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Never forget: 9/11/01


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I really can't say some of the things that are going through my mind after watching this. Most of them are not politically correct, some of them might be deemed unsuitable, and who knows which of them might actually get Darlene in trouble....


All I CAN say is that there are many Americans who have not forgotten this day. There are Americans who still remember this day, whose minds have these images permanantly burned into them. There are Americans who will never let the sacrifices made on this day be forgotten; who will never cease to stand up for the ideals and principles of this great nation; who will always remain willing to do what it takes to protect the United States and its citizens.


People can say that we have to be "politically correct;" they can say that we have to "move on;" they can say that "the past is the past." People can say that Iraq and Afghanistan were a waste of time, and money. I'm sure that the military men and women, brave beyond anything I can reckon, who gave their lives over there would disagree. They didn't die for nothing. They died to protect our country from a threat that still haunts us today.


Nine years after the attacks on September 11th, 2001, we are faced with an even more difficult challenge: protecting the United States of America from those who would assiduously destroy her from the inside, who would, by twisting the Constitution and ignoring the will of the people, alter this nation beyond recognition of those living here today and those that founded it 234 years ago. I'll be damned if I don't personally do what I can to prevent that from happening.


We cannot allow those who died on 9-11-01 to have given up their lives in vain. We cannot dishonor them in that fashion. We cannot.


God bless the United States of America. And thank you, Vic, for posting this link. I am grateful for it.

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There are those who might ridicule the remembrance, and try to belittle the strong feelings the 9/11 tragedy still evokes. I can't imagine a more foolish view. The threat is still there, and it grows stronger by the hour.


I won't "get over it", nor allow the horror of the day to be forgotten, nor the sense of "US" in this country in the days immediately following it. We were ALL Americans... no "hyphenated" foolishness... and we shared in the pain together.


Now we go from a mosque of questionable motives being requested to now being DEMANDED as a right of "religious freedom", while their followers are being whipped into a frenzy over a *possible* book-burning. No peace. No tolerance. No consideration.


We are targets no matter what we do. So do what's right and good.












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Well seeing we were there when it happened..........................

I can tell you we will NEVER forget that day and everything that happened.

I can't even describe the feeling of NOT KNOPWING what was going to happen next and everyone around us had radios and TV going to hear it played out over the rest of the day.

The worst part for us was knowing my Brother might be in the Towers, Only to find out he got to work late and was OK.

We were all outside of my Sisters house (the air was so quite with any planes flying) when we saw a yellow bus (Dan's work truck) come around the corner. All he said was "I am OK, going home to hug my kids and wife").

It took us 2 days before we were aloud to go back upstate (all roads were closed) and Back Home.

For Lori the bad part was, we couldn’t get a phone to work so we could call her Mom to say we were OK for hours. The last they knew was that we may have gone to work with my Brother to 'see NY' from the top of the towers. But lucky for us Lori said no (she doesn't like being 'Downtown'.) but-


The reason I am tell you all this is to say .........................

what a bonding that took place that day and days after. It didn't matter where you came from or where you were people just gathered and talked or prayed. Every time I think of that day and what could have happened and what did happen I have to take a moment to stop and utter a little pray of thanksgiving for us and all around us , both known and unknown.

Yes like others I will never forget seeing it all happen 'live and up close' and what happened to all the people that just happened to be there in the wrong place and the wrong time. And all the firemen that went into help knowing what might happen to them.


This day will always be in my mind and it reminds me that no matter where you are - BE RAEDY FOR WHAT CAN HAPPEN! That will change your life, and those around you, FOREVER!

Make peace with your God, and Love every day you have here - for it can all change in the blink of an eye.


My God Bless,


~Michael and Lori~



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Wow, Michael and Lori

I've got goose bumps reading your first hand account. You're the only folks I know that were THAT close to being IN the towers. God truly does number our days. So many accounts of people who were late to work or sick or whatever that day. Others were there that usually wouldn't have been. And then there are those unbelievably brave emergency workers.....


Folks just like them STILL enter high risk situations every single day in our nation. Hats off to them too. Especially when no one can forget what it cost the crews on 9-11.



MtRider [....glad it wasn't your day, M & L ! :grouphug: ]

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