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Prayer Request


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My Daughter got married last Sept. She has been miserable ever since. He changed. He moved her onto his parents farm in a doublewide out in the middle of a cornfield. His family who lives on the farm too have been to visit twice in the 8 and a 1/2 months they have been married. They don't call either. To make matters worse he works swing shift. She is scared at night. Nobody would hear her if she screamed. He refuses to move. He wants to be intimate all the time, but it has turned very one sided. He looks at porn.

He refuses to put her name on his checking account, or the title to the doublewide. He does not want her to be with her friends, just his friends. Meanwhile she is working two jobs to buy groceries and gas for her car. He don't even keep her car up, knowing she drives home at 10 at night and could break down. Her Dad still does that for her. She has left him and was going to file for a divorce. She moved back home. She did not sign the divorce papers the other day. She wants them to get some marriage counseling. She told me she wants to know she tried everything to save her marriage before she gets a divorce. She has been very sad, so please say a prayer for her, and us while your at it. Thank you.

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What you describe are classic signs of an abusive partner. I'm thankful that your daughter has the wisdom to get out now, before it gets any worse. I'm thankful that she has you to turn to for help. I pray that she will see the gravity of the situation and have peace with the dissolution of a sham of a marriage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After the first counceling session, she has decided to move back in with him because the preacher told her she should leave and cleave. I am more than a little upset. I know that is what your suppose to do in a healthy marriage. She told me tonight that her husband had made some changes. The porn mags was a wedding present from some guy he worked with and he did not know that bothered her. He has thrown them out. I want this to work, but I want her to be happy and for it to be a healthy thriving marriage. I am scared to death she will get pregnant and then discover the marriage is not going to work. She has tried so hard to be a good wife to him. I think this might have scared him into changes a few things. Changing is hard though, we will just have to see if it sticks.

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