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Weeding Tuesday


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Morning everyone :wave:


DH and I finally have a day at home alone which makes it a day to weed gardens. We'll never get caught up but we'll try to get some of it done.


When the pastures dry up a little more, we've had lots of rain, we'll be doing hay so best get what weeding done before then than we can.


How are your gardens doing? Mine are miserable looking but I'm hoping with the heat and sun that July brings they'll straighten up.


Have a good day everyone! :bighug2:

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No garden yet but still have hope! Helped at the Farmers Market this morning. The dairy lady almost sold out. Yay! I sold 2 Banana Breads. Glad she has an inspected kitchen to make them in. I bought green beans for Dilly Beans and the seller next door gave me okra and figs. Pickled Okra and will dehydrate the figs. Have not heard any more about the house but I know these things take time.


Hope you all have had a great day!

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How nice of you to ask! My garden's doing great, as long as I can persuade the deer to stay out. We've had a few 'visitors' that sort of overstayed their welcome. *sigh* They've taken some bites out of the lettuces, raspberries and blueberries, as well as the carrots and an eggplant, of all things. So far a couple of applications of blood meal is doing the trick to keep them at bay. I was thinking that I'd at least get a great crop of onions, as we planted tons and they were growing like crazy; but then a big wind came and toppled many of them and crimped the necks, so we'll see. Honestly though, even with all that, I don't think there's much in the world that's as pretty as a garden in June. We mulched most all of it and it's helped a lot with the uneven moisture here, and helps a bunch with weeds. So much rain followed by pounding heat. Still, it's going to be fine.


Strawberries are pretty much played out. I think I need to plant more. But once the raspberries are bearing hard, I may want to rethink that.



I have to share this with you; I think you'll really understand. Sometimes the weeding's hard. The sun beats down and the sweat runs in my eyes and it seems endless. Then I remember this sweet little song I first heard more than 25 years ago on A Prairie Home Companion. It's called Canned Goods, and it's by a guy named Greg Brown. I sing it to myself and it makes the weeding feel like a gift to my family. I love the part where he says



"When I go to see my grandma I gain a lot of weight


when her dear hands give me plate after plate.


She cans the pickles, sweet and dill,


she cans the song of the whipporwill


and the morning dew


and the evening moon;


I really wanna go see her pretty soon because the canned goods I buy at the store


ain't got the summer in them anymore."



And the chorus says


"Peaches on the shelf,


Potatoes in the bin,


Supper's ready, everybody come on in!


And taste a little of the summer,


You can taste a little of the summer,


You can taste a little of the summer,


My grandma put it all in jars."



Back then I was the mom of young kids. Now I'm the grandma, and it's more joy than I ever could have dreamed.


Want to listen? :)



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Good evening,


Ewwwww, weeding. Most of mine is done, I have a few weeds that I have to dig the bulbs out to kill. I have given up hope for most everything in my garden to produce any more. The black eyed peas gave me a handful, a couple of plants are hanging in there. Zucchini is pretty much toasted. Corn is a lost cause. I am still hoping the onions and garlic do good and a rouge potato plant.


Sorta quiet day. I mended some clothes and worked on some drawings.


It was already in the 90's when I got up at 6 am and refilled the birds water dishes. The birds spent the day in the shade of the tree on the ground. Four varieties of dove, Mexican grackles, mocking birds, sparrows, black birds, quail, road runners, house wrens, and chickadees. Occasionally, a read headed wood pecker and a few humming birds come in during the day, but they usually wait until it begins to cool off in the evening.

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It has been cool and rainy, so the garden is actually really liking all the rain. My watermelon is growing slow, i have never been able to grow watermelon, so i'm not really worried about it.


I think I over planted on the tomato plants, i planted 22 of them and they all lived. I have a mixture of cherry tomatoes, beefsteak and roma.


My green pepppers, potatoes, bush green beans, brocoli and cabbage are all doing well.


I've been fighting the weeds also, i'll never keep up with them!


I hope your gardens start to look better

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Our garden is doing ok, so far. This is our 2nd year. Last year was quite the learning experience! I think we'll learn more and more every year.


Spinach is done. I think I can get one more cutting out of the lettuce.


I can see blossoms on the zuchinni. There's a lot of green tomatoes. We put eggshells into the ground when we planted the tomato plants and are watering less. We lost most of our tomatoes to splitting last year (not safe to can). I really want to can sauce this year! We put in 24 Amish paste plants and 2 Sweet 100s.


The raspberries are coming in--the netting is helping with the birds (somewhat).

The pepper plants have blossoms.


I planted Giant of Italy parsley. Those leaves are huge. I'll have to pick some soon. The oregano is coming in slow, but I think it did last year.


This is our first year for onions. One of the onions has a seed-y looking think on the top of the leaf. Ideas? It also appears something likes to lay in the onions and push them over. One bed that hasn't been pushed over has onions where the tips of the leaves are turning yellow. (suggestions welcome!!)


The pole beans are starting to climb. We put lima beans in pots. Not all of the plants look the same. Would the amount of sun do that? We also did Hitterite soup beans. I hope we didn't mix them up. I guess the proof will be in the pods!


Our potato plants in a washing machine tub are to the top of the tub. No more adding dirt.


Sunflowers didn't come up, so we'll have to replant those. (I'm suspicious of the chipmunks on that one!)

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