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Hi Everybody,


As some of you may remember, I am very new to canning. I just started this past fall, and I still sometimes feel intimidated by recipes with lots of ingredients.


I found a recipe on another board – FluWiki - for canning meatballs. There are only 2 ingredients to heat and then process. It’s so-o-o simple that even the intimidated among us can feel more confident. It is truly a recipe for newbies and everybody else. So I thought I’d share.




Under “keep those canners going”, Hillbilly Bill says, “I have been buying bags of frozen meatballs from Sams/Walmart. There are 80 or so in a bag and I fit 9 meatballs in a wide mouth pint jar and cover them with inexpensive Ragu marinara sauce. I can get 8 wide mouth pints in my canner and I use 3 jars of sauce. There is just enough left over meatballs and sauce to have pasta for lunch.”


I found the meatballs at Walmart for about $5.


Pressure can pints for 75 minutes and quarts for 90 minutes.


I hope this helps.



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I'm a member over at fluwiki too and am a frequent voice in their canning threads. Hillbilly Bill is an absolute sweetheart, but he's not necessarily experienced with home canning, so just be wise in which recipes others share. Kathy in FL is another really sweet girl, but her and I have had differences of opinion on home canning.


It's all a journey and we all learn as we go.

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I would think that if the meatballs you purchased contained bread crumbs or egg that those would make it a no-no. If the meatballs were just meat & seasonings, it should be fine.


Also, watch that Ragu for thickeners. That's another no-no.

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Just look at the ingredients...the meatballs were frozen, which has different requirements than home canning. That should give you an idea whether this is something you'd wanna do in the future.

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YYY, you will find that there is a lot of information published both in books and online, from well meaning folks, but they don't have any training in food preservation safety. Stick with reliable sources, like the Ball Blue Book or the USDA/ university websites or books, then you know your homecanned foods will be safe. Your local county extension has publications, too, but you can get the info free online.

This is a really good one, from the National Center for Home Food Preservation :


You can trust it, for sure.

I am sorry you had to throw out your food, but as the motto goes, "when in doubt, throw it out ".

I agree with the others, the meatballs and commercial sauce probably contained things not safe to can at home.

We have a more limited ability to can things because we don't have commercial equipment or ingredients.

This is how we all learn, so don't give up. We have all made our canning mistakes.

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We have all made our canning mistakes.

Wanna know why I'm so strongly against canning with flour products like pasta?


And *they* were right!

And Violet is right, alot of people on the web will purport that they can this thing or that thing, when in reality it really isn't a wise thing to do. The references she gave you are the best of the best, so they will be a solid default for you.

I WISH I could can *this* or *that* also, but when home canning, part of the process is being responsible for accepting the limitations it brings. Even with those limitations, there a huge world out there of things that are more than safe to home can.
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  • 2 years later...
Do the canned meat balls stay meat ball shaped?


Mine are still little meatball shaped in the jar......not sure what will happen when I take them out of the jar though.....hoping they will still stay little ball shaped and not crumbled chunk shaped. :)



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