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Heyfever Asthma

Purdy Bear

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Hi everyone,


I have Heyfever Asthma, I already take an antihistamine, but what can I take naturally. I understand that Vitamin C can help, is there anything else?




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Anti inflammatory foods may also help , as they do for pneumonia, flu because they are an inflammatory process. Remember this for when the flu hits or a pandemic situation! All those dried vegies you have, make soup with them. Best thing is to build up the body before pandemics hit. The Arthritis Foundation online has information about these foods. Most body building foods are full of anti inflammatory foods as well. Broccoli is one for instance. They are usually loaded with anti oxidants as well.

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I do a few different things. Freeze dried stinging nettle caps are indeed a good cure for the 'sniffies' and itchy eyes.


I also take Grape Seed Extract capsules. These have pincogenol in them that acts as a natural anti-histamine. They are expensive, but after a week of taking them daily, I can cut back to every other day. The caps should be a light pink. DO NOT get them if they are brown. Some good brands are Solaray, Neutraceuticals, Eclectic Institute, and Oregon's Wild Harvest. Perhaps there is a local brand in your area that sells this as well.


Also, I find that staying away from dairy, particularly milk, is a good thing to do as it cuts down the mucous and sneezing.


Hope this helps!

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This may be of some help. The DW is an RN, Reiki Master, and involved/into alternative medicine.


This is a copy of the letter and response I received from Dr. Williams.


The people I gave the information to said that this powder (Yamoa powder) has really helped their son. The asthma attacks are no where near as frequent and when he does have an attack it is only about 1/4 the severity of what he used to have.


Dr. Williams,


My wife is a subscriber to your newsletter.


I have a close friend whose 3 year old son has been hospitalized several

times because of asthma. The asthma attacks are especially severe

during ragweed season.


In one of your newsletters I remember seeing a brief article about you

tracking an asthma cure. You started in Africa and eventually ended up

in England (if I remember correctly ) talking to the son of the women in

Africa you originally tried to see.


You said that this was an asthma "cure" and the gentlemen showed you a

small vial of a white powder. He said that this was a lifetime's supply

for asthma.


Can you provide me the name of this substance and how it is to be used ?

Ideally, a source for the product would be great.


I would like to provide this information to the boy's parents so that

the poor boy will, hopefully, not be hospitalized by these asthma

attacks any more.




Re: Asthma treatment (KMM3121904V86901L0KM)


dr williams mailbox <mailbox@drdavidwilliams.com>


Tue, 19 Jul 2005 11:30:04 -0400


Ted Campanelli <tcamp@grumpyoldmen.com>


Dear tcamp@grumpyoldmen.com,


Thank you for your email to Dr. Williams.


I searched Dr. Williams's archives and found this article that seems to pertain to your question. It begins after the disclaimer:


Alternatives is dedicated to providing timely, accurate health information based on Dr. Williams' experience and opinion. The recommendations in this newsletter should not be viewed as a substitute for personal medical care, and Dr. Williams encourages all readers to work closely with qualified professionals to accomplish their health goals.



Thank you,


Tracy Marshall

E-mail Interactive Specialist


May 2004 version of:


The Amazing Asthma Cure From Africa




Traipsing around the world in search of cures for the last 17 years has had its share of failures and disappointments. For every effective remedy I have uncovered, there have probably been at least a hundred others that have proven to be worthless. I can?t remember how many times I?ve traveled half-way around the world to some desolate, disease-ridden village in search of a highly touted ?miracle,? only to find that it was a hoax or that it simply didn?t exist. It has been frustrating.


If I focused on all the failures and dead-end roads I?ve traveled, I would have stopped years ago. I haven?t, however. While it?s not always easy to leave my home and young family, it?s stories like the following that keep me on the trail of new cures.


Gumshoe, Black Goo, and Voodoo


Several years ago, I read about a natural, foul-smelling, black liquid from Ghana, Africa, that was supposed to cure impotence. After years of intensive searching, I found the so-called impotence cure. I collected samples and mailed some back to my office in Texas. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately!) before I had a chance to test it, it turned into a mass of orange and gray mildew, and the sample that was mailed to Texas looked even worse when it arrived. It had fermented and leaked through the packaging. (I?ve always felt fortunate that I wasn?t arrested by customs or postal authorities for trying to bring it into the country.)


Another report I read at the same time was about a powder that reportedly cured asthma and hay fever. The source of the powder was a closely guarded secret that had been passed down from shaman to shaman for generations. My sources told me that a lady healer or shaman was dispensing the cure to locals, but I was never able to find her. I was disappointed, but, as I?ve said, it happens a lot.


A Cold Trail Heats Up


Then, recently, I got a call from one of my contacts who told me that the powder I had been looking for years ago was now being sold in London. After some serious investigation, I discovered that the powder is in fact now available there. The man selling it, Jerry Yamoa, happens to be the grandson of the lady shaman I was trying to locate years ago in Ghana!


Jerry?s grandmother, Akua Asirifia, was a traditional healer who lived near Agogo, in the Ashanti region of Ghana. During the 1970s and 1980s, she became quite famous in the area for curing asthma problems. Jerry remembered seeing people lined up outside his grandmother?s house, waiting for the powder. She was approached on numerous occasions to reveal her remedy, but she always declined because she was afraid that once the remedy was commercialized, it would become too expensive for those who needed it.


During this time Jerry migrated to England and got a job working at the post office. He returned to Ghana in the mid-1990s and after seeing how the remedy helped asthma sufferers, and after much cajoling, he finally persuaded his grandmother to give him the secret of the powder, which she did after a tribal ceremony. At that time, she was over 100 years old. (Her exact age was unknown, but Jerry said she told him that when World War II started she was 52 years old. I?m sure we lost a wealth of traditional healing knowledge when Akua passed away at the age of 107.)


Jerry returned to London with the powder in the mid-1990s and asked 20 co-workers at the post office who suffered from asthma and hay fever to try it. All 20 reported great improvements, and some said their asthma had disappeared completely.


Jerry tried to persuade several companies to market the asthma powder, but he was unsuccessful. It probably worked out for the best, however, since he recently started selling the product on his own through NHC, Ltd., a company he started. He quit his post office job and is concentrating all his efforts on getting the word out on the powder. (See page 3 for the address for NHC.)


Ease a Wheeze or Sneeze With Trees


The powder is called Yamoa powder and it is produced from the bark of a gum tree called Funtumia elastica. The bark is soaked in clean water, thoroughly dried, and turned into powder.


Now that the powder is gaining popularity in London, Jerry tells me that clinical trials are underway. The first, a double-blind study using 78 participants, was a resounding success, with 90 percent of the participants reporting that they were free from the long-term respiratory problems and with no adverse side effects. I have been testing the product myself and have had very positive results, with no reports of side effects from the powder.


While Yamoa doesn?t stop asthma symptoms immediately, most people experience an improvement in breathing and symptoms within seven to ten days, and most see definite improvement within 30 days. Yamoa Powder also has helped with bronchitis and hay fever. (If your problem and symptoms resolve in the first week or two, I suggest that you continue using the powder for 30 days.)


The Best Way to Take It


You can mask the bitter taste of Yamoa by mixing it with something sweet, such as honey, jelly, or jam. I like it mixed with local raw

honey, which also supplies small amounts of pollen and other allergens to further acclimate the immune system.


The correct way to take the powder is to thoroughly mix a 30-gram container of powder with a one-pound jar of honey. Stir the mixture

before each use. Take one teaspoon of the mixture in the morning with breakfast and a second teaspoon at dinnertime. (For children

ages two through 12, use only one-half teaspoon of the mixture twice a day instead of a full teaspoon. For children less than two,

still use one-half teaspoon twice daily, but don?t mix it with honey. Use either naturally sweetened jam?free of sugar and artificial

sweeteners?or, even better, a bottle of unsweetened baby-food fruit.)


Yamoa Powder can be ordered online or you can print an order form from the Web site at www.yamoapowder.com and mail it to:


Tania Wedin

2 Millway Close

Oxford OX2 8BJ

United Kingdom


It comes in a 30-gram container. This should last one month. It normally sells for about U.S. $40, including bank handling charges,

packing, and postage. Jerry has kindly agreed to give Alternatives readers a U.S. $5 discount on their first order. To get the

discount, mention on the order form that you?re an Alternatives subscriber.



Banish Your Allergies With Yamoa and Xlear



Another product this one made with xylitol works wonders for getting people off asthma medication and correcting asthma problems.

French and German researchers discovered xylitol in the 1800s. It is a safe, simple sugar present in fruits and vegetables, such as

plums, corn, and strawberries. Our bodies make a small amount of xylitol every day.


Dr. Lon Jones, a researcher with Hale Center, Hi Plains Hospital (near my home in the Texas panhandle), has developed a xylitol/saline

spray called Xlear that helps the nose and immune system do what they naturally should do on their own. I thought the name was a

little unusual until I learned that Dr. Jones has studied Greek and Russian, and x in those languages is pronounced like c in English.

So the x stands for xylitol and Xlear is pronounced clear.


How Does Xlear Work?


Certain harmful bacteria enter the body and attach themselves to membranes in the nose and throat. There they begin to culture and

grow, causing infection and sickness. Xylitol is a natural enemy of bacteria. When the xylitol/saline solution is sprayed in the nose,

it goes directly to the nasal passages and flushes out nasty germs such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenza, and

Moraxella catarrhalis?three bacteria that live only in the nose and are responsible for practically all upper-respiratory infections.


For most allergies and mild asthma, the recommended dose is two sprays in each nostril three or four times a day. Dr. Jones likes to

say, when you spray your nose, look at your toes. In other words, tilt your head down and on the first spray aim the bottle toward the

back of your head. Keep your head tilted down and with the second spray, aim the bottle toward the top of your head. You can cut the

dosage back after a few days. With severe asthma conditions, such as those that require a bronchodilator or Albuterol, follow the

above procedure every one or two hours for the first three days, then cut back to two or three times a day.


Practically everyone I?ve talked to who has used the spray reports fantastic results. It has eliminated asthma, cleared up chronic

sinus infections and allergic reactions, prevented bronchitis, and even healed childhood middle-ear infections. The most severe asthma

problems have begun to abate in the first day or so, and have been kept at bay with only a couple of sprays a day.


Xlear Is Clear of Side Effects


A few people initially experience a slight burning or stinging sensation. This is to be expected if the nasal passages are raw, since

the salt in the saline solution can burn slightly. This should subside as the tissue begins to heal.


Those with long-standing asthma or allergy problems may experience a ?cleansing episode.? After a few days to a week of using the

spray, some individuals either cough up or vomit large amounts of mucus. As far as I know, this happens once, and the cleansing seems

to accelerate the benefits of the Xlear.


Xlear can be used safely by pregnant women and children of all ages. Taking more than eight or ten grams of xylitol a day has produced

stomachaches and diarrhea in some children. Keep in mind, however, that when you?re using the spray, you get very small amounts of

xylitol. Two sprays per nostril twice a day works out to only about 40 milligrams of xylitol per day.


Xlear is available from Xlear, Inc., 877-599-5327. If you mention youre an Alternatives subscriber, and purchase two or more bottles

of Xlear, youll get free shipping and handling for your order.



No remedy natural or otherwise cures every single person. But if you suffer from asthma, chronic bronchitis, or hay fever, Yamoa

Powder, taken along with Xlear, can be a godsend. What?s more, besides being safe and natural, both products are inexpensive.


Unfortunately, the general public may not hear about either of these products for another ten or twenty years if ever. Thats why Ive

brought them to your attention in this report.





© Copyright 2004, Phillips Health, LLC, Founding Member, Newsletter Publishers Association. Photocopying, reproduction, or quotation

strictly prohibited without written permission of the publisher. Alternatives cannot offer medical services, and no attempt should be

made to use any of this information as a form of treatment without the approval and guidance of your doctor. The approaches described

in this newsletter are not offered as cures, prescriptions, diagnoses, or a means of diagnoses for different conditions. Dr. David

Williams will respond in the newsletter to questions of general interest. Alternatives is published monthly by Phillips Health, LLC,

at 7811 Montrose Road, Potomac, MD 20854, phone: 800-264-4871.



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and what is the white powder? got bored trying to read through all the words.



The powder is called Yamoa powder and it is produced from the bark of a gum tree called Funtumia elastica.

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  • 1 month later...

I also have allergies and asthma. I finally gave in and got tested and I am now getting weekly shots for my allergies. But what I would reccomend is a neti pot. You can get them at any drug store or Wal-Mart. You use it to rinse your nasal passages out. It really does help. Also wonderful for sinus headaches. The advice my Dr gave me was to get a air purifier at least for my bedroom. Try to stay indoors between the housrs of 6am to 10 am when pollen counts are the highest. When you do come in from being outdoors remove your clothes and place them anywhere but your bedroom. Take a shower and wash your hair to remove all the pollen. Getting the shots is not fun but I can tell they are helping me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

WARNING: Please be careful of using a product you have not thoroughly researched. There are numerous testimonies to Yamoa powder but an equal number of warnings involved with reactions.


This product can cross react with a latex allergy for one thing. Be very careful.



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