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Cloudy Friday


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goodmorningrainandsun.gif everyone.


The sun is not shining today and it looks like we could get rain, which is much needed. smile


The temp right now is 52º and our high is to be 65º today.


Today is the first of 3 days off for Old Pine and if he can, he will be working on the greenhouse some. smile The pipe came in that he had ordered for the rafters. smile So, he will need to get them home.


There is always so much to do and not the energy to do it, so not sure just what I will get done today.


I do hope things go well for all of you today.


Peace, I hope your DH had a good day even without his glasses.


Lois, glad your DGS was able to get his daughter. smile


Mo7, how did the Spring Concert go??


Well, I don't know about any of you, but I haven't eaten so will bring some here. smile


ORANGEJUICE2.jpgwater3.jpgBREAKFAST1.jpgOrangeButterCoffeeCake.jpg and fruit.jpg are on the menu today. smile


Well, you all take are and HAVEANICEDAY8.gifthhugdfrommetouanimals-2.gif




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Mornin' Snowmom, everyone


Rainy, cool morning here too, 55 as I write. We're to have thunderstorms off and on for the next week....ACK!!!


We're having Mr. Perfect again today and overnight for the first time. He's NOT a sleeper, neither was his dad, our son, BUT I was much younger then!!! smile Sooooooooooo, if you don't hear from me for a few days you'll know I'm catching up on my sleepy after he leaves. laughkick


You all have a good one! bighug

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Morning folks, a cool foggy & humid day here in DFW today. Nice for a Friday actually. This is our 1st yr in TX where we have not had to run the AC 24/7 by this time of yer. I'm lovin' it! smile

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OK, well, afternoon!


The Spring Concert was wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


DD6 sang her heart out. Her old preschool teacher was sitting behind us and said "What happened to our shy little Nikki?!?!" She did great!


DS8 was awesome in his duet. I did not realize that when he plays with the older kids (5th and 6th graders), he's also first chair there.


My oldest niece was back in the HS band. I had not realized that. So we stayed for their first song, which was great. THe babies were just too tired for us to stay longer.


DH ended up not being DEAR husband last night. He was late and didn't call. By the time we left to walk to the school DS8 was already late for his call time, and he got in trouble for it. I will need to call the band teacher next week and let her know that it was not his fault. WE amazingly made it up there in only 15 minutes, I was surprised, considering everyone was in dress shoes and we only had one stroller so we had to carry the baby.


My youngest niece is here visiting so I'm doing laundry today. That and cleaning the kitchen. So much fun I can hardly stand it! LOL


Y'all have a wonderful day!



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Good evening, everyone. This week has been cool, cloudy and rainy. We had snow the other day, (didn't stick)and hail today.

My husband and I are going out tonight. The company we work for was one of the sponsors for the first ever "Chef's Challenge".

We are going to the event, should be interesting! smile



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Hi all


A lovely sunny day, for the last month of autumn, we are still in short sleeves and I have only needed a jacket once.


I pulled a roast out of the freezer thinking to give the family a treat, but oldest DD rang to say she wouldn't be home - her loss! it is her favourite meal, so we enjoyed anyway. Still have 2 assignments so better get back to them ... frown

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