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A Monday with a riddle


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Morning everyone! :wave:


It's a beautiful sunny morning and I thought I'd open the house since it's cooled off. Good grief, I got it open and started putting more clothes on. It felt sooooooo good and finally, as I was putting a flannel shirt on over my other shirt, I decided to check the temperature.....50 degrees! Amazing after what we've had for the past month. I'm LOVIN' it. :happy0203:


We had company most from about 10:00-2:00 yesterday so I didn't get to the laundry room. I'm up and going this morning with sheets and matress pad ready to hang out and more to put in the washer. As I'm doing laundry the laundry room WILL be cleaned/or at least started on today.


As I was looking for something on the net I came across a page of riddles, quotes, random facts, etc. and couldn't resist reading some. I found the following riddle and will put the answer tomorrow IF no one gets it first.


You all have a great day and let us know what you're up to. :grouphug:


Riddle........A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Sally. The bus driver had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week. Before he left, he gave Sally seven apples. Why?

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I was going to post this morning and was sidetracked.


It's sunny and breezy here today and much cooler than it has been. I just finished picking more tomatoes and peppers and the sprinkler is running to give everything a nice drink. I'll look for potatoes either later this evening or tomorrow afternoon after we finish taking care of my mom in the morning.


The birthday party we went to yesterday was so much fun for the kids and a great time to reconnect with everyone. I think the 3 kids are going to have 3 "adoptive" aunts between my sisters and I because they don't have any. We all grew up together so it's nice to know the families my kids have most of their contact with - never thought I would feel that way but with the way things are heading, I think it's better for everyone involved.


Sliced my thumb open, this time, when I was clearing out the broccoli that was flowering. Told DH, I was turning the broccoli over to him because that's the third time, I've cut my fingers or thumb. :rolleyes: Oh, well, life goes on.


Hope the rest of your days are beautiful!

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We just got back from another trip to Michigan... at the in-laws' vacation spot near their home. LILDD had to get a Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (Tdap) booster shot as well as a Meningococcal vaccine on Friday because they're now required for entering high school. (They must not have been catching enough kids by doing it for college kids. <_< )


24 hours after her shots, she started feeling queasy and was sick for about 24-36 hours more. She's better now, but I know it was the stupid shots. :(


It was ok, just not as much "doing" as usual.


And yeah, it's much cooler and nicer without all the heat and humidity. :wink (2):



And Dee? I'm guessing Sally is of the equine persuasion, maybe? An apple a day till he got back to see his sweet horse? :happy0203:




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Good evening! I still have hamburger with garlic and onions in the canner jiggling away. Yesterday I tried to download a new version of HP Photosmart and apparently did something wrong. Have a box on the screen that won't go away. The computer guy is coming tomorrow I hope. Yesterday the weather channel said 87 for a high today. Early this morning we had a rain and hailstorm. Never even hit 80! This made it much easier to can this afternoon.


Hope your thumb is better soon Jori! We need those ya know!

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Back to work today - made it thru, but had to take a nap this afternoon!! Picked a 5 gallon bucket of green beans between storms tonight, got them snapped, blanched, and in the freezer. I will can them, but just don't have time now -- maybe in November!!

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