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Possible MrsSurvival mini gathering

Mr MomM

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Hello Everyone,

I am rather new to Mrs Survival, as far as being a member, however, I have been to two of the fall gatherings with my wife. I am sure that more of you are familiar with my wife MomM. Well I am trying to take a more active part in Mrs Survival so be patient and I will try to be on a lot more. I also want to thank all of you that sent me birthday greetings in Feb. Yes, I have not been on for quite a while but I will try to be more active.


Well the reason for this post is that I am trying to see if we can organize a small gathering of Mrs Survival members who are in driving distance to Harrison Bay State Park, near Chattanooga, TN. I am a member of a dulcimer band. I play guitar, but when we have the whole band assembled, there are also three hammered dulcimers, four lap dulcimers, and a standup bass. We are scheduled to play at Harrison Bay State Park on Saturday, May 28 at 2:00p.m.. The event is a fund raiser for the park sponsored by "The Friends of Harrison Bay State Park". There will be food for sale all day, a silent auction (which I think the items are more camping equipment), there are various groups that will be there to provide entertainment, the pool opens that day, and if you have a boat, there is a marina that you can launch it and have some fun on the water. Entrance to the park is free.


So since I know that Darlene is within driving distance to the park, I thought that those of you who are also close enough might want to participate in a get together that day. This is in no way a replacement for the normal fall gathering. This is just another opportunity for some Mrs Survival members to get together. We will not be learning any skills other than the proper way to put mustard and relish on a hot dog and that is also up for debate. But the park is a beautiful place and from past experience, there is really not much that is needed for Mrs Survival members to gather and talk and talk and talk...


I went looking for a website to direct you to and found that it appears someone put the wrong date in most of the advertisements. I have someone checking that it is really Saturday May 28 and not Sunday May 29. Because if it was Sunday, I would not be there either. The park said that the pavilion is reserved for Saturday, so let us go with that.


So of course I will be there on Saturday no matter what. However, if you are interested in coming to such a gathering I would like to know so that if enough members are willing to go, we will make it official. And just because my group plays at 2:00 p.m. is no reason that we couldn't start gathering a 9:00 a.m. that day. It is an all day event. Check your calendars, your gas fund, and whatever else you need to check to ensure that you can come and then respond to this post. If you need more information, please post the question here or PM me. A general post is more desirable because then this trail of posts becomes like a frequently asked questions section. However I will respond to PMs as well. Please respond quickly so we have time to figure out if a gathering is possible.


Now please keep in mind, that the event is officially the Friends of Harrison Bay State Park "Friends Fest". So if you come and ask where the Mrs Survival gathering is, no one will know what you are taking about. But please be assured that they don't mind our group crashing the party. Because the more people that show up to this event the better they like it.

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How did I miss this post??? If there is a mini gathering me and my 2 rugrats can attend. Possibly hubby too, but it would depend on whether he has to work or not. I'm about 3 hours from Chattanooga as the crow flies (or the interstate runs).


I need an excuse to come buy another Rock City birdhouse!



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Hello everyone,


The current count after one week,


MomM and I =2

Darlene and DD =2

Poohbear and 2 rugrats (possibly DH) =3 possibly 4

Total = 7 possibly 8



So the list is growing. Keep those cards and letters coming.


Jori, sorry that you cannot make it, but I think you have made a wise choice under the circumstances. Although, you know if you come we might be able to make a training video on "Delivering'. We try to make as many training videos as possible at the gatherings. Sure beats making one on putting mustard and relish on a hot dog.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I was waiting for more people to respond to this, but since we have approximately 8 people that are planning on showing up, then I think at least the 8 of us should get together. Darlene said that she is planning on coming unless something major comes up. I and MomM are going to be there. So Poohbear, if this is still worth your while to come, please come. The invitation is open to anyone from Mrs Survival because it is not like we are reserving anything. The park will be open and who ever comes will be there. But if you are coming, please give a shout here so that we can be looking for you. We will be hanging around the band pavillion so that will help you find us. I guess I will have to come up with a sign or something that will identify us. If you have some outdoor chairs, you might want to bring them or a blanket. There are benches in front of the pavillion, but they are all facing the stage and we may want to just find a place under a shade tree on the lawn to congregate.


So even though currently this is a very mini gathering, it is still a gathering. So plan on it.

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I guess that I will have to be sure to bring a camera. Well if not, there is always the cell phone. But I will try to use a real camera if I remember it. I am really sorry that you cannot come.


Mr MomM

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I'm definitely going to get there unless life blows up in my face, which it does sometimes lol.


It's always special to visit with our friends from here...it's one of those things that feels like it takes so much energy to accomplish, but once together we never want to part.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, one week from yesterday, we will be together at Harrison Bay Park. I will get the sign together and post a picture so you will know what to look for. You will have to make it to the pavillion first however. I will check with MomM and see what time she thinks we can get there. My band does not play until 2:00 pm, but I don't want to waste a good morning that we could be talking. So it will be some time in the morning that we will get there. So stay tuned to my next post. Looking forward to seeing you all there.

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Ok, I have now got the sign ready. It will be the size of an 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of paper mounted on a stick. I think I will somehow connect it to the back of one of our camp chairs. So look for people sitting in blue camping chairs with the sign on one of them. I am attaching the sign to this post in two formats, Word 97 and PDF. Hope that you can open at least one of them.


Please realize that if you decide at the last moment that you can come to the park, please do. There is no RSVP required for this. Other than the sign and this shoutout, there is no prior planning. Just show up. I would suggest that you bring a camping chair if possible. There are some seats in front of the stage, but depending on the time of day, the sun might be shining there. We will probably have our camping chairs in the shade. So find the band stage in the park and then look for the sign and come join us.


I think we will try to be there at least by 10:00 am. I think getting from Knoxville to there by 9:00 am might make me lose my beauty sleep. So if you get to the stage and it is not 10:00 am, don't leave. We will get there eventually and set up the chair with the sign. We can't wait to see you.

Here we are.doc

Here we are.pdf

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I just found out that me and my girls won't be able to come... :sad-smiley-012:


MIL called this evening to let us know some of hubby's family from out of state (that we haven't seen in about 7 years) are coming in for the holiday. They'll be here tomorrow night (staying with hubby's aunt for a week). MIL invited them to her house on Saturday for a cookout. She has some health problems so she asked hubby's sister to help her clean house Saturday morning and has asked me to help her cook. She didn't know I had already made plans.


It'll be good to see them, but at the same time I'm bummed about not getting to come to the mini gathering. We were really looking forward to it. Dang it!

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A mini family reunion is great! Enjoy the family!

Maybe we can get together sometime this summer. MrMomM and I will be at Harrison Bay tomorrow, HighStrung will be playing around 2 p.m. We will still try and be there around 10a.m. I'll try and post here, when we are leaving Knoxville, in case anyone can come there.

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MrMomM and I are getting ready to head out the door for Harrison Bay. Weather forcast is partly cloudy and high of 88. Will definitely be looking for a shade tree to sit under. Have a great day everyone.

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Well you all have been very patient about this, but I must ask you to be patient a little longer. I want to post some pictures and I am waiting for permission to do so. So I will tell the story as soon as I can.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, you have all waited long enough. The mini-gathering was just about as mini a gathering as it could be and still be called a gathering. It turned out that only MomM and I were the only ones that could make it. Darlene had something come up at the last minute and so she was unable to make it. So I have attached a picture of MomM and I gathering under a tree with our sign proudly displayed to make this an official Mrs Survival gathering. There was food there and we took part in the eating of it. The silent auction was also there and they also had a dunking booth that they took turns dunking the park rangers. The musical group that I play with also performed and I have attached a sample mp3 so that you can hear what you missed. I wish that more people could make it because I think we could have had a great time. We will probably be there next year, so when May rolls around next year, let me know if you would be interested in coming. We might be able set one up again. I will keep the sign handy.


The MP3 file that I attached should be able to be played in Windows Media Player. Hopefully it will be loud enough. Sometimes when I convert WAV files to MP3, they lose all of the volume and so you can barely hear it. So let me know if is does not work for you.


Now there is more to the story, but I have not received permission to post this other picture that I have. So I would like to wait and tell that part of the story if and when I get permission to post it. So until then start planning you May 2012.


Hope to post later,


Mr MomM

12 Track 12.mp3

post-7695-033885600 1309144184_thumb.jpg

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I really wish I could have come! I love that style of music! It played fine and was plenty loud on my computer. Hopefully next year! And how come it has been almost a year and you two look the same? Thanks for the photo and music!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok everyone, I received permission to post the other picture that I have so that I can tell the rest of the story. If you remember, I said that MomM and I were the only ones that made the gathering. Well that is true, but Darlene was trying very hard to try to make it back to the area to try to join us. The park is closer to where she lives so she was hoping to stop by. But that was not possible. However, we were keeping in contact with her during the day and it turned out that on her way home from her trip, she was going to be traveling very close to where we live. So it was getting fairly late, but we still made contact at a gas station along the way. So we took a picture to prove it. Shown in the picture are our daughter, Darlene's daughter, Darlene, MomM, our Grandson and then me. Now the visit was way too short, but we still enjoyed every minute of it. So now you know the rest of the story.

post-7695-013379000 1310356068_thumb.jpg

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