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Offer from a new member??


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We had a rather strange post today from first-time poster. He sounds nice enough just on the surface, but I moved his post to the "think about it" forum until Darlene and I can discuss it. He's offering free books on watch repair, he just wants your name and address.


As usual, we remind people NOT to give out your personal info online. We don't know who or where or ANYTHING about this person.


If you happened to have seen it (it was posted at 11:35, and I show 25 who saw it, including me), please don't send him your info.


refuge2012, if you are legit, please contact Darlene or I and we'll talk. Thank you.









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WHEW!!!! that sounds a little scary-since many people post about how much food, guns, etc they have--very interesting--thanks Cat!!!

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Not trying to sound like a wet blanket...how many people does anyone know who wants/needs to do watch repair? I know exactly zero. I would be very careful about anyone offering anything and wants your name and address.






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I did see the post when it come on, and I thought the same as you, so I just went on about my business. Knew someone would be along soon to see about things. (But I do have to say I was well prepared because of the 'little talk ' my baby girl gave me recently about talking to people on the internet!) :shakinghead:



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(But I do have to say I was well prepared because of the 'little talk ' my baby girl gave me recently about talking to people on the internet!) :shakinghead:



**nudges Trudy** Does that mean we're not gonna see you in our (coming) new chat program?



Yeah, I found Darlene in a chat years ago... lost and kinda shy. So I made the mistake of ummmm... helpfully tried to encourage her to get back to Mrs S.

Couple'a years later she OWNED it! :o


STILL trying to live that one down.... shakinghead.gif




Ummmm... LOVE YA, Darlene!!!! :happy0203:






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Cat... Thanks for the invite! If I knew how, I'd love to. When we had the last one I thought that I had joined the party, and I posted some stuff- only God knows where lol!! Someone, I forget who, came on and gently told me how to participate next time- but I'm not sure if I can find the post again. When I see the anouncement I'll try again!



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I saw that post yesterday morning and thought it was wierd. I ignored it wondering how watch repair was something I really needed to know.


This is not called a preparedness site for nothing.We are watchful and cautious. And continue to be so......



Yay for Cat and Darlene!





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Cynicism here is kinda thick.


I have posted this on several other boards and this is the only place

where it was received this way. Today we are sending out 16 sets

for free and the only motivation is to help people who are unemployed.


I won't be back so save your cynicism and suspicion for each other

no further post is needed or required.



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Bye... :wave: I would rather keep my cynicism then give out my personal information to someone I don't know.











:24::24: wrong board to not be looking for cynicism...

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Sorry, Sheila, but we *did* ask you to contact us in private, to find out more about you and what you are offering.


If you were offering $100 apiece to anyone offering you their name and address, no strings attached, you would encounter the same. We care more about our safety and privacy than "something for nothing".


That said, if I offered a freebie for a name and address, I'd guess that I would have some takers, because they know me. I've been here over 10 years, I've met some people from here, talked to more on the phone, and they know my heart.


While I appreciate your apparent kindness, I'd prefer to protect our friends by erring on the side of caution.




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I agree with the action of the moderators.


However I also know there are folks out there looking for such information.


For the record we have one such work, "Cyclopedia of Valuable Information for the Jeweler, Watchmaker, & Optician."


Sixty day demo free for download, and we do NOT ask for or keep that information if someone wishes to purchase the full version.



of the Librum

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