to bring glory to the One who suffered far greater, because You love us.


I offer this prayer before You, because You alone are God.


In Jesus Name,




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Thank you Darlene, that made me cry. I know your right about Satan. I try to keep my thoghts on this in the right direction, some days are tougher than tohers and this has been a bad week. But your prayer comforted me.

Prayed2beaMom, I have bought so many OVC and prescription creams and stuff. But I will check out the website, thank you.

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Lilly, I stand in agreement with Darlene's prayer, and will keep you lifted up, too. My best friend's mom has psoriasis and is getting some relief from a new treatment (new to her, anyway; I don't really know anything about it). I will ask her what the treatment involves and let you know about it. She's had some really discouraging times because of the psoriasis--for instance, she can't get her hair done in a salon because she can't find a stylist who will work with a customer who has psoriasis on her head. This is one of those diseases that the public needs more awareness and education about, in my opinion. God bless you. 0002.gif

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(((Lilly))) I know pain can drive you crazy. Amen to Darlene's prayer!


Here is my situation & thots. My DH had a medical episode that left him -- well, a flat line. No brain activity. Dead except we waited for the heart to quit. Prayers poured forth. And he didn't finish dying... he healed - in hours/days not years of therapy. There was no mistake in diagnosis. The neurologist called him "Lazarus". He also pointed to my pastor and said "This is YOUR department, not mine! I cannot explain this."


Yet I still have MS. God knows I am VERY willing to experience this same healing power with which He so generously restored my 'dead' DH. It IS within His power. But obviously, my MS is not within His Plan - at least at the moment. He holds my hand thru good days and bad but He has not chosen to heal this disease from my body. While I have emotional discouragement and frustration (and even pitch a good hissy now & then), in my spirit I am not discouraged by His choice. I am so convinced that no matter *absolutely* what happens to us, God is not caught unaware or uncaring. He will extract GOOD from the situation (not necessarily for us directly) -- and it will be a good that is worthy of our struggle, pain, and our loyalty to Him.


Don't worry about being worn down physically or emotionally. That is unpleasant (understatement!) but normal. But do not let it creep into that innermost part of you which is your anchor to the loving Father God. That connection is our stability when this "Boot Camp - Life 505" gets sooo tough. [& I aint' talkin' about Darlene's boot camp either!]

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  • 3 months later...

No I still have it. Right now I am using a steroid cream. It has actually gotten worse and is on my arms and elbows now. The sun helps it as do tanning beds.

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Dont know if this would help, but sea water really helps some people. The combination of the sea water and sun doesn't sound like a good combination, but some find it ok. Other things ... My DH takes a light dose of methotrexate (sp?) - a chemotherapy treatment, it gives him some relief, but can have nasty side effects such as liver damage so he has regular blood tests. Moisturisers without perfumes help such as emu oil, pawpaw ointment; a smelly one, but great relief is cow udder cream. He has used many preperations, had many alternative treatments, but these days just keeps the area moisturised. Emu oil has been the treatment now for a few years. You need very little of it as you dont want it rubbing off on every thing you touch. I think 2 bottles in the last 5 years ...





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